Saturday, July 31, 2021

June 1989 - page 5

some believed perdetermined with no choice
some believed perdetermined with choice
others believed only negative choices
other believed both good and bad choices
I believe all choices were unanimous.

in the parking lot we
discussed options and
what one is willing to
trade in order that one
can remain employed.

slow motion they work
disregarding what/s to be
only what will be.

never again will the
same thought occupy
its orig9inal space.

I have learned to control
those forces who seek me out
to predict what will be said,
I have imagined their
lessening of control
witnessing it being so.

it was a poor attempt
but the couple expressed
their brand of friendship,
upsetting the children
boos and hisses from the adults.

she was in command
in control...
take charge...  and those
around left her alone.

it has been a good five years
or more that I began
to write my feelings on paper,
out of those thousands of ideas
perhaps a hundred
or so are worth the
paper on which they are written.

memories no longer linger
fall though my mind
like flour through a sifter.

we were like watching a full length
motion picture whose sotry is
remembered but whose details are unclear.

Friday, July 30, 2021

June 1989 - page 4

wednesday arrived
quite unexpectedly
surprising even
the most patient
of individuals who
only liked Mondays.

there was a deliberate change
in attitude as they adjusted
their mentality for the weekend.

the format changes with each
change in direction that is
prompted by a change in seats.

how familiar do we become
\with each other before we can
learn how much to take?

a fable came my way about a man who
called for help when not needed and
reminded me of how we have reached
out for each other when not needed,
two insects feeding off of one another
but never really needing each other.

the money was counted by a button
on which was a picture of the purchaser
and if the button were to be damaged
no money by the clerk could be determined.

she heard his voice and
did not turn back to look,
she felt his breath and
tried to act natural,
she knew he had left and
was flirting with another.

it was uncomfortable being
here but not impossible,
it was encouraging not
to have many around and
it was foolish to be this
way but it was comfortable.

there were many of us who were
confused by the morning baricades
overcoming them for more coffee.

she was with me
wanting to be alone
wanting to be safe
with what I offered.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

June 1989 - page 3

an historic event is created
then one can demonstrate
and without the event there 
no established precedent.

the suckers were removed and
put in fresh soil and are droopy
in the morning because of bugs,
one cannot grow without knowledge.

if their ability to handle
moneu is not up to par
at least their politeness is.

we were foolish teenagers
who tried to possess an
attitude that could only
be derived from scars.

holidays put the worst of us in
good spirits knowing that going
down is what we're headed into.

it was no issue
not to those of us who knew
it was tyupical.

there were baby pictures
on the wall...  everywhere,
and no parents in sight
to wtch over and no reason
to do anything more.

twenty seven and seventy seven
shooting at birds through a window,
a little kid hides in us at any age.

lovers live in my mind
like a ping-pong game,
once the score is reached
a new partner is found,
feeling bounce back and forth
across the net sometimes
with english and sometimes not,
yet one must always win by two.

all in all
these younger kids
look less
than we were
at that age,
but their outward
appearance is
more developed.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

June 1989 - page 2

the account was settled
months ago...  but we
still managed to make
deposits and withdrawals
with our emotional interest.

our souls united, joined by
the sirit and the flesh until
that pledge is broken,
violated by the unnatural if
what we are is natural.

she was impossible to deal with but
we made the attempt only to find
ourselves lost in a battle of too
little or just a little too much discipline.

behind the ear at the base
of the skull it pushes in
as if its attempt was to
burst my head wide open.

he say and she brought the tray
she asked if napkins he had gotten,
"no" was all he said and she
returned to the counter somewhat
pissed that he had not helped at all.

he had her for the day so off
to Mickey D's they went...
over breakfast, questions about
her mother were asked when she
invited him over to see for himself.

one in three including a break
a moment of bruth or pure fantasy
a routine seldom broken or intruded upon,
singularity:  a cowboy syndrom.

they advertise each day
with the clohtes they wear,
always expecting a response
that would lead to nowhere.

unexpectedly, water rose
in the tiny stream,
flooding their homes like
the humans from which
they unexpectedly fled.

her memory lingered and he wondered
why it had been different with her...
she was no better than the rest of them
and their future had been short lived
because of all her roving options/

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

June 1989 - page 1

on saturday they begin early so
not much of the day will be mine,
then monday is the day for rest
since Sunday is done the same way.

clouds overhead block our view
streams flow underground
animals always feeding
it is a habitat now
too uncivilized.

