Thursday, March 6, 2025


frustration increases on the normal
side of anxious reality...  protocols
dictate what is or what is not...
tempers flares as risk diminishes
with words expressed incorrectly
and interpretations always favor
those who have the least to lose.
both side revel in the spotlights
advisors meek and bold suggest
failing strategies and the deal
crumbles like bowls of over-
cooked cookies...  soon to be
carted off to the poor and needy.
fingers pointing at the opposition
glad that failure has taken place,
outcomes are no longer important
as long as nothing is gained and
all ventures finally suspended...
holes in the curtains block out
less sun but allow penetration
of peeper's eyes seldom referred
to as voyeurs...  noble is the cause
and horrendous is the downfall of
those who deemed themselves too
nimble for mistakes to catch them.

March 1, 2025

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Sunlight Entering

sunshine morning begins the day
enters the house and sunroom,
pushes out the darkness of sleep
awakened and refreshed...
outside coolness washes our face,
chilly and cold the day really is,
false impressions must beware,
knowing who we are or to be
can only arrive slowly...
impeached by the weather of
transition, we misjudged our
environment of light...
sunlight brings warmth and
coolness - it does not change
to season to what they are not,
we suspect and dream and
fantasize but we are never there
until warmth inside comes from
without the outside sunlight.

February 28, 2025

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Young Citizen

speak up young citizen if you dare
let them know how you feel,
voice your opinion strongly or
someone will voice it for you...
lay down you burden and
follow me for I am the truth
and the light of the world,
I am righteousness and all
things good in this world...
stand on your own young
citizen, if you dare to be
counted with the rest of us,
pull our your mental sword
speak your mind to those who
desire to oppress you and all
that you stand for and believe,
live out your life in wisdom
that you maintain your rightful
innocence to be who you are,
go where you want to go and
think what you want to think,
lay down you life young citizen 
your truth will finally prevail.

February 27, 2025

Monday, March 3, 2025


we see life everywhere
in the skies
on the ground
in trees and bushes
in the leaves of grass
worms underground,
in the waters...  seas, 
creeks, ponds and oceans,
how wonderous
it all is or seems to be,
how glorious
is the creator of all,
yet it came from nothing
something from emptiness,
in the heavens long ago
before anything was
it was will be...
no time there was either
starting together
nonexistence to life
zero time now passes
how wonderous
what we have really is,
remarkable in how
it all came to be,
and we are part of it all,
now it seems
with our current lives.

February 26, 2025

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Thirty Days

Rome burned and Mt Olympus quivered

Knights of the table round grouped,

Popes and Cardinals sat on thrones

while citizens of France ate cake...

history tells a different story when

written by those who did not win and

when read aloud to children takes the

form of a fairy tale or ghost story...

we rid ourselves of fools everyday

and in so doing make us stronger or

so, the soothsayers say - when in reality

the world is just as dangerous as before

perhaps moreso since it advances every

decade or so with or without our help,

we are crude examples of life yet we

have survive for this long and will

continue to do so despite the gods who

predict we will collapse in thirty days.

February 25, 2025

Saturday, March 1, 2025


how fleeting are we
creatures of lesser gods
dominion over all
not over ourselves...
weak as a sparrow
crazy as a fox
the devil incarnate
oblivious to it all...
our lives forfeit
damage already done
no one wins the game
except those who sold
the tickets - we are shy
of insanity, too bold
for encouragement and
too lazy to exercise...
nothing begins before it
has ended once we have
disapproved of all its
surroundings - we call
ourselves real patriots.

February 24, 2025

Friday, February 28, 2025

But Once We Are

sunshine through the window comes
melting outside frost,
dangers of the cold persist while
remaining cozy inside,
heat penetrates the senses
cold defines its boundaries
solutions no longer exist for some
others perish from too much,
alive we are but once
dead we are forever,
playfully we skip rope in the sun
voyeurs watching from inside,
windows magnify the distance
adjusting speed accordingly,
space has no limitations
except life does not survive,
bound for the future we are
wanting now only a thermal
increase to our predetermination.

February 23, 2025

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Dimensional Caretakers

time lives on the other side of reality

reality controls time's advancement,

the universe is stunned by the birth

of coincidence it had buried in black

holes after the cosmic inflation...

exponential was the growth that

until now was forgettable and will

become lesser known once time

and reality join forces, creating

warped dimensions who's whole

responsibility lies with the inherent

explanation of spacetime...  a time

where space is nonexistent and 

what we see or experience is only

illusion's reality - we exist on the

edge of non-existence and the

dimensional caretakers that have

arisen out of nothingness and

have become our guardians.

February 22, 2025

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Born Without Color

into this world we are born

not of our own choosing

but here nonetheless...

we are naive and innocent

afraid, ignorant, and

dependent upon others...

we grow up angry, alone,

and very much indifferent,

looking to understand all

we don't really want to know

but need to survive...

we are meaningless to nature

to her unlimited skies

to her great oceans and seas,

to the grains of sand on

which we walk daily...

we have no colors inside us

save for the red blood

keeping us alive -  we spend

our days wondering why.

February 21, 2025

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


decide for yourself which way you go

a silver moon collides with thoughts

cattails frame the image

a lone bird investigates,

the morning sky makes a disappearance

as does its afternoon reflections,

glowing waters simmer along the surface

of feelings we so often forget

when trying to live our lives,

disrespecting nothing in our way,

once the hindrance is removed...

we are free to grasp and reach out and

learn new things from experiences

but, like the bird, we hesitate

caught in the image of wondering.

February 20, 2025