Monday, June 3, 2024

Horizon Wind Blows

wind off the horizon blows
prefaced by rain,
clear and shiny an hour ago
molested weather foretold,
an avalanche of thoughts
mirrors the storm,
lifeless and cold many
have become - isolated
fragments of a segmented
life strewn on the beachhead
 at sunset - not so glamorous
as the westerns but in the
same ballpark of interest...
wind off the horizon blows
steady and firm it comes,
shelter in place or so we are
told by the locals who
seem to know this place,
surfers in the water - excited,
stubborn and stupid ride
their slippery boards as if
jousting in a king's tournament,
fishermen too ignore the call
holding their poles steadfast,
when all of a sudden it abates
all of us with mouths open.

May 28, 2024

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