Thursday, May 16, 2024


we take steps to become who we want to be
sometimes these steps are large
sometimes small - they are steps nonetheless,
we encounter those who stand in our way
blocking the steps we need to take...
jealousy or ignorance?  it is hard to say.
steps lead to other steps and those steps
lead to even more steps and we wonder if
and when these steps will ever end...
we grow tired and frustrated,
losing our desire to continue and yet we
consider not ourselves a failure and pursue
the goal that is so elusive - and, just when
we are about to give it all up and throw it all
away inside some bottomless pit, the steps
we are on widen and become escalators to the
next level in our progression - steps led to steps,
and when the day is done, we sleep on steps,
not caring about anything but the final step.

May 8, 2024

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