Thursday, September 30, 2021

December 1999 - page 1

we spend our lives trying to find
happiness by looking externally
at who we are and what we have;
happiness is withinin us all
at least the potential...  it is a state
of mind where we accept who we
are and all that we currently have.

you are like my parents wanting me to
be who I am not so you can have what
you want when you want it...  not really
caring about me and what I can provide.

what I do...  I do for you...  is not something
I can say except partially...  what I do...  I do
for me so I can give you what you need and
hope that whatever it is...  is enough for you.

I am a man caught in the middle
of finding himself and pleasing
someone who he feels he has to
keep...  with the underlying
feeling that she would leave in
a heart beat if she felt her life
would be better that what it is
with me...  and, my thoughts are
that is not much to base love on.

I wish my life was a little more sable
even if i was building computers for
forty hours each week at ten an hour.

God has a plan for me, not yet revealed,
it is a plan where I find peace-of-mind,
self-rewards and joy...  God has a plan
for me, not yet revealed...  where I will
use my talents that He wanted me to have.

I see the fuiture for me and it is unclear...
I see the past for me and know that it has
brought me here...  I see today and srrive
to do the best I can accepting what it is.

can I tell you how I feel or
will you laugh at me or
politely ask me to leave you.

everyday I awake to darkness
and write until it is light...
hoping that the words I put
down will eventually be
more than a reflection of me.

my confidence is returning
my belief in myself
my self-esteem is poised high
to carry my attitude...
I regret very little about
what has been done to me,
except to say,
I am sorry for all the pain
I have caused...   and as I
look inward for a little repair
maybe one day I will feel
comfortable with who I am.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

November 1999 - page 5

this is what you have done for me
and this is what I must do for you,
an equal trade or swap...  tit for tat...
so they say...  quid pro quo... and
since I have received your you must
now find a way to receive mine.

how does one prepare one's self for
this kind of transformation this late
in life with noi real means of support
with financial or otherwise...  unless,
one does so because one believes?

I am amazed by all the violence
in our country and accross the
world in the name of salvation.

you do your thing and I do mine,
we sleep together but we are not
really together...  and, the life we
had is gone...  so, now our new
life must be for ourselves and
others but not for each other.

you have got some growing up
to do and I am not sure if I am
the man to wait around for you
while you set about finishing up.

I see many ideas flash through my
head each morning when I begin
to write and most of them center
around what I don't have rather
than on what I could give to others
like Jesus and his disciples did.

I see what I can give and want
to give to you but if you are
not around then I will have no
choice but to give it to another.

if you want me you will have to
show it...  I will not take you and
your love for granted...  so, what
you show you get in return but
what you don't is withheld for
someone else who is arriving.

I will not beg you to
show me love...  that
must come from within
and if you wait too long,
then, I will be gone and
will live my life alone.

Each day I write my thoughts as if
my life depended upon them...  but,
of course...  it does not...  so, why
am I needing to do this, especially if
it has been getting me nowhere at all?

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

November 1999 - page 4

take me...  oh Lord
into your grace...
and do with me
as you desire from
this point forward.

there is a purpose and a
time for everything...
some know their calling
others do not...  but, the
call does come at some
time yielding the purpose.

to love thy neighbor as thyself is
the most important commandment
so if I am to love my neighbor as
myself then in order to fulfill that,
I must first love myself...  so I have
no choice here if I truly believe.

in the office
you sit
with your
and careful

where is he crime in being careful
and patient and slow to react...
where is the justice in a quick response
or jumping to an invalid conculsuion?

we are close the the end of the year,
we are close to the end of one thousand 
years...  and, we are close to changes
that will alter our simple lives forever.
walk with me down the road of
forgiveness...  give to me what I 
give to you...  sit with me while
we both give thanks...  and pray
with me so I can decide our future,
walk with me into the eternal life.

are you prepared to die and if the
answer is yes...  then, do so...  but,
if the answer is no...  then, you 
must get yourself prepared to live.

is there a chance that I might go in
your directions and live my life with
others...  but according to your will?
is there a chance that I might be one
of many that flow into your service?

