Sunday, May 12, 2024

Instant Revelation

within the footprints of the day
my body stands without assistance,
walks from side to side unencumbered,
reaches its peak midway - only to
find an unsettling sensation deep
down inside, a hollowness that turns
downward as the boiling reaches
an upward angle throughout...
lightheadedness reveals weaknesses
as standing is compromised and
a feeling of nausea washes over me;
eyes cloud over with concern...
sinuses are ignited and a dry mouth
has trouble formulating words,
crawling skin seems to move in
and around my being as if preparing
preparing for a collapse...  I am weak
with the concerns of the day that
surround my mental thoughts but
cannot focus since the emptiness
possesses me like an ancient sickness,
grabbing the cart to steady movement
looking for a place in which to glide.

May 5, 2024

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