Friday, May 24, 2024

Time Prophets

walk along the shores of the mind with me
learn what time is all about...
move with it forwards or backwards
it matters not what you do today...
slide along the surface of pure thought
feel the energy of the high before it dissipates
inside the waves disillusionment...
gulls fly the patterns expressed not by words
swooping down to catch a fact or two, 
sandy images, stained with the scars of time
float aimlessly at the water's edge
waiting for strangers to expatriate them...
design and redesigns by the architect of life
change the impressions left by the wind,
time weaves and time distorts and time falls
by the wayside when absolutely necessary,
but time never misses an appointment
with destiny as is foretold by the words
etched into the sand - sacred words cast
out of heaven just for our benefit...
or so the time prophets say as they walk
along the edge of the water innocently.

May 21, 2024

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