Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Five


wind slaps my face like
a jealous schoolgirl,
combing my hair in
several different directions,
apple pie fantasies blow
though my mind, leaving
me wondering about dinner,
bold winds churn my
ideas into mush...
glasses keep eyes from closing,
my body shivers, helping me
to understand why I like
going on vacations...
umbrellas block the sun
but not the wind or
drifting sand as it hits hard
against white skin - the
paleness my city life
has afford me so far...
uncomfortable chairs have
not yet convinced my butt
it is having some fun, while
my mind has begun to practice
transcendental meditation...
my hands hold a warm cup
of virtual beach coffee.

September 12, 2024

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