I can for a proper education
not one that won't learn me anything,
one I cannot use...  it is not
the book knowledge that I crave.

heat runs parallel
to our feelings and
the way we now
must try to get along.

it was a purpose she lacked
finding it not in college but
with her own desires...  and
observations...  some things
would just not work for her.

saturdays are bad enough and
worse when mixed with holidays,
intruding upon my silence and
the public use of it be damned.

heat filled the void
inflating our egos
puffing our self-confidence
with more of what
can never be used...
heat fill our spirits
giving us purpose
giving us pause
to reconsider our options
before the cold returned.

volatile feeling
enrich our lives daily as
we refurbish them.

spending money is
given as a way to cleanse
us from not borrowing.

poetry and math
superimpose themselves on
the routines of life.

Monday, July 26, 2021

May 1989 - page 5

pound on my home
the rain persists
beating then retreating
then beating again,
hurling itself at my shelter
tearing it down
with no caring or remorse,
how angry she is this year.

there was no love between us
there never was,
I just told you what you wanted to hear
or though you wanted me to say,
we went out...  we kissed...
and later went to bed...
that may have been love for you,
but it was sex for me,
you were a frightened little girl
two failed marriages
no real future for your children
a father who committed suicide
no one knows why,
you have no respect for yourself
and abuse your body for
some kind of punishment,
I was no different for you
at the beginning,
but there was a difference
to which you tried to cling,
but that's not love and
it will never be for us now.

on the porch or patio
of my dreams for
the day ahead of me,
my thoughts are
warmed by the manifestation
of the sung through the
shiled of protective plastic,
instant pudding flashes
across my mind and a
Cardinal soars to greater
heights that before I arrived,
all at once I am confronted
and befriended by the
sounds that can only be
heard inside one's mind.

I get disappointed with
their responses and you
want me to organize and
exercise my rights to get
more of what I want...
man...  is this what your
education teaches you?
I want no part of it,
I am satisfied with my
education and experience
and the struggle I earned.

I gave my word
and you say that
is not enough for you,
I have nothing left
to give you or even
offer since you 
cannot accept honor.

no one was at hom
when I arrived,
no one took my hand
and offered friendship,
no one challenged
what I believed or
provided a solution,
no one dared to change
the way it always was.

and after eleven weeks
of beating their heads
against the wall, he
announced he was 
leaving and student
returned after class to
ask if he would reconsider;
it was an emotional time
a far away time and he
had nothing left to share
with them especially since
they would never listen.

a strained relationship at best
each expecting the other to see
what was not expressed,
assuming the worst even
when it did not occur...
looking for things to 
perpetuate the animosity
which was more important
that extending a solution...
without the hate there
would be nothing at all.

there was nothing better than
watching these educators talk
as if they really supported
something, knowinmg that was
the last thing on their minds,
educators were synomous with
politicians and both spoke
with forked tongue statements.

she had something that
belonged to him...
it no longer provided
their symbol...
it was a mystic charm
received years ago,
she had given the charm
to remind him that
after her...  he would
never love another,
it has come to pass and
each time he offers the
charm the affair ends,
hoping each time the evil
inside will be released.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

May 1989 - page 4

an exception grew between us
one that would be remembered
keeping us apart forever now.

I see you in my dreams
eyes foe seduction
lips for kissing
breasts for carassing
and a body to be beside
and make love to,
I see you in my dreams
and reality always has
you with another
and my thoughts always
tremble from from the
desires of your lovers.

there was a militant aspect
to his personality and
hers as well...  one that defied
logic and one that would certainly
change the probability of success.

you call only when
there's something you
want and I like a fool
give you that in the hopes
that you will respond
to me in a sexual
favorably manner...
I'm always wrong.

it is months
since we had 
talked and
months since
we had felt
each other's
insides and we
saw love because
it had been been
there once before.

it was a young evening
to an old day...  aspects
of morning lingered
through lunch and into
the early afternoon...
outside light peered
into our window in an
overbearing way until
dinner was served then
desert...  liquor...  and a
cigar...  it was a young\
evening to an old day,
it was a fire that would
soon burn itself out.

