Tuesday, October 31, 2023

One Sided

up against the wall
you are the first to fall,
a maskless Satan
from the other side...
waving the flags of freedoms
as you behead your foes,
asking for trust when you
have none to give...
a love-hate relationship
that has no moral codes,
or feckless boundaries,
a challenge to the weak
that strength prevails,
a time-stamped idiot
who believes that there
one side to everything.

October245, 2023

Monday, October 30, 2023

A Long Time Hence

daylight fills the hollows of my mind

sitting on the back porch reflecting

times past - times present - and the

future sometimes as it may need to be,

we are curious and stubborn and full

of the hatred that caused our birth,

we are subtle and kind, especially to

the animals kept in our homes...  a

day in the life goes as far as it needs

to go when the night gentle crushes

the light - we can no longer see that

which we want to see or that which

we need to see...  hoping for more

but always expecting less, wondering

when the light will finally be gone

and we will rest forever in the ground

and have no more thoughts to share

or to ponder for the rest of eternity.

October 24, 2023

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Cosmic Consciousness

a cosmic consciousness floats around

the universe like a fantasy streams

floats through the mind...  the sum

total of all knowledge is contained

within that consciousness, available

to everyone that knows the key to

its entry...  it is said that the geniuses

of old knew this key and partook of

its contents whether they understood

what they had is unknown and this

leaves the rest of us in a deep quandary

as to what will happen to us...  those

of us who are not enlightened enough

to realize this cosmic consciousness

is floating around out there...  it is not

an ignorance that we possess but a 

lack of knowledge due to our location

in time and space and the juxtaposition

of those around us that may be blessed

with this understanding but have failed.

October 21, 2023

Saturday, October 28, 2023


darkness prevails in the valley

another day has almost died,

we are surrounded by death

and dying as this is the time

of year for that to happen...

winter kills the life that we

were accustomed to and we

do nothing in retaliation,

except stay inside to keep

our minds and bodies warm,

we are creatures of habit

without remorse as this form

of dying happens every year

and we do nothing to prevent

its ravages...  dead plants, dead

trees and bushes and dead

animals who were not smart

enough to prepare for it all...

each year that we live we see

it all over again, remarking

in the same way and doing

nothing to prevent the next

year as if we are also impotent.

October 21, 2023

Friday, October 27, 2023

Street Nights

placing one foot in front of the other

we slip through the night virtually

undetected...  or so we thought...

miles and miles of dark eyes are

embedded in transparent dark walls

spying on our behavior...  especially

since our curfew has been restored;

we slink this way and that way to

avoid being seen, wearing dark

clothes and trying not to smile...

over our eyes are night vision

goggles, stalking the enemy of

our enemy of our enemy...  we

are vigilant, relentless, and to a

degree resolved in the notion

that we must win at all costs...

even when the mounting costs

take out more than we are giving;

no longer do our dark hearts beat

in dark senseless rhythms but

with a sense of helplessness at

the night that does not fight back.

October 20, 2023

Thursday, October 26, 2023

It's All Downhill

cascading memories follow us around

like toy dogs on a leash...  not really

dogs at all - just pretending to be...

we step inside the memories to gage

the temperature of our thoughts,

knowing that some may be discarded

in order to maintain the voracity of

others - these being those we think

are worth having in the sense of

exploring their potentially dark

passages, not to be confused with

dark matter or dark photons...  we

invest just enough emotional energy

to get them flying high like kites

while at the same time, making sure

they are tethered properly to the

source of their origination...  we

hold nothing to be self-evident,

except the manner in which we

are taught to perceive the world.

October 19, 2023

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


all silent journeys begin and end in the mind

weaving in and around our forbidden thoughts

intermixing with our sexual fantasies and if

lucky enough will participate in some of them

from a visual point of view...  journeys that

take us to foreign lands we saw in a picture

book or watched unfold on the screen of life

that so many believe is real...  from the point

of view of reality based and nothing more...

journeys that we took in our dreams when

young and revisited at an older age and

experienced difficulties with what we saw,

and then there were journeys of a military

kind where we shot to keep from being

shot at...  somewhat different than shooting

up or so I have been told...  journeys that

were filled with rumors and innuendos of

a variety of types but mostly no good...

