Sunday, June 9, 2024

Night's Watching

a valley of darkness in front of m
a moonless sky above e me,
sounds slither around like snakes
unmolested I walk the path,
eyes peer out at me from behind
trees and bushes, blinking every
so often to let me know...
a breeze blows slightly from behind
my collar turned up to the chill,
aids in the ears allow me to listen
sounds from the radio play low,
footsteps march to the beat of a
different tune and the spirits 
understand not what they say,
beating heart pump adrenalin
vessels expand and close like the
valves in an engine - pressure flows
out of my mouth with each step
that is taken down the road...
journeys rotate around my dreams
dreams seldom ever conclude,
my thoughts sit on the rim of the
hummingbird feeder when my
goal was to be fully inside by now.

June 2, 2024

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