the morning dresses herself
in light summer clothes to
protect against the sun's heat,
but enough to resist the rain;
a gentle moisture of humid mist
falls through the cracks in the sky,
landing on head and shoulders,
redistributing the dust collected
from working in my mental fields;
the parched earth hollers out
through parted seams in clay soil
begging for forgiveness but the
cries go unheard as all the
warnings went unheard before;
children play inside, avoiding
pollution and parents struggle
with ever changing rules and
believers just accept their fate
with encouraging words of
"I told you so..."
birds fly abroad to foreign lands,
animals hibernate in caves,
fish float atop boiling waters,
and some of us simply
scratch our heads and return
baseball caps to cover baldness
since there is no solution and all
of this seems so hard to believe.