Sunday, September 22, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Four


a slanted umbrella blocks the sun
but not the wind...  under it,
a chair sits - in this chair I am,
watching waves is boring
after a day or two...  even with
ear music playing from a much
earlier time in my life...
tourists, like me, stroll up and down
the coastline - only down here done,
never at home they say...  some are
really obese while others thin...
some are old while others young,
some are walked by dogs, while
others decide to walk alone...
pairs, it appears, are mostly seen
but walk they do all day long....
a few looks for shells, they claim,
their rationale blown to the wind,
hunters for treasures too arrive
but only during the season...
offsetting expenses, they claim
but no proof of that either...
for me, I watch and speculate
better than watching waves,
sometimes smiling to myself at
the way they are dressed - it seems
entertainment is cheap down here,
if you know where to look, that is.

September 11. 2024

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