journeys of a type where we died and were

brought back to life for some reason that

today we have yet to fully understand or

even comprehend due to its end solutions,

October 17, 2023

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Makeshift Art

a makeshift room in a makeshift house

falls short of expectations that were

made by makeshift inhabitants trying to

escape a makeshift world...  one wrong

word and the thought police will take

you to their makeshift cells in the

basement of their makeshift stations;

the bottom drops out of the makeshift

sky and rain mixed with sleet and snow

falls on the makeshift ground...  all the

wild animals hide in their makeshift

caves looking out at the craziness of

the makeshift society that tries to hunt

them down every spring...  a notorious

groundhog sees his makeshift shadow

and returns to the cabin in which he

shares with his makeshift landlord...

the rest of us wonder who the artist

was who came up with all these so

unusual ideas and then decided to

put them down on canvas for all

to see and feast their eyes upon.

October 17, 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

Nowhere's Edge

on the edge of nowhere

we sit in a chair of air

contemplating the end

of existence as if we

living somewhere and

seeing life for the first

time out of the womb...

we are caretakers of

emptiness, invaded dreams,

and broken promises but

we realign our sadness

whenever nowhere lives

since it moves around

like a vagabond, or a

nomad whose life is not

his own when in spirit

form...  we know this to

be true a thousand times

we have seen similar and

not known the difference.

October 16, 2023

Sunday, October 22, 2023


rude ae we to awaken in your dreams

changing your thought to suit our purposes,

dressing in black robes to hide the truth

peeking into your thought as if our name was Tom;

slicing the night with our paranoia and

feeling no guilt in the process, making our

presence known to your caretakers...

we are the thought police and when your

thoughts extend beyond our reasonable limits

we enter and reprogram in such a way that

it is never known what we did...  a perfect

plan of action that stretches from ear to ear,

infiltrating your senses like a pleasant smell.

October 15, 2023

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Mental Chairs

mental chairs fold up or down

when not in use and are placed

in the closet of unused thoughts

when not occupied...  chains

of hope keep the chair in place

as memories are being reviewed,

fantasy tokens are paid if time

limits are exceeded...   we require

no down payment for this service

since the government is no longer

monitoring our dreams...  mental

chairs once filled with memories

now are stuffed with thoughts

that can no longer be traced back

to their sources...  we are living

proof of that failure and bear

no malice to those who do not

think like us regardless of age.

October 15, 2023

Friday, October 20, 2023

Windy Memories

outside the tree limbs sway

to the left - to the right

blow baby blow...

light spots on the windows

are simply reflections of

the distant light from within,

thoughts stampede the mind

like an old wild west show

and I see the end before the

beginning has even started,

leaves turned upside down

await the rain that will knock

them off the branch before

they can quench their thirst

rain baby rain...

horseshoe road encircle the

village before the residents

can be warned and the winds

blow with a fury, unleashing

the unforsaken into their midst

without checking any passports.

October 14, 2023

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Bending Light

light bends around an object in space

gravity bends its fabric like a plumber

bending pipe... we owe our lives to the

cosmos of space just as surely as we

owe our souls to the godfather of time;

we search through the heaves for a sign

the death of a star or a growing black hole,

we see its expansion and wonder when

the end will reach around to the beginning

and life as we know it starts over...  a

year or two from now perhaps or maybe

a millennia or two from now...  who knows;

we search the stars for answers knowing

we have not the understanding...  lost

humans in a lost universe, speculating

on the age of our ancestors and when

they arrived here and from where...  we

seek answers but all we find is bending

light and the gravity that holds us here.

October 11, 2023

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Changing Winds

southward the wind blows true

through the trees and its branches

through the bushes and it leaves

through the grasses and its weeds

as if marching to the gulf...  we

sit inside our porches and our

sunrooms, protected from the

elements watching the changes

taking place every season and

all we can ponder is all the years

we have lost to foolishness...

the morning news reminds us of

the debt we owe each other as

parties struggle with each other's

consciousnesses as if they were

some kind of witch doctor casting

spells for the next four years...

The winds change every so often

blowing in opposite directions just

to see if we are going to notice.

