Sunday, May 31, 2020

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series XX of XX

the web of uncertainty masks the fear
of a mother daughter reuniting
and affirms the faith,
sheltered, we stand naked
trembling, we turn towards each other,
desperately, our moments trace out the
overlays of our disparity
and we are honored
as our thoughts are burned
and immortality escapes our will,
nestled quietly in the dim lit
alleys of our sacred cities,
monuments stand erect
alone as we are but
not as desperate as we became.

January 22, 1984

within the gently flowing span of an evening
times rests quietly on the couch as we
share the moments that keep us apart
and contain the longing and the
passion that slips past us like the
wine whose spirit is set free
as each glass is poured;
within the context of mortality,
we tremble and melt into each other's
arms and briefly hold back reality
as we caress the softness of youth
and recapture the source of our
energy whose bottled potential
is conveyed by prescription only;
with the silent sounds, we musically
dance away our fears whose spirit is just
as limitless as our freedoms are short lived
and our movement are stilled by the
body heat that burns within our bodies
like smoke rising in a room forcing us
to fall victim to the fires of our desires.

March 12, 1984

inside the ramblings of lover's arguments
words abusively penetrate the sanctity
of compassion and fill the void between
emptiness and loneliness that rests in
fragile levels between loyalty and disrespect;
continuing the absurd patterns our lives
have taken to explore the depths of hatefulness,
are the vicious cycles of what we wearily
consider a relationship should admire and
yearn to abandon the regrets not tolerated.

March 12, 1984

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series XIX of XX

If Only Briefly
keeping each other's secrets sheltered and protected
tears remind us of our weaknesses and unafraid,
we parade our splendor as if our youth was present;
free to choose, we remain a prisoner of our longing,
sharing what little passion we'd allow to escape
unmolested into the back roads of our fantasies;
"just hold me," we say when our love needs
reassurance and our embrace gently nudges us into
silent acceptance that once surrendered makes us one;
avoiding when overwhelmed, our roads have always
crossed returning us to that point of origin still feared,
whose power numbs and hurts as we adjust to its magnetism;
our sensitive courage affected by troubled souls helplessly
bound like us, cries out to be released to a guiltless
existence where reality is measured in moments of
patience and like Gypsy Moths we find solitude in
our special feelings where our tears of love glance into
the fantasy our souls enjoyed...  if only briefly.

December 3, 1984

my feelings are stripped away
like the bark of an old tree,
whose purpose has been outlived
and must cast declining shadows
as the young grow from its decay;
twisting and turning, we all distort
our branches as we reach forth
to form silent partnerships with those
who understand our solitude yet
the excuses we make fall to the
ground as do the leaves when the
season announce their mortality,
and we forgive the traveler whose
journey through our forest creates
that paths that we must follow and
the leaves that cushion our steps
hide the tree bark that fell to the
ground all those many years before;
nature captures its survivors in
graceful symmetry and we are
sheltered by its soft sounds and colors;
our minds like the hollow of a tree
hold our memories and the winds
rustle through our thoughts as they
gently erase our pain and attempt
to refresh our lonely weariness, and
our guilt is stripped away like the
bark from some old tree whose
usefulness is a welcomed reminder
that our paths provide routes without
mazes which at times we are unable
to see and together we clear away
the rest of the fallen trees ahead.

February 20, 1984

as we unravel the delicate fabric
from around our shoulders, we
can no longer shelter the sensitivity
that our touch commands nor can
we control the sensations that our
passion evokes, yet we suspend
willingly, our fears that gently
revolve inside the dream like
world that we have created;
imposing on each other all those
cares that we recklessly toss aside,
we reaffirm those changes that were
so easily abandoned so long ago.

March 8, 1984

Friday, May 29, 2020

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series XVIII of XX

And If We Care
amid the pains of caring
for something we can
possess but not have,
we absorb the comments
that distort who we are
and what we want yet
still want to experience;
is the time spent apart magnetizing
our feelings and pulling us protectively
closer as we miss and long to be together?
sharing discreet moments with
limited touching, our passion grows
while being suppressed and the
desire burns with us like some
hot sultry summer evening;
wasting our restlessness on a
back porch fancy that calms
once we are together and carefully
suspends our fears as we embrace
and gently surrender to our love
before we can say goodbye.

