Monday, June 10, 2024

Judgement Day

bright green grass feeds on the summer rain
afternoon showers come often here,
rainbows of hope appear in the sky and the
valley returns to the lushness of the civil war;
we packed our belongings in duffle bags
left over from our stint in the army,
chickens and a rooster were sold to a neighbor
for an old pickup truck not in use...
a dozen of us climbs aboard in route to the
next county over as the rumor has it they are
willing to hire us all if we arrive by nightfall,
the ghost of Achilles rides shotgun - the rest of
find space where we can - we chug away
slowly under the heavy burden we are carrying,
we pass sunset on the highway while we wave
our goodbyes fall by the wayside - the wind
hides our tire tracks from predators...
bright green grass feeds off the summer rain
we all sign a deep breath of relief,
a light in the door welcomes our arrival
followed by the sounds of rifles from the roof.

June 4, 2024

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