I am fascinated by the stories
of the Bible as if wanting to
live back then as a disciple.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Noivember 1999 - page 3

I have tried to be depressed
and yet I just cannot seem
to get there today...  perhaps, I
will try again sometime tomorrow.
what do I have to show for my
life that makes me different from
all the others...  and, I say nothing...
but God keeps me around to try
and understand and rise above
all of my miseries and my doubts.

two months left to these one thousand
years and I have nothing special planned,
seeing it as just another day in the life
just another little merry-go-round.

I seem not to remember much
in the way of anything...  nor
do I seem to care but I long for
the passion that others have
to always do what they dare.

God...  grant me the patience to
live my life as You would have it
and to let me rejoice in the idea
that this is what you would have
me do...  God...  grant me the
wisdom to accept my life as you
would have it and want nothing.

two cats...  on top of the table lay,
one mother...  one son...  one father
will not come in to stay...  two cats...
fight for attention from us both
and give us back so much love
that it is very easy for me to boast.

hold my hand as I cry and let
me know that you are there
to comfort me...  as I am here
to protect you even though I
am too emotional sometimes.
hold me carefully
in your heart that
I may feel secure
in your warmth.

I am reunited with my father
one last time before I die...
and this one should bee the
one that counts because I
am willing to pledge loyalty.

can I really live my life as you
would want me to live it or is
this just another illusion that
you are going to put me through?

Sunday, September 26, 2021

November 1999 - page 2

I study the Bible to see
the lessons it teaches...
so that my life will be
better...  but...  there 
is little improvement
and all I can tell is that
I am not doing it right.

I want to have you in my life
today and tomorrow and I 
have changed my mind...
because of something you
have done or said and I
wish that our relationship
was more solid that this
and a lot more trusting.

the weekend has passed
and we once again look
towards work to pass
the time until the next
shallow weekend arrives.

rain...  rain...  rain...  falling
all night...  it comes from heaven
but causes destruction here
on earth...  it gives and it takes
life indiscriminately like a
necesary evil...  relentless and
unforgiving...  yet it is a gift
like all the others we receive.

you stay with me year after year
even though I give you despair
and I wonder who else I will let
down other than myself now.

it is funny how God takes men
like Peyton early in life who
accomplish so much and leave
men like me around who seem
to have no desire to go anywhere.

walk with me into the darkness,
walk with me into the light,
walk with me into whatever but
at least we will always be together.

hold onto me...  never let
me go...  and, I will be yours
until death takes one away.

be fresh...  be nice...  be soft
and kind...   be whatever...
just don't let people see
how negative you've become.

where will you be in ten years
from now or even five...  if you
live that long...  so, why not make
the best of it each day you're alive?

Saturday, September 25, 2021

November 1999 - page 1

you want to act like a typical
man and want me to act like
a typical woman...  it is these
reversing of roles with which
I have a problem, unless you
take care of me financially so
I only have to work for a 
little bit of spending money.

I spend more time without
you than with you and I am
beginning to like that now.

first things first must come my
way and I must decide what it
is that I must do and then I must
take the lead and do it rather than
just wait around for something
to happen to me good or bad.
I want the Lord in my life but
I am not sure how to go about
doing that and live the life I
am trying to live currently.

I do not trust you or what
you say or what you do
any more because you are
so very much unpredicatable.

you do not want me as your husband
but you are accepting me for the time
being or until something else arrives.

your talents bring you
satisfaction but always
in a way that it takes
a life away from me.
I want a woman who will stand
by me through thick and thin...
who will support me and try
to understand me and who will 
not make me over into someone
with whom she would rather be.

my life is uncertain employment wize
and therefore financially but I have
been going to Church and trying to
accept Christ into my life and dreams,
and my expectations my never come
to pass but it will not hurt me if I
were to continue on this path of mine.

perhaps there is another
year that I will will have
more but one thing is for
sure and that is something
for me is about to arrive.