October, 11, 2023

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Fire Light Chats

Flames dance along its sides

white embers in the middle

surrounds a reddish glow inside

corners of wood sit on the ground

waiting for their turn in the pot,

blue gray smoke blows with 

the wind, igniting flames, we

huddle around as if we are colder

than we really are, using it as

an excuse to get close...  swings

nearby move without passengers

its extended chains squeak as

the move around the screws,

the wood groans under its

weightless seat as one might

expect in space...  our words

linger in the air with the hot

ashes that rise and fall, quickly

disappearing in the ground...

more words are offered and all

seem to fade away in the night

when our conversations turn

to politics and heat our bodies.

October 10, 2023

Monday, October 16, 2023

Doubling Twenty-Four

moore's law lives down the street
in the corner house...  and as it
doubles, it must conversely decrease,
the relationship is obvious in its
simplicities...   and, moore would
have wanted it that way as well...
we observe and make calculations
they are not our own but what we see,
they are descriptions of behaviors
and unrealized facts until they have
been collected...  and, it is moore
who should get the credit...  not
the space and tine in which the
game took place...  we are the souls
of previous experiences from previous
people who previously were unknown,
and yet, every two years we are silent
witnesses to the event as if we were
in a courtroom hearing evidence on
whether or not to convict...  it is a
simple task this life of ours, as we
explore the boundaries of technology.

October 7, 20223

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Life's Time

time is a barrier we all must face,

we cannot escape the barrier,

pass the barrier,

or remove the barrier,

we can only face the barrier

as our last official act

of being alive...   that is to say,

in the sense that we understand

life in the way that we do...

that it must end;  and, when it ends,

in the manner in which we 

understand that it will end, we

evolve into something else...

something that is not the life

that we knew, nor is it the death

that we just experienced...

it is something far more profound,

something of which we do not

understand or comprehend...

that is to say that time ceases

to exist for us, if time was even

with us in the first place...

we age and develop and grow

and claim that is an example of time,

but is it time or just our evolution

that has no basis in time...

life just is until it is not...

and has no relationship with time

that does not continue when we die.

October 7, 2023

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Forgotten Sins

a reflection of light

passes through me

unnoticed, leaving

no identifiable marks

once it changes my

perceptions of life

around me...  light

turns in and around

inside me like soft

current on the surface

of a pond after a rock

skims across...  light

feels it way around

inside like a surgeon

removing a cancer...

then the lungs and

heart are its victims

enters the bloodstream

and flows where it 

wants to flow like a

tidal waves that hits

the shoreline of a 

coastal village, not

expecting anyone 

at all to live...  light

gives me courage,

gives me reassurances,

gives me hope that

one day all of my

sins will be forgotten.

October 6, 2023

Friday, October 13, 2023

Fall's Arrival

a stillness in the air betrays

the season...  not too hot and

not too cold, all extremes are

tolerable...  we look inward

for guidance as outside seems

to defy the odds...  no margin

of error, no inaccurate calculations,

and certainly no human flaws

can account for the situation

in which we find ourselves...

not wanting more and

not wanting less but satisfied

with what we have like a baby

with a pacifier...  we stand mute

to all voices that say otherwise,

our kingdom has come and our

will has been done...  we relish

in the fall of the year like it was

the first time experiencing...

and we thank the stars above 

for giving us a day like this one.

September 30, 2023

Thursday, October 12, 2023

What is Known

thoughts swirl around in my mind

of an earlier time

a distant times where life was

much different than it is now,

a time of innocence and fun

encouragements from friends,

a younger Carolina filled

with sunshine and waves,

salty air and sea breezes that

calmed a humid sleepless night,

a time where fear was unimaginable

and physical pain was impossible,

in my mind that time is reflected

and remembered when I gaze

around at the communities

without trees, without bushes

without leaves to rake and jump

into as if being a paratrooper

and landing on the ground...

a reflection of not just time lost

but values and integrity just as

sure as cutting down the cherry tree,

my mind is full of thoughts from

my younger years, reflecting on

times as if they were yesterday,

and like all who reflect backwards,

see a hopelessness with the task

since it will never return and life

will never be the same as known.

September 30, 2023

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

No Salvation

the mistress of the night stands

as close to me as she dares...

the heat from her body covers

my thoughts forcing them to

obey her will...  she had dominion

over me this night, as she does

most every night when I reach

out to her for comfort...  I am

wasted mentally and physically,

she dominates my kindness and

circumvents my weaknesses in

the hopes that our union will

create everlasting results...  there

is no love mixed in with the

passion as we reach out to each

other, pulling our bodies closer

and closer as the evening passes

and we are buried by the light

of our transgressions, knowing

life holds no salvation for us.