February 6, 1984

trapped within the truth of feelings
our touch releases all secrets
once protected by mental shelters
and the fear of uncontrollable desires,
that were unmistakably shared and
now long to be with constantly;
we who are our parent's pride
must put aside our differences
with soft lingering kisses that
deeply probe past the barriers of
sincerity and security as we breathe
in the perfumes of our heated passions
and postpone the inevitable that is
outlined in the shadows of our eyes;
eyes that strip away the layers
deadening the the open endings
imprisoned inside tides of tenderness
and bathed in moments neither understands

January 30, 1984

Second Glance
because we allowed ourselves to
accept each other's weakness and
restrict each other's potential,
our understanding privately betrayed
what we publicly accepted with our
only realistic reminders being that
we will always be each other's love.

March 27, 1984

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series XVII of XX

as we suffer in the realities
of the decisions made for us
like some ancient ritual still
encased in the pyramid bowels
whose spirit reaches beyond
imagination and withdrawal
of the senses occurs in
syncopated rhythms as
pond ripples gentle reflect
the calmness of afternoon walks...
and coffee...
and embraces that brought us
close to the essence of pure emotions
and the belief that we must soon
follow the luck of the Irish
whose faceless grin announced
our compassion...
our resolution...
and our willingness to surrender
ourselves to our inner secrets
and inadvertently fall in love.

April 4, 1984

in between reality and fantasy we
cling to our possessed wills and see
the darkness of each other's souls;
in between the question's answer
and openness and casual expression
we attempt to provide protection;
in between nights of lost and restless sleep
we carefully trace the time spent together
and why we let the evening's end;
in between walking at my pace and
allowing an obscure distance to occur,
we allow torment and confusion to hide
the uncomplicated life we tried to lead.

January 30, 1984

cloaked in a night veil of secrecy
balance by rituals of risk and loneliness
predetermined by guilt
fatalistic and cautious
unhampered by conventions or their denial,
I locked myself in a cocoon of creativity
proclaimed self-indulgence
cut the lifeline of sharing and being shared
floated aimlessly and
only tangent to life and its purpose,
I became foreign in my native land
and was forgiven yet my thoughts remained
hidden away like some closeted homosexual
and my tears released my passion
repossessing my insecurities and
my feeble ability to reach out.

January 30, 1984

one by one I lay my burden
upon your back as it begins 
steadily arching upward,
your blood flows through my veins,
the sweat from my body fall like 
teardrops on your womanhood...  
we are one, complete;
gentle fingers quietly trace the 
outline of your body and eyes 
gaze into each other's reflection as
time momentarily stops and
we explore limitations, 
define boundaries and 
experience the mysticism that 
seems to be pulling us together... 
slowly revolving around lips that 
explore each other's softness
while eyes penetrate...  
melt...  and absorb;
hands render sensations through
the fabric of our souls...  
intertwined, yet separate we
maintain the brevity of the moment...
and fade away our
bodies retain the vibrations
of trembling hearts and we 
long for the subtle caresses 
that stole our securities and
protected our togetherness.

February 1, 1984

Midnight Minus Thirty-Five

a dark stillness lays on the ground
and as far upwards as one can see;
it is difficult to know just how far
up one can see with no bearings;
a yellow cat sits with me outside
on our screened in porch looking
out into the darkness as well as he
sees what I cannot and our ears
perk up a little as we hear the
distinct sound of rain hitting the
leaves as it falls through our dark
surroundings on its way down;
it lasts but a moment but just long
enough to increase the humidity
of the dark night as the gauge on
the post still registers eighty and
I wonder just how inaccurate it
has become in its old age or it
might just be wishful thinking;
light from a street lamp darts off
in four directions like a cross and
and three perfect circles of softer
light surround the center one as
I adjust my eyes thinking they
may be more tired than my body;
Hercules cannot enter my night's
mythology since Thor and Odin
rescued me first from my bed,
slipping a dream into my head
that only the two of them can
change the course of my thoughts;
our youngest yellow cat is somewhat
of a bully around the other two,
especially if he does not get his way,
still, he does not want to be left
alone at times which is why he has
decided to join me out here even
though his time is spent sleeping;
sitting outside at any time of the day
is a luxury seldom afforded me but
when I find myself outside with
just my thoughts, I tend to write
something down on paper, not
knowing if it will be read or not
and not knowing if it is liked,
yet write away I do as motivated
by the dark rain and the dark sky.