Friday, September 24, 2021

October 1999 - page 5

I don't belog to you nor you to me
you are free to go to whomever
you desire...  but, if you do then
this I must tell you... do not return.

how do you feel?
I feel with my fingers
whole those around 
me fell with their hearts
and are keely aware
of all their cool senses.

ever since the wedding I
have not spoken to you
nor have you to me...
it is as you said it would be
and I tthought your would
not do that to family...  but,
 I was wrong again; yet,
I bet you have not broken ties
with our wealthy brother 
because it is he that you
just might need again.

hold this fortress down
make it ready to defend,
it is my friends that I worry
most about not enemies.

I live in darkness 
work in darkness
sleep in darkness
arise in darkness
and when the light
come around I feel
very uncomfortable.

I have no future...  no guarantees,
no assurances, except myself
which I cannot trust and if I had
security I would ruin it anyway,
so I am best off without it.

you never trusted in me 
I was just there to help you
through some difficult times,
and you becamee dependent
upon me and it became
convenient for you and
allowed you to grow independent
and now you want to be free.

I have no reason to feel good 
aboutt myself when it comes
to relationships or employment,
neither one is done well at all.

take me to your mother
take me to your father
take me to your family
that I might minister
unto them a new way
for them to think and live,

my thoughts are never complete
only partially thought through
like my life has been thus far.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

October 1999 - page 4

I am possessed which is a
nice excuse if I ever wanted
to hide from the rest of the
world not just from myself.

what am I good at other than
doing nothing...  not much I reckon...
funny how the word reckon has
creeped into my vocabulary...
ever since moving to this state
and even funnier how I 
cannot keep a focused mind.

if I were a horse would I be shot
because I can no longer pull my
weight?  if I were a horse would
I be put out to pasture to do
nothing but have a good time?
if I were a man would I be ridden
like a horse until my back could
no longer stand the stress of the day?
if I were a man would I be even
be having these thoughts today?

my uncertainty grows as does my
anxiousness and I feel no comfort
in what I do or who I am...  only
sorror and remorse for being alive.

you lay with me but then you
ignore me while you are awake
and I never know who I am or
what I am supposed to be doing.

I need to trust in those around me
but all they do is painful and I am
left not knowing what to do or
where to go or what may happen
or worse what you might say to me.

there is no amount of medicine or
doctoring that is going to help me,
the only thing that will help me is
for me tto have those around me
who show me that they care for me.

I expect others to care for me so that
I don't have to care for myself...  then,
once I do that I rebel against the control
ruining what I have in front of me and
I am left feeling miserable once agin.

I am mad and crazy...
it is understood and
I have no reason to
fear it will ever be any
different than it is.

it is funny how my mind
goes blank on some days
and on others it just pours
out with words and thoughts
and so many weird feelings.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

October 1999 - page 3

I live under a fear that
manifess itself daily
and the older I get the
worse that fear becomes,
it immobilizes me and
makes me say words
that I wish I didn't say.

it is the tone of voice that
sets me off...  it is the feeling
I have been backed into a
corner...  it is the feeling I
have been made to look stupid
but even all of this...  it is more
and I am left so defenseless.

each day we count our blessings
subtract those offset with anger,
each day we evaluate our lives
to see if we could have done better,
each day we are never satisfied
with who we are or want to be.

there is no peace in my mind
unbalanced and uneven...
as if it had been torn in half
and put back together wrong,
there is no salvation for he
who hesitates and always decides
too late to be of any consequence.

this is the month my devil appears
and takes me by the hand and asks
me to do his bidding...  this is the
month that God appears and helps
me fight the evil inside...  this is
the month I am left divided and
abused...  tortured and played with
because I can never see the way I
I am actually supposed to appear.

death be to Willie Loman and
death be to me...  we both live
in an awkward stage of history,
never really ever fitting in no
matter what we try to do...
belonging less to time and space
than we do to ourselves anymore. 

and then there was the word
and the word was good
and the word was the word
the word...
the word...
words...  words...  words...
but no language
no commonality
no brotherhood
first, there was the word
and the word understood
and became law
and our covenant
good was the word
but no one heard
no one listened
even though they knew
the word by heart.

