Friday, May 17, 2024

Life's New Lens

roll over, out of the clover, into the new

open your eyes to see the obsolete,

replacement parts on their way...

a better world, a better life, a better me

all of it is around the corner and coming

our way if you let it happen...  

look deep into the eyes of the sky and

see the future that is right in front of you,

breathe in the air of change and let 

your body bask in its sunlight...

some will reach out, other will struggle

change is coming and will roll over

all of us who stand in its way...

the children of the dawn saw it in the

wombs of their mothers, grabbing its

life as soon as they could speak...

condemning the old - praising the new,

death to those in the middle as they

are the weak links than must be removed.

May 9, 2024

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