May 27, 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series XVI of XX

seldom do we notice nor
seldom do we care
what life whispers and
what seasons command the
inexperienced to challenge
the disappearing friendship
that reaching our provides...
and...  as the mist falls apparent
on our sacred feelings and we
turn our neighborly backs away,
who shall we call upon
to rebuild the wall of trust
that now obstructs our path?
awkwardly, we attempt to
control the harness
placed upon our obscure feelings
that question our thoroughness
to guide life's brevity and
foolishly replace pride with
vanity as we misinterpret
a new aggressive code of ethics
whose assertive balance
is now embedded in the roads
on which we travel;
in time our turn is forfeited
and our tears scar the
soil of humanity, and we toy
with our insecurities and
toss salt leftward,
avoid black cats and return
the ladders of growth to our garages;
why are we so helpless
that we cannot allow
our accomplishments to
include the caring of others?
April 11, 1984

In Closing
from our ashes we rise external and
surrender into the complete knowledge
that brought us both to accept the
love that fate will soon separate.

as we long to recapture
the moments of what we
might have done...
could have done...
or should have done...
may we spare ourselves
the agony of regret and remember
only the splendor and the feelings
of what we were able to give.

convince me not we should have cared
and I will not convey the loneliness
that you reluctantly replaced.

as I try to sleep and
think not of what must be,
tears flow freely and moisten
the cheek that caressed
just this afternoon as your
lips tasted my sensitivities.

April 9, 1984

Forever Is Not Too Long
naked... we lie together
our bodies tightly knit
weaving a solemn promise
as we unite in understanding and
disrobe our conscious desires
that tenderly gave us the
courage to say goodbye;
embracing...  our bodies overlap
our arms press tightly while
hands gently explore all the
fleeting moments...  and,
quivering kisses extend our senses
beyond our control and what
we have imagined before;
imprisoned...  heightened sensuality
slowly removes protective
garments as shielded softness
seals our determinations like the
heated iron of a blacksmith;
joined expectations restrict the
freedoms that so easily is
taken for granted...  and,
in the empty space between
emotions and reality, we
release the frustrations that our
love has provide and the
months that we have shared.

April 9, 1984

as we gracefully ebb our way
through life's misfortunes, the
scars of battle form the ageless
wrinkles on our innocent brow;
as we crisscross our way around
life's continuum , our ostrich like
countenance protects us from the
losers and the winners proclaim
their loss of any new sacrifice;
as we pretend not to notice those
who are less fortunate or those
who wear not their scars well,
we are allowed to redeem ourselves
and revel in the joys of humility;
as we self-proclaim and self-indulge
our narcissism frees us from
petty jealousies and the adulation
of the winner's circle and how
often must we yield our crown
the following year to the new victor.

March 26, 1984

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series XV of XX

together we can forever
dreams and slip past
that part of our lives
where saying goodbye
doesn't mean an end to 
the youthful countenance
we gave each other.

April 12, 1984

in a disorganized society we
foolheartedly arrange our
priorities to include the
pretense of order and the
logical sequence of similarity
that is as unattainable as
the silence we seek
while in a restless sleep.

April 12, 1984

if we journey past our destination
finding ourselves out-of-sync...
temporarily displaced in time...
and space occupies just a little more
than a simple handful of memories,
can we choose our ills
before the cures are determined
and before our change of address
is announced and before all that
we own is forwarded to a mailbox
that bears not our correct name?

April 12, 1984

sometimes when our routines
are disturbed by misfortunes,
and our friends suffer needlessly,
our compassion is overwhelmed
beyond its coping capacity,
we hide our feelings in a closet
of friendships that allow us to
absorb emotions and maintain
a disguise of strength as we
float purposefully from one
encounter to another, never
willing to escape or postpone
the erratic sensations which
caring bestows upon us
simply yet graciously.

April 12, 1984

Monday, May 25, 2020

A Memorial Day THANK YOU...

Life Poetry

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series XIV of XX

The Big House
we gave each other love
you teaching me how to love
I you how to make love;
we both consumed ourselves
in each other's passion and
experienced the fragile
nature of our feelings;
our desires, like wet clothes,
clung to us and our lips
skillfully controlled our sensuality,
our bodies harmonized
pressing firmly together,
allowing us to feel
each other's excitement
and spasms like two
tormented lovers released
from their abstinence;
fingers burned yesterday's
memories into the thin
membranes of our rewoven souls;
opened pores breathed in,
filling our stained lungs
with the stamina to continue;
mentally we gave ourselves
totally knowing in absolute terms
what we thought we wanted,
saying the completed sentence
in silent gestures, realizing that
our eyes already knew the truth.

May 3, 1984

For A Long Time
casually we exist in each other's shadows
imbued with a soft understanding
a quiet elegance of memories
carved into our souls forever;
we reflect an external salvation
the illusive palette of our lives filled
with colors, mixed and rearranged,
forming endless patterns and sensations
in our bodies that demonstrated our longing
on the canvas that we had no where to hang;
and...  as we moved into different spaces
and confronted ourselves with new experiences
we cried out for the loss of the past
etched long ago in the seagull skies above
our passion as if it were some sympathetic
reminder that our love will last a long time.