I am chained inside
a prisoner of my own insanity
I belong locked up
fenced in like a dog
to be studied as if
I were in a zoo.

words and thoughts flow thru
my mind...  all night long...  as 
though I were writing this
narrative that no one will ever
read...  not even me...  and, in
the morning I remember how
it all happened...  
I got no sleep, but little else.

it pours out from my mind
with no purpose
and no intent
it all seems a waste of time
because no one will
ever read these words that
from me or from who...
I wonder...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

October 1999 - page 2

I see a wild beast in my head
and I possessn its body...
good or bad...  I see a Native 
American inside of me and
wonder what his eyes reveal.

come to me my beauty
let us make our marriage
sacred so that no man 
will cast any doubt on the
everylasting quality of
our soon to be union. 

I go to church and look
forward to every Sunday
because I am a spiritual
wasteland I believe...
it is the only day of the
week that I feel comfortable
with myself and others.

I am rested
I am invigorated
with new life
and renewed energy
so that my week
will have purpose
and be meaningful
for us both.

I want to see God
I want to be with God
I want to have God's love
and His caring so
that my life will have
purpose and results.

my cat has
love for me
as I would hope
I have for you.

give me the courage and the
determination and the trust
to live my life according to
your will without the slightest
doubt that I will be looked after.

I have no beginning...  no end and
I am not a circle or a ray of light...
I have no past and no future,
no hesitation...  no doubts...  I am
love and I am spread throughout.

I have my dreams and my fantasies
to see me through my life...  what do
I need reality for when reality is a 
concept that control be controlled.

I live in a deep forest inside a deep well
behind a large rock, underneath a warm
blanket of the mind and I nurture myself
as did my mother and the intimacy that
I feel will be contained and self absorbed;
I will live out the remaining days of my
life in a state of alienation for the crimes
I have committed against myself and to
the God to which I have not been able to
accept under the terms set forth in life.

Monday, September 20, 2021

October 1999 - page 1

it is almost an apology to myself
this morning is because I have not
written a word and it is the third
of a new month...  I see myself
this morning as someone new,
someone reborn...  but not in the
religious fever sense...  it is more
like my life has tranformed into
something new and special and I
have no idea where it is going
or where I might end up today.

we have no doubts...  no safety nets...
no reassurances...  all we have is our
fear and our beliefs that what we do
today will be enough for tomorrow.

I spend the entire weekend alone
and what's worse is that your were
angry with me because we did not
have sex when you wanted it and
when I asked you to wait until
tomorrow you refused...  but,  if
I had not have come home early,
you would not have wanted sex
untl the next day anyway honey.

I see ou in my dreams and I wonder
why we ever wanted to be together
because we are as different as night
and day and mix as easily as oil
and water if the truth be known.

behold...  for I give you a kingdom
in my father's land and you refuse
because you don't know who I am.

the world struggles with poverty
and I wrestle with the love that
I may or may not ever possess.

I see our crown of thorns and I 
weep for you...  my Lord...  I 
feel your pain and suffering and 
I weep for you...  my Lord...  I 
hold you in my heart and tightly
in my mind, hoping I will be 
like you when I grow up more.

I hold my pain inside my heart
and the outside of me shows
no ill effects at all...  even though
my mental anguish would be
unbearable for a mortal's soul.

I am no man...  alive and well
in Tennessee...  a little worse
for wear but nothing I cannot
handle...  I am no man...  and
live in no man's land this day.

I ask for help and receive nothing,
I ask for love and receive nothing,
I ask for nothing and receive everything.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 1999 - page 5

maybe you do love me
maybe you don't...  but
you also like the idea
that others may want
to love you as well, so
you keep your options
open just in case you
run into that special
kind of man that you
have always dreamed.

