Monday, September 23, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Four


no historian am I nor
am I an archaeologist
or a religious scholar,
the least of which exists,
but a curious lad be I
and wonder how has
walked on the sands I walk
hundreds of years ago?
before a new world existed
before natives lived in tents
before Chinese crossed oved
from Russia into Alaska...
navigating down into the south
before Adam and Eve and
all animals and trees...
who were the people who
walked upon these shores?
friendly or warriors?
males or females?
not too different from you and me
in the same likeness, I'm told...
who were these visitors from 
years ago...  millions or more,
those who breathed life into us
giving us purpose and free will,
who limited our lifetimes
while promising more, I wonder?

September 11, 2024

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