April 23, 1984

costumed lovers dressed in moonlight
silhouetted reflections against the
pale crystalline pond of desire,
together yet separate
fatalistic yet complete
stunned by the magnitude of feelings contrary
to their own behaviors,
are joined as one and are centered
in their own frustrations;
careful and deliberate they bathe in
each other's heated passion and undulating movements
as their own rhythms carelessly move like
ocean tides across their bodies;
moist tongues explore their passionate recesses
leaving trails that glisten in the dim light of the evening
and allow the tingling sensations to bond
their two slim bodies together;
gently, these blind lovers, robbed of their limitations,
manifest their sensuality in their hands where
delicate caresses quietly soften the eroticism
flowing through their veins and fully accept the
aphrodisiac satisfaction that has momentarily intertwined
their bodies, their love, and life's pleasant encounters.

April 19, 1984

outwardly we suffer internally
and sharing not our silence, we
sparingly conserve our affections
and the monotonous sequences
of futility our lives have taken;
our protectors...  life's survivors
dictate the commands that draws
taut the  marionette strings of our
futuristic and futile existence.

April 18, 1984

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series XIII of XX

In Lieu of...
our hearts beat in out-of-time rhythm
as we lay side-by-side on the floor;
our bodies tingle with quiet vibrations
as we try to hold back our recklessness;
muffled gasps of excitement escape
between parted lips and we turn away
in mutual fear of our reminded fantasies;
vainly we steal quick glances
at our partner's unclothed desires
and realize our own buried passion,
when released, burns our brand inside
our private moments that were once
carefully wrapped by the unseen
strength of our dreams, and as we
melt together, we unite ourselves in
the spirit of each other's love...

May 14, 1984

carelessly we shelter our thoughts
protective and secure as we hold onto
them like loose change in our pockets;
recklessly, we abandon despair and
reach out for the warmth of the sun
and the memory of our tomorrows.

May 23, 1984

\All Treasures are not Found
little-by-little we remove the worn
exteriors of our independence,
announcing yesterday's feelings as
newly released passion lyrically
narrows the distance, pulling our
essence into a delicate balance;
willingly, we reluctantly surrender,
yet, everyday we long for the desires
burnt upon our breasts while bravely
we trust in our own futile future.

May 11, 1984

Inconvenient Lovers
quietly we presuppose
our love allows the future
to command our wills
and remain on call
while we develop
our own lives
apart and separate,
set in motion
by latent differences,
we brought frustrations
into rediscovering
how to miss
the reality of fantasies
and to belong
to the partnership of risks
that planned encounters
and rearranged
our complacent lives.

May 14, 1984

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series XII of XX

amid the calm exterior of
silence we must occasionally
leave room for our sojourn
apart from reality and
attempt to live in the
abstractions of dreams.

June 9, 1084

To Soar on the Wings of Seagulls
we proclaim each other's love
disrupt each other's lives
restructure each other's morality and
occasionally we lose control
unaware that our comments
regretfully resolve our dilemma;
yet, tears announce our inability
to accept the sincerity that
something good must come from this,
that in some way we must transfer
all that we have shared or stored for later;
predetermined we prepare ourselves for
when we must give to others the
same completeness we learned together,
knowing that walks in the park
can only temporarily postpone our fate
and while in exile, isolate our loneliness
but not our wills, nor our love
which shall permit us, one day, to
soar as one on the wings of seagulls.

May 30, 1984

Frowns replace smiles and our
compassion make us vulnerable,
exposed to the secrets that rose
freely through our senses, keeping
us reminded of the wall that
took us four years to tear down;
we cry inside as others laugh
for a makeshift sequence of events
and the rationale to continue;
our seeds implanted long ago in
the soil of our inescapable desires
fertilized by our tears, harvested our
longing giving the earth a chance
to reclaim its romance and us a
chance to put our fears to rest.

May 26, 1984

emptiness fills the hollow of my body
and my nostrils catch the overflow
of tears and my weakness stems from
our involvement and the courage
we gave to hold onto our inner strength
as escaped emotions remained trapped
within the endless memories we have
for each other and my shoulders can
no longer carry the burden that leaving
has cast towards us and my lips taste
your tears as they touch your eyes.

