Sunday, June 30, 2024

Backwards Thinking

we think we are that which we want to be
not knowing how to act when we arrive
pawning our souls to achieve glory that
only last at best for the blink of an eye...
we think we are that which someone else
wants us to be, honed to a sharp edge
by our parents at he moment of birth,
only to discover their disappointments
lies in how much to talk about us...
we think we are that which was destined
by some thing or creature more mighty
than can be imagined and we echo the
thoughts of some grand plan when we
gaze back upon our unfulfilled life...
we think we are that which simply is
neither good nor bad as we patiently
experience our futures, accepting that
which is slung our way like descendants
of those who just wanted another chance.

June 25, 2024

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