"what if," she said?
"why not," he responded?
"because," she insisted!
"But, what if," he replied?

from the southwest it came
as fierce as any...
in a northeast direction
it proceeded...
destruction in its wake,
a new path cleared
from watch to warning
not personal and
no guidelines...  just a
wing and a prayer.

help us to determine
that it be fine to disagree,
that we can agree to
disagree...  and save our
best approach for later
or even second would do,
a compromise of sorts
perhaps tentative...  we
move on...  forgetting this
disagreement ever was.

hyperactive is the mind
actually the thoughts therein
is what we see or thing
we see...  having no knowledge
of them at all...  lines come
easily not knowing where
they belong...  forcing the
rest to follow is not my idea
of inspiration or being
creatively imagined either.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

May 1989 - page 3

we are outlaws
living without a fmaily
without friends,
depending upon similars
with which to band,
and fulfill the need 
from which we rean.

thoughts blow through my mind
like tiny tornadoes, as each one\
destroys a little more of my sanity.

helplessly forgiving
seeking reinforcement
a silent innocence
begging for a hand slap
or vertal abuse even
from those who are\
unconscious providers,
tears of joy and sorrow
roll down the cheeks
big brown eyes look
up to assk "why?"

she called last night and
I was not there and did not
pursue a reason for the call.

it was almost a year gone by
hate was more prevelent
less forgiving and
more determined not to be,
it was a bad time
no laughter
tensions remained high
we both knew
a relentless battle
not about right or wrong
nor loss of love
or amale versus female,
played a big role
feeding our egos
and our hate
objecting not to each other but
into what we had been molded.

courage rested at
my doorstep and I was too
lazy to be nice.

we fought all the time
opposing for the sport of it
not realizing
our resentments grew.

they were interesting
but none worth pursuing
since capture
meant a handshake and a
mistaken point-of-view.

outside the wind
shilled a late spring
and crops were delayed
from the rain and
everything seemed to be
operating the wrong way
and we were being
pulled along by its currents
helpless and a little
scared of it all inside.

a memory was created
from our relationship,
one that others might want
just to know what not to do.

Friday, July 23, 2021

May 1989 - page 2

she could not show she cared
so she conveyed her appreciation
and he refused to accept it,
she was too easy
he was too late,
she was angry
and he obsessed with his own ego,
mentally she was miles above him
but physically she could
never keep them close.

he told her he had left his wife
and she knew not to ask more,
it was never theirs to hae
and she would try no more.

he had his church on Sunday
driving their car during the week,
keeping down a full time job
and not ever looking back,
not today or tomorrow
or ever...  he had it made.

for a short while we were away
but with a mechanism to return,
our feelings of despair and rejection
were not real and never would
be real as long as there was someone
on which to fall...  we pretended
with divorce as easily as we
pretended with our marriage.

it was an insult that
you greeted me with
your "give a shit"
attitude, expecting to
simply take it or
leave it scanarios.

if she is asked and refuses
then one has permission, but
if she responds unattractively
then one has no permission.

hate burned inside us both
our blood boiled in our veins
our mental anguish jolted us
into a symbolic retreat,
anger fed us today and tomorrow
our bellies would empty next week
our hearts would be wounded
and scared...  forgiveness was
as eveil as happiness and we
would never know this or never
have to use the appropriate behavior.

a mistake to care
to drop those shields
perhaps show...
some understanding,
a moment that if
surfaced would...
undo us both.

I cannot bear to think
that all ove is like ours
and that we continue
to endure this because
it is our punishment for
marriage in the first place.

our time is always
less than cordial
when together so
why are we still
together?  why not?

Thursday, July 22, 2021

May 1989 - page 1

an end to a long day
reflecting carefully
on what was not done,
getting further behind
feeling guilty...
empowered with the skills
to do anything...
but nothing gets accomplished,
just a little but
hardly more than that...
on the curb of the back porch
I see the world
in front of me
and can imagine nothing else
except what my eyes see
and my fingers feel
or is it the opposite?
it ends and then begins again
and we try each day
to complete our plans
and are foiled...
reflecting and wondering
drifting and dreaming
always making an attempt.

music from next door
providing a current of beats,
upstream syncopation,
thundering harmony,
bass vibrations pounding
from one channel and
voices from the other,
a though provoking madness
of mindless discord...
and I look for some kind
of social significance...
music from next door
calls me through a sort of
rock and roll telepathy,
a foot tapping morse code
ageless as the words are
meaningless but that's the
point...  never was and 
never should have been,
it's music pur and simple
that gives is its reasoning.

a cool night and a
gentle breeze cools the
first sunburn of the summer,
an initiation with the
rites of spring or manhood,
seemingly a tan body
will hide one's baldness,
a night all I see is the
morning that will come
too soon, beginning again
what should have stopped
years ago... a lesson 
repeated is one never
learned...  not this time,
a cool night of apprehension
regulating my time and my
life and the rites that
make us feel what cannot
be changed too greatly
too overwhelmingly
to bear the pain of it
all and suffer any longer.

bear one's soul
and remove
yesterday's fears
from one's 
vocabulary or
a solitary life 
will be your
future prison.

captured in undressed silence
bound and left there to be
looked upon and admired and
touched and remain behind
for those who come next
to find wantonness and in need
of somethiong more than just
a silemnt night or first day,
more like fatherly reassurance.

it was a process much
like other systems...
how to measure education
the learning process
or not learned skills
and at what point-in-time
do educators step into view?
questioning their peers?
it was measured and
could be analyzed and
somewhat predicted.

she was in class
paying attention
to what he said
wondering what
was going to
happen to him
after class in a
sexual connotation.

she was too young to
experience the uncertainties
that were usually
reserved for adults,
nevertheless, she was confronted
with her own mortality
and it scared her terribly.

