Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Ivy Dreams

unforgiving dreams give us cause to pause
seeking out the corners of the dream where
life seldom goes...  preaching and reaching
into our own loneliness for answers that
never come because there are never there,
we sit in thrones of false truths making
prognostications about event we know
nothing about except for our opinion
based upon what we think we know...
we dance in corridors of delight with
partners we have never seen before and
hope that we never will again...  and yet,
we claim to be having a good time...
showers of blessings come down from
the heavens we perceive does not exist
giving thanks to us for our efforts and
false beliefs - salvation of our souls - 
gradually eating away at our dreams,
taking us into worlds of disbelief and
incriminations for what took place before,
we died and are reborn inside the silver
dream coffins inspected by our peers...
dream illusions of our own thoughts that
seem to materialize wherever life reaches
that point where is is simply not livable.

May 23, 2024

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