Wednesday, February 28, 2018


there are worlds inside
the mind that go unvisited
every lifetimes because we
have no idea how to access
these figments of imagination
nor do we possess the will power
to sustain life around them.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018


coldness barricades itself
inside my body as I sit
outside waiting for this
animal to properly defecate;
sunlight bounces off my eyes
while I drink hot beverages
to stay awake and ward
off these powerful cold spirits;
changes in my attitude
reflect poorly on those feelings
I have used to stay warm but
understand the discrepancies ;
life outside with the cat
in the winter is not a task
to which I look forward nor
is it one I can deny doing.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Our World

our world claims
no survivors
nor does it see death
as an end to a means,
but as a journey
from one point to
another with death
coming in between;

our world has no hate
nor love for anyone
outside of ourselves
as our maturity
comes in spurts
just like sexual
ejaculation of the mind.


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Die in Contrast

no one has needs
anymore that can
be solved without
the use of  drugs;
cigarettes and alcohol
marijuana and cocaine
are our only choices
these days since no
once care about those
who are not wealthy;
we die in contrast
but are buried in the
same ground and all
our lives end the same
as they were born.


Saturday, February 24, 2018


Image result for suburbia
crimes of the children
haunt parents,
thoughtless parents often
provoke children;
families falter over
forgotten promises
relatives make phone calls
to stir the pot;
dogs chase cats around
the house while
cats tease dogs with
their fluffy tails;
suburbia hides in its
luxurious communities,
communities draw on
themselves for help;
police arrest children and
parents provide bail,
parents do not understand
what has happened.


Friday, February 23, 2018


Related image
water rests on a
covered pool as
gently as the waters
of a lake fill a valley,
and forgotten creatures
swim underneath
as easily as bees
fly around a give
never really noticing
who is watching them.


Thursday, February 22, 2018


slightly under
the scope of
a microscope
lies a world
of tiny creatures
that are the
foundation of
who we are, but
receive little to
no recognition
as we treat
ourselves to a
life of ignorance.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Nine Lives

Image result for cat enclosure
single minded in purpose
a drink of water first
a slow walk back and
down to that place where
offering are in abundance
for a cat whose total existence,
until now, has been spent
inside the safety of
someone else's habitat
that no longer provides the
challenge to live and hunt.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018


a privacy fence guards
the neighbors from my
scrutiny but prevents
them from seeing too
many of my latent
vulnerabilities when
outside, feasting on
the life we have all
been given but still
refuse to see or accept.


Monday, February 19, 2018


a darkened room
a surreal ceiling
transparent walls
and a dirt floor
complement my
morning thoughts
as well as can be
expected this cool
fall day of the
same year that
brought me to my
senses, leaving me
with the notion that
life will never be
kind to those who
see it otherwise.


Sunday, February 18, 2018


there is a common view to
the madness that contributes
to my views of life whereupon
I am perceived by many to
possess an opportunistic gene
that enables me to be the person
that no one expected me to be
because of my inability to
process data in the normal way;
therefore, I am doomed like
Sisyphus to strive for that
which can never be achieved.


Saturday, February 17, 2018

More or Less

we grow independently
of our parents as we
pursue unshared dreams
that realistically would
place us in the lower
ring of society, in an
all out effort to be more
or less like ourselves.


Friday, February 16, 2018


birds fly by in orchestrated flights,
bussing the place where the cat lays
peacefully and quietly on the deck
in the fall sun, worried not about
the birds nor the bees that tempt him
into taking action so they can show
him how silly his actions will be.