I was tired and slow to see
that she was using my
weaknesses to support her
ever reassuring loneliness.

clouds formed overhead
lightening raced horizontally
across the sky...  rain fell
quickly, filling buckets
dampening our prospects
and lethargic souls.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

April 1989 - page 5

she complained about his never eating
and always working and his thinness,
he began to stay at home and eat...
now, she complains about his laziness
and his over-weight condition.

there were always reasons
and justifications, especially
from those who accomplished
nothing at all for several yuars.

I could not bear to hurt you
and my actions cause that
to happen all the time...
I am a contradiction.

self reflection
to the last detail pursued
accomplishing nothing
without self esteem.

it was youth betrayed and
old age annointed to bridge
the gap of twenty years.

she owned her own place
bringing men there
at her leisure...  her youth
lacked the focus that was
later found between her legs.

not much went undetected
she was an inspector
of quality control... when it
did not pass she would
re-inspect it anyway, almost
finding it to be acceptable.

it was just a little depression
I felt...  a slight case of the
doldrums cause by the weather,
women, and work...  the very
worst possible combination.

parking lots were made for talking
if not their original purpose...  for
more converstaions were made there
than in the classroom, trading notes
and assignments and tests and names
and numbers and making dates
whent it was more or less convenient.

too many things
were on his mind,
being pulled tino
all sorts of directions
none of it, his choice.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

April 1989 - page 4

On the way walking
talking and laughing
at the contentment
we felt knowing that
it would just be brief.

a couple of us left
outspoken yet
otherwise silent,
leaving because of
rumors years ago
branding us bad
instead of different.

tonight was a long time coming
but when it finally did arrive
it was worth every second of
the passion we gave each other.

they tease each other
struggling with an
identity that goes
beyond what they have
now and into a complex
psychological maze
of hidden feelings,
suppressed anger and
parental guilt...  they
tease unaware of the
bad vibes stirred up.
they were cleared of all the charges
except those they filed against
each other to stop living alone.

preserve our memories
as something of wonder
of which we can be aware
when we have passed seventy.

it was in the park were we had
all his work...
walking and talking and reading
poetry he had written,
it was always his choice to fulfill
this fantasy.

she was at the counter
beside him once again
asking if he liked
breasts of chicken...  he
said he never cared
too much for poultry.

it was temporary
thing about him,
it would pass
in time...  but...
she would not let
herself forget him

he chose partners with
whom he could never have a
future life at all.

Monday, July 19, 2021

April 1989 - page 3

we had different upbringings
different misunderstandings
and had no idea how to
complement one another.

the sun was meant to shine
and we were meant to be happy
which to some is success and
to others is occasionally earned.

we are each other's dreams
metaphors of each other's love
absolute pleasure
distilled feelings
forever dependent upon the
term of for better or worse.

I had tried three times and
three times lost,
it did not take a fool
to see what was happening.

with clomping footsteps
and quickness, she
moved like someone in charge
but was only in a hurry.

there was no pause for us
the pace always quickened,
yet in all this anxiety I
noticed how beautiful you are.

she regulated the truth
in her family, letting
only what she wanted
to be know by all.

there were many forms of loneliness
and there need not be any...
after keeping many from that fate
expect something in return.

heat brought forth
moisture bubbles
across his forehead,
dizziness and a
fainting spell...  it
cooled the sensations
and when passed a
little order was restored.

seniors came into the place
for the first time...  it was
the only place in town that
hadn't been invaded by them.aC

Sunday, July 18, 2021

April 1989 - page 2

each month starts out the same
with a few little twists
but basically the same,
it is a boring life I live until
I am able to meet someone new.

they fit tight around
and I feel myself inside them
touching what she likes
delighting as both in the excitement.

it is one more that
I offer in honor of
yesterday's audience.

she comes to bed after he is asleep
thinking he will not see a pattern,
he does and she acts like he's crazy.

the word divorce has been used
by them often and each time to scare
except this time it was really meant.

she was nothing fancy
or nothing plain she 
was there to please.

it was a busy place this morning
no one could explain why,
it could have been the weather
or maybe it was just a nice day.