I cannot tell if I feel better or
worse...  I cannot tell if I am
up or down...  I feel very little
actually...  I am emotionless,
void...  and I fell somewhat
helpless...  so, there are
feelings just not the right kind.

I walk the line...  a thin one at that,
between right and wrong...  good
and evil...  this and that...  I know
what I should do but I do what
I get reinforced to do, regardless
of the issues...  regardless of the
suffering...  regardless of the lies
and since I am not what I appear
to be then no one else is either.

from whom do I learn the lessons,
these contradictions...  from whom?
not from myself since I don't have
the balls to stand up for myself and
follow my own convictions...  what
is inside me that possesses me so...
that make me do opposites, just to
say I can...  perhaps, if I am crazy
and I believe I am then myperceptions
are also crazy as well as my realities...
my hopes and dreams and desires...
where is the rationale behind what 
I think...  feel and do and how I
react when my back in not against
the wall of endless contimplations.

bring forth the lions from the den
and let me have at them so that my
quiet times and memories die just
as the fight within me starts to grow.

hold me whole harmless from
those feelings you want me to
have but seem not to possess;
hold me blameless in our cries
for passion and absolution...
those days I cry out for them;
hold me innocent of emotions
so that I may become like the
rest of the foolishly insensitive.

deep down inside I go where no one
knows and nobody goes except me...
deep down inside I dwell when life
goes not well and the burden to fight
back becomes too hard for one to bear...
deep down inside like a volcano I hide
holding in all the molten anger that I
have no reason not to ever need to fear...
deep down below I go where no one knows
and no one can find me until I decide...
deep down inside I crouch away from
all my fears and tears and reluctances to do
battle with those who are more aggressive...
more ascertive than I and who laugh at 
my mistakes, making me feel that I can
never be one of them or show who I am.

it is my soul that needs tending to,
not my heart and in my search I
may find the heart of my desires.

for many years, I have been empty
and alone, even when in a crowd,
it was as if I did not exist and they
did and I longed for what they had
knowing they were all superficial.

take me home...  keeps me
coming back to a song I
once knew as a child.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

September 1999 - page 4

you take me for granted
and show more at work
than you do at home...
because they do not ask
you to give and I do.

you don't see that we are
drifting apart...  and, all
you see is what effects you
and all that needs to change.

you need the attention of males
to make you feel like a woman,
even though it is misunderstood
for sexual interest...  and yet you
are glad to know it is there in
case it is something you ever need.

everything in your life is someone
else's fault...  you have no blame...
no responsibilities...  excep to work 
and to yourself of course...  and see
nothing in your life that needs to change.

why do I remain with you
why do I need you so
or is it because I need someone
to make me feel miserable...
what is it that I see in you or you in me
for that matter...  when you
disregard me like you do.

you say that I make you feel as though
you can never please me which gives you
an excuse not to try...  again, you are
telling me I am controlling your actions,
but when I change...  you remain the same
and tell me that you believe I will reurn
to the way I was...  it is obvious to me now
after all these years that your behavior is
no based upon me but is on you and all
that you want to give or not give...  and if
you will...  you will...  and if you won't...
you won't...  it makes little difference what
I do or do not do...  it is not me...  it's you
and you bring this attitude into all your
relationships and that is why they
eventually find someone else to be with.

do I work for myself or for my wife
or to pay my expenses or for my future,
or our future...  or what?
I am alive...  doing fine or am I? 
I have sight but don't see
I have ears but don't hear
I am sensitive but don't feel
I have longing but don't desire
I have mixed feelings...  mixed emotions
and do not know which is the correct
path or the best way home...  but, is my
home with you...  or my parents...
or is it with someone else//
do I desire to improve or fail
or do I even care about the outcome?
what do I want if I don't want me?
what is you will for me?

adversity is in all our lives
it is not that which makes
us poor but how we react.

if I am to be a teacher then
let me be one or if I am to
be a bum then let me be
that as well...  but please
le me know what it is I am
to do so I can get about it.

