Wednesday, July 3, 2024


along the lines of least resistance
we walk - like robots...
wordless - expressionless
eyes wide and fixed - dilated,
quietly searching for those
with similar characteristics...
mindless we perform our chores
like children of the keep would
back in the day...  swords and
spears at the ready - long live
whomever or so we say, not real
sure of our vocabulary...
along the road of normalcy, we
tend to find ourselves strolling
without the slightest of cares
or misconceptions, just good little
soldiers going to work every day.

June 28, 2024

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tediously Toiling

free spirits rise from the gloom of the nest
leaving the past behind them, hoping their
thoughts will correct everything else...
ranging bulls gallop mindless around the
walls of the arena hoping to gore any
and all in their path - clowns in colorful
dress steer them off another way and the
crowd boos out their loss of fun...
fans of the idol stand aimlessly in the
cold dark recesses of the alley, hoping
to catch a glimpse of a falling star...
mother and daughter drink tea on the
sidewalk of their favorite cafe, hoping
to catch a glimpse of passing royalty...
we hedge our bets each day by betting
on either side of an opportunity, never

realizing we do nothing but breakeven.

June26, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024


fear lies at the footsteps of courage

awareness is the foundation for fear

parents teach awareness to children

lessons learned teaches parents...

natural cycles have been broken

by well-intentioned individuals

and the harm is always delivered

to our future innocent generations.

June 26, 2024