Friday, May 31, 2024


night unfolds its mysteries into daylight
darkness disappears behind brightness,
evil transforms itself into to goodness,
life prevails upon death not to interrupt
the fun times we are having with those
of us who share a few similarities...
the carpet is rolled out but it's not red
a fatted calf is slaughtered but its chicken,
we rejoice and bask in the sunlight and
forgetting to put on skin protection, we
tease the reaper who lingers in shadows,
we migrate to warm weather jurisdictions
delaying the inevitable cold that follows
our relocation like loyal animals that do
not want to be left behind...  rivers are
braced for too much rain and crops are
planted hoping to get more than before,
contradictions seem to be our way of
life waiting to take photos of the sunset.

May 24, 2024

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