he was offended
by her accusations,
and to make her happy
gave her reasons
for the claims she made.

it was something neither could forget
it prevented trust and cooperation,
it was somewhat disgusting making
them wish they had never met.

we were prevented from success
by our attitudes, finding it
difficult to understand how
some could always appear happy.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

April 1989 - page 1

a long way from home I am
with no chance of getting back,
wanting is much worse when
one cannot make it happen.

they sit there like two peas
almost everyday I see
if I were to mind my own business
I would still notice their habits
and their interest in each other.

a husband for her son
she wanted...
no matter who he was
she thought...
as long as not a criminal
she mused...
it wasn't alone she wanted.

it was a madhouse
nothing could be worse
and then she left and
none of us were the same.

it's nature's way to
exist among the bad and
leave the good alone.

she was single
and he was not,
she was a tease
and he was not,
she worked on him
and he on his wife.

it was a family conversation
mother, father, and the kids all talking,
at the same time...
different times and pitches of noise
that annoyed all those close.

after the divorce he
was more subdued
more gentle than before,
defeated and angry
which he kept inside.

into his life she
emerged and he was like a
fish out of water.

she though she knew him
well enough to know when he
was involved or not.

Friday, July 16, 2021

March 1989 - page 5

it was a lie...  her loving me,
no intimacy...  no touchy feely
kinds of things...  no kissing
no holding...  no sentimentality;
it was a lie...  her loving me,
there had been no caring for years
there had been no fondness or friendship
there had been no romancing
it was a lie alright...  her loving me.

I need to bury my love for you
since there's nothing physical so
I can find someone and fall in love
to meet my physical needs again.

she could make love to a man
if she did not love him,
he could make love to a woman
only if he did love her,
they love each other but had not
made love in months,
he needed to bury his love for her
so a new love could be found,
she did not want to lose the
only man she'd ever loved,
it was really finished this time
she had lost him for good...
he had promised never to stop
loving her...  of that she reminded him,
it was true...  but that love would
be buried so deep it would not count,
and they would both love again.

he was hers or so
she thought until the platonic
love was not enough.

I am beginning to hate you
for hating me...  it's like
everything else I say you
don't believe and everything
I do is hiding something;
it's like you don't trust me
and for good cause...  but now
you'll prove you're right
in what you see even when
you're wrong...  no more.

we die a little more each day
each time we are together,
when on the telephone
it is a little different though.

you scored me wrong
but what the hell...
there's plenty more
and while you're at it
bring me one over here.

the evening robs us
keeps us from clear sight
soothes us to sleep so
in the morning we can
take back what she took.

they were silent crimes
more or less
except for the cries
of sorrow
of happiness
of anger
of bitterness
I heard...  it was an
elegant feast we ate
in honor of our
last night
spent outside of bars,
they were crimes
but the hate
came later,
after the tears.

she faulted all
I would try
bragging from
her being
a bitch...  she
refused to care,
saying those days were
buried in the
casket along with
her dreams...  she
gave no warning for
her flight but
left much unspoken
which is how
she always was...
she hated me and
my talking and
my guessing and
my infidelity...
but most of all she
hated me because
she still loved me.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

March 1989 - page 4

she was a bitter young lady
enraged at her parents
angry at boy who used her
disappointed with needing attention
molested by age which kept
her just out of everyone's reach.

it was a start
a fresh one at that,
it was embarrassing for
both of us as it was
for her...  I'm sure,
it had pulled us apart and
was bring us together,
a unified disharmony
in general with life,
with its disappointments
with its unhappiness
with its sentiments of love
with its violence and
with its waste...  yet,
it was a start
and we were both
there ready to bear arms
if necessary to
replace and restock.

it was my wagon
my red wagon and you
cannot ride with me
unless you agree
with me in charge.

it was a remedy
not a solution,
band aid approach
or fires that we were
taught not to start
yet seem to put out.

she fixed my attitude
with a good evening in bed
paid for by my wife
and upon returning home
was not questioned
as to where I'd been.

she was livid
as were her friends
with their late arrival
since they had to stay
until her friends
came to town
from the farm
where they lived.

it was for himself
he lived
until she left him
with the bills and
he soon located
another wife.

we waited a short time like
being put on telephone hold,
with the one who answers
coming back to question
your patience and continuance.

there were reasons
all unacceptable
all too loosely tied,
there were rumors
if we'd listen
too minute to matter
too insignificant with
which to be concerned
but there were reasons
for all of this happening.

those were her toys with 
which she played...
puzzles and people
ropes and knots
books and bottles
and there were no
acknowledgements and
there were no regrets
for what had to be done.