May 23, 1984

Friday, May 22, 2020

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series XI of XX

A Very Special Love
we have developed a closeness
that solves our similarities
and compromises our neglect,
we photographed our desires
hanging them with other thoughts
in the quiet solitude of memories,
we gentle lift our spirits
when our reassurance questions
the boundaries we have set;
softly spoken we caress in words
what lovers do in darkness,
we put ourselves where we shouldn't be
and feel each other's pain as we
justify our regrets because our love
is special and bonds us together;
we share that unique quality
that permits us to be in love
as we love others who love us back
and we allow only that
which is positive to be a part
of us apart so that we might
keep the best of us together.

June 19, 1984

drifting through life is clever disguises
we paint new faces, lyrically composing
the one ones in lines without music,
while our helplessness is momentarily
postponed and a purposeful glance
woefully pressures us into submission.

June 14, 1984

we seldom see ourselves as attractive
yet we attract comparative glances
finding approval in their smiles and
accepting their false motives behind
their ritualistic improper advances.

June 10, 1984

the warmth from the sun
heats my shoulders as the
winds mute it direction,
and Willie Nelson distantly sings,
"to all the girls we've loved before;"
the salt smell of the water
the faint cries of seagulls
cautiously blocks our reality
from which we have escaped
and momentarily we substitute
our routines for a haven of
free-spirited weekenders.

June 9, 1984

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Poetry Reading

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series X of XX

what joys of love shared we
those months that passed quickly by
and adventures past we've seen
what beauty present and age mixed;
think not of what we've been but
what we've taught and how we've grown
into that space where memories lurk
and trumpeters serenade our episodes of
parting friends and substitute "me too's".

July 11, 1984

Lost Familiarity
when we were young and innocent
and freedom was without direction,
our weekly groceries were ten dollars,
our only obligations were to each other,
and our trust consisted of shared albums,
drinking weekend beers, downtown walks,
hand-in-hand and our future owned by no one
went nowhere; yet, we were happy and
life was simple to us as we watch others
make their lives complicated...  our
collection of shells waited by the door,
documenting our search for the perfect
treasure and our selection narrowed as
our focus became of lost passions,
of cold winters that served only to
reunite our lost familiarity and we both
longed for what was no longer there.

July 10, 1984

outside my window
the grass grows green and
motor cars, half seen, form
an ever changing canvas of
colors and reflected light;
outside my window
are other buildings with
other windows and people
who wonder why my
window is so special;
outside my window
are endless roads of
imagination and undrawn
cartoons by nameless artists
whose still life's of life
distract only a few;
outside my window
I see myself and my
image wonders why we
look alike and if my sight
affects his point-of-view.

July 2, 1984

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series IX of XX

Those Fleeting Moments
disrobed and anointed, cleansed by the
purification of intentions, we stand
awkwardly facing each other, timid, yet
aroused as we behold our partner's beauty;
eyes transmit the longing, keeping us
motionless for endless minutes until,
like magnets, we are drawn together and
our cool flesh is heated...  pulling us
into a trance-like state of sensations;
our motionless bodies gradually explore
texture and softness while our bonding
heightens every fiber, every nerve ending
of our being as we  convey our pleasure in
reluctant kisses that release buried passion;
we are alive and our touch betrays our
willingness, allowing us to once again show
the love we hide inside like some sacred
treasure whose presence can only be
unveiled temporarily, and we can only
share those fleeting moments sporadically
always exceeding the point of no return.

July 26, 1984

For Those Who Ran Away
bring me home a lonesome traveler
bring me home a weary soul
I've walked my share of endless highways
and slept alone in the cool night air;
for twenty years I've wonder onward
for half my life I've seen the world
my mind's so cluttered with sights unwanted
I wear the truth of nature's scorn;
I know the earth and what she offers
shelter, food, and a wrinkled brow
and still I walk against the wind
and hold no ties and none hold me;
sometimes Lord, you'll hear me whisper
to take my soul and set me free as I
bear no grudges against my captors
I sing my song as I might see the
winds winds of war that last I ran from
have finally reached our and found me.

July 24, 1984

jokingly we remarked on our
own sense of helplessness,
proclaim our own independence,
spending most of our time alone
while others occasionally rationalize
their security and venture into
the darkness for their prey and an
evening of isolated forgetfulness;
casually we allow our partners
to add our ship to their collection
as we constantly bail out the
affections that seep out from walls.

July 17, 1984

tears slowly leave my eyelids while
my head looks in your direction and
I feel the weight of your body upon me;
your hands frame my face as mine
gently pull through your hair and our
eyes knowingly surrender our souls
and ecstasy shakes us closer as we push
the essence of our feeling together;
soft moans reach inside me, blending
my thoughts into yours and shaping
what little innocence we have left
into a desire that draws out our emotions
like some ancient incantation and we
embrace  involuntarily as if possessed.

July 11, 1984