Thursday, February 15, 2018


hidden away in
deep recesses are
the opinions we
adults outgrew
as children that
now are haunting
because we were
innocently wrong.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Over time and throughout the years,
a caring heart wins all battles on
the battle fields of love since the
wounds are bandaged with empathy
and forgiveness and the healing
takes place with compassion as the
souls are joined as one not just on
the days of Valentines but everyday,
every hour, every minute no matter
how deep the frustration is or how
long the compromise lingers around
before acceptance because the love
that initially brought us together is
always around us and remains as
strong as our willingness to accept it;

over time and though out the years,
we have remained together and
there is little doubt in either mind
as to “why” or “what for” since our
consistency and persistence denotes
the love that can only be felt by its
continued, but unannounced presence,
and it is this awareness on which we
count year-after-year because there
is no other way for it to be other than
having a series of daily VALENTINES.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Own Way

on my back, the sun is felt
and on my neck and arms 
and legs as it cannot be
escaped any more as it
once was when I was poor
and young and had no need
to venture outside the walls
of my prison home in which
I spent most of my early
years learning to dream of
the sun and fun and the 
freedom needed to go my
own way in this life of ours.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Caught for Holding

holding onto an honest person
is like eating one's way through
a bag of potato chips leaving one
and we try to make sense of this,
thinking logic dictates our lives.


Sunday, February 11, 2018


it is always the
morning after
something and
our hosts want
us to leave
before noon;
dedication lays
at the foundation
of silence and
hope sits on the
back porch of faith
hoping to talk
with all the early
arrivals, as well
as those who have
decided to go.


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Peeking In

windows into the house
fog when a negative
state-of-mind approaches
them as if it were mindful
of the consequences
mental health issues
have on one's home life.


Friday, February 9, 2018


remind us all of
the time we spent
praying for those
who prayed for those
who prayed for those
who knew not how
to pray at all; yet,
were prayed for
anyway since life
helps those who
helps others, and
sins are kept at a
minimum to avoid
praying late penalties.


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Old Age Songs

we sing the praises
of old age,
but none of the lyrics
account for
medical issues
beyond our control;

wisdom leaves its
sweat in the armpits
of old age as our
bodies decline in
corresponding value;

tears shed not on
old faces as
they know all too well
the games that
they have played;

value added is the
marching call
of the aged as they
kneel before the gates
that first saw them
patiently standing.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018


our walls stand tall

mental or not,

our biased sight see
what it needs to,
   our hearing is indifferent
   but inside we are safe;
no one is harmed
   no one is disfigured
   no one is criminal
under the laws of
   our own mental courts;
   our walls stand tall
and protect us
   against ourselves before
   others can do us harm.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018


there is no image
on the screen
no doubts lying on
the cutting room floor;
there is no meaning
no purpose
with life as it is,
there are so many
waiting to die;
inside activities
prolong the inevitable
and we still attempt
to make deals.


Monday, February 5, 2018


I have no thoughts profound
          or otherwise today as my
                    concentration lies inside me,
                              not outside what I see;
no thoughts today or yesterday
          seems to be the case as my
                    eyes look into what is not
                              happening within me;
I am not as alone as once I was
          but not many tend to my
                    happiness anymore since
                              life is fading with me.


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Of It All

the wonder of it all is
no wonder at all since
it only meets expectations
and we are left with wanting
more like a drug addict;

the memory of it all is no
memory at all since the colors
recalled are only black and white
and we are left with filling in
the blanks with magic markers;

the wisdom of it all is no
wisdom at all since we have
acquired no new knowledge in
the process of reiteration of
what we learned in high school;

the pity of it all is no pity
at all since we are sensitive
to the short comings of our feelings,
always leaving our true feelings
in the various stages of our
dreams when we were sleeping.


Saturday, February 3, 2018


an indifferent attitude will
get you a cup of coffee on
a warm day but will never
prepare you for the criminal
adjustment made in order to
secure your place in society.


Friday, February 2, 2018


her nature is robust
she's a soldier
a warrior
and a delight
in every way, except
for her mannerisms
in the winter when
she keeps us all
from the cold breath
she blows about
and the icy chill
of her touch
on my warm body
that she so nicely
prepared for me
in the summer.


Thursday, February 1, 2018

A Greater Good

is the military way
without science or motive
standing ready
poised for all outcomes
fearful of none
or so the claim
as not all enlist to fight
but to serve
a greater good
greater than themselves.
