Thursday, October 17, 2024


gone are the silent sounds
gone are the hummingbirds
gone are the peacemakers
and their bands of warriors,
gone are the heartbreakers
the soothsayers whose words
brought destruction not healing,
gone are the brick layers and
and all the engineers whose
labors built these pyramids,
gone are the street cleaners,
the wife beaters and the
children's eaters who cartoon
cartoon fantasies kept their
attention all morning long,
gone are the politicians whose
hearts were sincere and bank
accounts empty save the pennies
paid for their services...
gone are the postal riders and
the native Americans who stole
the mail to keep from having
to move again...
gone are the rough Neckers 
and red Neckers who backs
broke building up the wealth,
gone are the stabilizers and the
law enforcement officials who
refused to investigate lynchings,
gone are those who gave a damn
replaced by those who had been
damned and their efforts to
regulate American societies for
their own enrichment purposes.

October 6, 2024 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


dawn approaches from a distance
creepy crawlers out to play
darkness folds in around us
there are no more riddles to solve,
time bends and slow down its
passage as gravity extends its
reach out into the bowels of space,
paper cuts and iodine solve the
problems locally but wisdom
like Alka seltzer does not always
hit the spot on the first attempt,
trees are trimmed in the spring
before the flowers bloom,
gardeners receiving their callings
earlier than first presumed...
morning lifts up her sleepy head
trying to acknowledge our
points of view...  it was just a
few minutes ago, that we were
enshrouded by dark cloaks and
presumed guilty of all charges.

October 6, 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


night peers into tomorrow
yesterday says goodbye
the belt of oblivion
tightens every cycle...
moons follow moons in a
direct line succession,
blotting out the past not
agreeing with the future,
a backwards glance
a stolen kiss
a figure in the shadows
not understand who, what
when or why...  but...
wanting to read the story,
the land of forgotten memories
the evening of restless dreams
a moment or two of despair
that for centuries hung
in our closets with all the
out of season clothes...
vogue has a vague reminder
of what it was or used to be,
when hard drives were
easily restored and hackers
paid attention for fort knox,
we know with certainty how
uncertain life can be when it
is tossed away carelessly
into the next unfortunate day.

October 4, 2024

Monday, October 14, 2024


rain falls into puddles
it never fails
but whence does it fall
and why...  
puddles never form lakes
lakes never form oceans
but rivers feed both,
and we wonder why...
dogs and cats play
in puddles,
as do children, and
parents wonder why...
as do we all
but why...
rain falls into puddles
it never fails
and from the sky
it comes but not like
the sideways wind
or the rolling stones
that made the roads
on which we travel...
never once do we
wonder why...
when it comes our
time to die.

October4, 2024

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Nuclear Option

hardly an hour, a day, a week

passes by that we don't witness

changes in our personalities...

our mental clarities

our self-esteems and our

self-awareness of life itself...

bending viruses flow through

our bodies like blood on its

way to nourish organs...

deterioration begins,

we fight off what we can

succumb to all the rest...

victims of life and all its

advances we are dumber for

so not as smart we become,

negating each other's wills,

allowing selfishness to dictate

actions and behaviors not always

that dissimilar... while some

predict destruction and decay,

entropy in proper ordering...

we have unleashed holly hell

on mankind, her disciples

and all her children forever.

October 3, 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Time Has Her Way

time has her way with my
moral decline, leaving
me wondering if being
destitute is my only
salvation - save the mind
and not the body... is of
principle concern to my
coroners...  I am the one
who committed the crime
as they so fondly say...
time has her way with my
indecisive behaviors, as
I wonder off here and there
when there is no need for
either other than to see
what I cannot see better...
time has her way with my
mental banishment as
the thoughts that were
once there are no more\
and the thoughts that I
never wanted have been
attacking me like wolves...
time has her way with my
good fortunes as there
has been no fortunes
found for decades and
those retrieved were taken
away to charities since
questionable from whence
that had approached me.

October 2, 2025

Friday, October 11, 2024


awaken you fool

rise up from your slumbers

the day has begun again

and you are behind,

awaken you malcontent

and be done with

your foolishness,

morning has gone 

and you are behind

in your involvements,

awaken you imbecile

my thoughts are 

no longer yours when

you behave as this,

leaving me in such a

discourteous fashion,

awaken self and join with

the other parts of me

so that our whole is more

or less again complete.

October 2, 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024


we are resolute



our beliefs solid


remarkable in their


remote in their


life without death

death without life

paroled into the

vast universe

of unknown silence,

bouncing from one

galaxy to another,

justice found,

our quest ignored,

unfortunate in our

birth year...

crying in the shadows

for lost innocence,

aged indifference,

and the notion we

are simply human.

October 2, 2024

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Seeing Belief

see the wind

with its magnetic 


remove its roots

from the soil,

see the rain

with its lustful eyes

fill the banks of

a small pond.

see God's hand

as it waves goodby

to all followers,

catching the lifeline of

another belief,

see the band that plays

the songs, no one

wants to hear,

see the curtain close 

on the annual play

as the actors take

up acrobatics,

see the land that once

belonged to us.

being taken to grow


see the people, 

wearing clothes of their

opposites wish for

sexual attraction.

see the stars 

in the evening sky

bend and twist towards

oblivion, just to see

another sunrise.

October1, 2024

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

By Design

nature launces her counterattack
unprepared mankind misunderstands,
trees needed for homes and buildings
forests needed for expensive resorts...
lands needed for food and burials
depleted resources mount up...
dead soldiers face down in puddles
pretending their lives mattered not,
roads and bridges destroy the landscape
acid rains destroy all the crops...
vines cover destroyed monuments
ivy covers all the windows, allowing
spiders and their families to flourish,
webs of deceit obscure our vision,
machines build lakes and dams,
redirecting mother nature's reach,
can extend her reach - out battles
continue relentlessly with no desire
on either side for the design to end.

October 1, 2024