I don't want to do this or that
because I am afraid of doing
it wrong, so I don't do anything
at all...  and when I do some
things right it feels good and
i want to do more but I always
wonder when the happiness is
going to stop coming my way.

Friday, September 17, 2021

September 1999 - page 3

it is difficult for me to say
how I feel about it all...
because the pain is too deeply
rooted inside me to be so
casual about the life that
I have recently had to live.

you look inside me and see a man
who constantly makes you unhappy
as a result of not trusting you...  and
yet, you have given previous behavior
to show otherwise... but have no
desire to be critical of yourself...
heaven forbide that youo should do
anything wrong at all here and now.

you want me ti talk to the doctor
about what I do to ruin this affair
which is the only way you see 
that I need to be fixed...  you don't
see that I may have other problems.

I love having you around but I am
growing tired of your selfishness
and self-centered attitude and rather
than having us both satay at ahom
and enjoy the day you want us to
trades places so I go to work and
you stay at home...  so that I will
know what it feels like to be you.

I believe that we have reached a moment
in our lives where we see that we are too
different to be togethe and that we both
had those feelings from the very beginning
because it was better to have this than noit.

we are both thinking about ourselves
these days rather than giving which is
something we used to do...  you don't
see it but I do and we will not last
much longer this way at all dearest.

I don't know who you are and you
don't know me...  we don't know
each other...  I don't know if we try...
we work and come home and
survive the motions of being with
each other but there is little intimacy
and lots more taking than giving.

the world is out there for us to
conquer aqnd for all to see my
fears...  regrets...  apprenhensions,
so...  for now, it will have to wait 
until I master my hiding courage.

God helps those who help themselves
and if that is true then what about
those who are unsurfe of what to do
to help themselves or how to do it/

I am worried that I will lose you
and that is probably what will happen,
what I should be worried about is
standing alone and uninvited and
making my way as best as I can.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

September 1999 - page 2

who am I today...  or yesterday,
or the day before?
who will I be tomorrow or the
day after that?
against whom will I be measured
or thought of...  when my name
is called and I stand before
all your glory?
will you recognize me...
it is I or another you prefer
or long for as the days go by?

my heart is not my own
it belongs to you...  but it
remains an orphan because
you need it not to live
your life as you want to.

I read lessons about the Bible
and the teachings of our Lord
and of Jesus...  but it puts me
closer to whatever it is for
which I search and I wonder
if there is someting I am
missing or not doing right.

my thoughts are always
on you and what I wish we
had if you were mine.

did you forget to call or was
this intentional...  so you could
have some ammunition against
me as to what I have been
doing or have not been doing?

walk in my footsteps if you will
for a day or twoi and see life as
I do...   as I mustg do the same
for you...   and when these days
are over it is my belief we will
want our own lives back again.

I wish I knew what was
on your mind each day
and how you really 
thought about me any.

what I would like to do and what I
can do...  or, what I will let myself do,
are tow different things...  and, I wish
I had the stamina to always go the
distance with any of these choices.

I live in a deep well of introspection
always seeing what I do as not good 
enough and showing behavior to
reinforce it all...  and...  I worry about
which fear of mine will get me first.

you have no reason to act the
way you do...  no reason at all,
and I am always disappointed
because of what you want to doi.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

September 1999 - page 1

what am I holding onto
with such eloquent force
as though my life
depended upon it?
lwhat is it that motivates me
to such despair...  if I could
be something different,
how long would it last
before the same disappointments
began to occupy my thoughts?
where is my life going
that it has to be so negative
so disillusioned about
all the possibilities?
it is not what others have done to me
but what have I done to myself
and continue to let happen
because of the fear of being alone
is worse that the pain of
indifference I must endure?
when do I tell myself
I can break free...
live my life as I want it to be
not as someone else wants to
instruct me how to live it?
how can I be free?

my life has been a series of mistakes
as is evcryone's but some of us rise
above it all while some of us can
become motivated and move on,
looking back to see how it used to be.

my heart continues to be
broken because you cannot
give when I ask as you have
decided to give when not asked.

