Saturday, October 5, 2024

Brief Encounter

candles burn in the dark
leading the way...
a figure in front of me
another behind...
to the right and left they
stand in silence...
light from the candles
they hold, illuminate,
nude aberrations they are
to me as well as I am
to them as we pass...
on the bed you lay 
your back to me I see
as I am laid down beside,
moving to face,
slippery sliding we are,
all those before and
all those after,
leaving us to wonder
if we come together.

September 26, 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024


right or left, who's to say 
sometimes in between,
this way or that it seems
nothing ever changes...
re-elections, bribes, and
increasing riches is what
it is all about - we mere
mortals who have endured
for years, know what it is
all about...  kings and queens
have come and gone,
dukes and prices too,
freedom bears the cross of
death, zooming our lack
of knowledge daily...
children see and imitate
so it perpetuates and no
one sees and end in sight,
without a terminal illness,
laughing dignitaries' bleed
us dry with their rhetoric,
we give them the keys to
our treasures and wives make
them bread and cheese for
their domestic journeys...
we the people, no longer see
no longer care and no longer
weep of the days behind us.

September 25, 2024


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Cheese and Crackers

rain and lightning make the day

clouds dispersed everywhere,

inside remains charming were

it not for the fans...  trimming

trees and chainsaws nowhere

to be seen today, yesterday or

tomorrow...  the weather remains

keeping dry as best we can.

shades of uncertainty, sometimes

despair associated here or maybe

there, as it persists, and I wonder

how long it will last before all my

cheese and crackers are eaten.

September 25, 2024

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

State of the Union

children dying of cancer
one out of five,
disabled vets begging
their leaders for help,
mistreated animals at
the hands of owners,
elderly Jews asking the
world for help...
mothers of children cry
over gun violence,
fathers of victims no
longer have trust,
politics hides behind
words not actions,
and the worker can
only struggle to survive,
what a monstrous hellhole
we have created...
no offer from above is to
arrive anytime soon,
we steal each other's values
as easily as we have sought
to abandon our values,
we are ignorant hypocrites
who claim intelligence,
superior intellect and
insightfulness but lack
the courage to share
or even compromise.

September 23, 2024

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Sky Gods

in our sky castles we live

looking down...
the world below has
become so frivolous,
petty and mundane,
selfish and self-centered,
we take from the poor
give to the rich,
calling it taxes...
we prosecute those who 
oppose us while
censoring information
to maintain control...
from our sky clouds we
laugh at the mortals who
share our views and
believe our truths...
we are the gods you 
created from your needs
and desires, and now
we are here to make you
pay for that ignorance.

September 23, 2024