Friday, June 14, 2024

Time Fishing

through the windows of the moment
the end of time flashes before me,
age reverts to time served and the
mind stores the knowledge created
by the transition....  space jockeys
fly their crafts as if in a race, stopping
in time to see the prince of the palace
blessing a rider who had fallen off...
values and morals apply not to time
as it begins and ends on a whim,
guardians roam the skies in their
prey birds now that the checkered
flag has dropped to the ground...
the jury is out although it was not
charged with deliberations since
the crime was committed before
time had been set into motion...
through the windows of the moment
we change direction, collecting all
the data from which to cast votes
and end the practice of time fishing.

June 8, 2024

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