I wish I could see into the past
to that point-in-time that caused
me to be like I am today...  and,
not so muchl to change it but to
understand it better so I could be
free again like I was when young.

who understands me better than
myself...  making excuses about
why I cannot do what I need to do.

the force of my confusion is like
the crash of a wave that results
from a hurricane especially
when one is not prepared for it.

I don't see death nor life
but indifference to it all
as though it could not
matter one iota what may
or may not happen to me
because I am not worth the
time or the thought of it.

it is strange hoiw this feels
to be in a church building
by myself waiting for the
others to arrive so the class
can begin and the only thing
between mel and the rest of
my life is a thin silence veil.

I feel calm...  rested...
after communion...
after I have asked God
to forgive my sins...
and make me a better
person in that I act
more God-like again.

I share your feelings or
you share mine...  I am
not sure which but I do
know it is the sharing with
each other that matters now.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

August 1999 - page 5

There are things that
you can do and say
but if I use them I am
wrong and if I mention
that you use them then
I am wrong agai
and I say to myself
why do I think this is
a great marriage and
why do I think that I
need this marriage and
why do I just put up 
with this shit and not
just let her play her
game with another?

this morning the steering
wheel and gear shift were
sticky as if someone drove
the car after I did yesterday
late into the night or early
morning and that just leaves
one person which is you.

my first impulse is to find
someone else and just leave
like I have done once before
but what I really need to do
is just leave and take my 
chances on my own instead.

put up with your behavior just
six more months until the new year,
until I am better equipped  to 
handle being alone...  my first
priority is to find what is wrong
with my thinking and then move
into something that will put me in
a better position financially...
then look towards finding a
partner that will truly want to
share their live with me forever.

today I am better than yesterday
but not where I need to be...
today I am still in need of having
you around to perpetuate my misery.

do you really love me or do you
have me around so you can do
what you want and stay with me
until you can find my substitute?

you draw men to you and you
like that and want it to continue
for as long as you can...  keeping
me around as a back door in case
your searching is not productive,

there is no one man that is
right for you...  as you use
them like coupons while
searching for better deals,
knowing that your looks
and your body will get
whatever man you want...
not realizing that your
attitude and playing games
will cause these men to
always leave you prematurely.

I feel sorry for you
it may be pity... because
you can never make
a committent to anyone
othen than to yourself.

I want to be yours but
you don't want to be mine
and I feel used by you
everyday we are together.

Monday, September 13, 2021

August 1999 - page 4

what would you do
if you had to choose
between me and another
man and would you
have visited his bed
before it got that far?

one...  two...  three...
and it is time to pee,
and be someone else
for the rest of the day...
one...  two...  three...
see me perform
like the seal I am,
except I don't 
do church groups
who believe
differently that I do.

hurt from you is deep
and may never be over-
come with patience.

I should be at eighty and I am
not even half way there...  this
month will not be as productive
as some of the others, but that is
just the way it's going to be.

now you are concerned
because I say nothing
about what you are not doing
and that indifference
bothered you as it did me.

there is no paying back here
only learning a new way to
respond to you that bothers
you as much as your acttions
have a tendency to bother me.

I wish upon a star
but not tonight
because tonight is
for making love.

we are stopped from doing
what we know is wrong
while others pretend to be
righteeous...  yet, do what
they feel they need to do
regardless of the ethics
because it is something
that is just done by them.

we sleep in the same bed but
are miles apart both with our
feeling and expressions and the
tneed we have for each other.

wait one more year before
you make your move
and the patience will pay
off for you as it has for me,
take it day-by-day... slowly,
letting it evolve in such a
way that you gained and have
learned from that experience.