September 28, 2023

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Morning Ritual

morning sunlight peers into the

sunroom of my mind as sleeping

animals curl up on cat trees

placed in the corners of the room,

mental shadows walk the streets

of thoughts that meander their

way around historical artifacts

sometimes called memories in

lieu of making new ones...

fantasies linger in the shadows

watching for movement and

any indication that their time

is about to happen...  rolls of

discourse lay on the porcelain

floor like seashells on a beach

waiting to be snatched up by

throngs of tourists down from

their northern perches of blank

superiority...  a morning cough

alerts us to the day and we begin

to clean up our latent appearance.

September 25, 2023

Monday, October 9, 2023

Tree of Many Colors

a tree of many branches

and many colors grows

alone atop a mountain,

it offers life to those who

stop and admire its beauty,

and death to those who

ignore its presence...

it is the tree of power and

greed and has too many

followers for it to serve

them all - picking and

choosing only those who

are deserving...  it is a

tree of life and death as

is sworn to by those who

worship its abilities and

those who have perished

when trying to cut it down,

it is a monster tree of life

that gives more than it takes

hoping that one day, it will

have a chance to die and no

longer be life's interpreter.

September 24, 2023

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Devil's Darkness

darkness lays down in the valley

like periwinkle, invading and

creeping around sleeping souls

in a vain attempt to influence

their dreams...  magical fingers

play the darkness like a well-tuned

Stratovarius, lonely melodious

sounds stream out through the

dank, dark air winding and

intertwining with the devil's

enbibed a few hours before...

demons on crutches hobble

around like drunken sailors

in search of those who failed

to leave early...  magpies howl

at the harvest moon, forcing

an illuminated darkness that

stifles all hidden persuasions as

the morning lays claim on all

who believed in its returning.

September 24, 2023

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Behind the Eyes

tired eyes close softly
thumb and fore finger
gently rub the bottom
against the cheek bone,
eyes close tighter
three finger push in
ever so tenderly...
a dark pattern emerges
separated by strand of
a golden color that
changes a dark purple
with red and white
lines jutting across in
irregular motion and
as the eyes try to focus
on the designs they
disappear and black
immediately fills the
void...  fingers pull
back and try again,
the colors reappear
but this time they 
are shades of blues
and green with silver
lines juxtaposed all
around like a spider
web that is trying to
reconstruct itself...
the artist inside my
mind wants to capture
these images on 
canvas as they are
different than anything 
seen and would surely
draw one's attention.

September 23, 2023

Friday, October 6, 2023


is the fall morning,
a pleasant coolness in the air
not cold at all
but soothing nonetheless,
a change from the sultry humid
heat of a dying summer
that lingered longer...

is the recliner in which I
sit this morning,
counting blessings instead
of failures...

are the moments spent my
three cats,
even though they are a constant
nuisance sometimes,
they are comforting and
reassuring when the body and
the mind wind down...

is my retired life, no worries
or concerns with what
was previous or may unfold 
since it matters not in
the least to me anymore...

is this new morning that offers
me another day of life,
another day of enjoyment
and being enjoyed
by those who have stood by me
this entire time.

September 23, 2023

Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Sunroom

a stuffed black and white animal with
a red nose sits atop a well-used cat tree
in the corner of the sunroom, sheltered
from the rays of sunlight flooding the
room with warmth...  a wicker couch
covered in a protective blanket with
pare pillows stretches across the fall
wall for visitors that may soon arrive
but never do...  feet rests are available
for their pleasure just in case...  two
wicker rockers sit along the adjacent
wall on either side of a portable unit
that provide heat and cold when called
into action by pressing a button on top
of its casing - two hoses connect it to
the window for intake and outflow
purposes not fully understood...  a
comfortable cloth rocker sits in the
other corner that was purchased from
the previous owners provides a nice
addition to the room while offering
its occupants a variety of positions...
there is nothing impersonal about
this room other than its lack of use.

September 23, 2023

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Seasonal Transformation

dark light dark are the colors
with which I am presented
when gazing outside my window
early in the morning...  shades
of greens belonging to the
leaves of trees and various
hues of browns from light to
dark from the trees on which
these leaves are connected...
a morning slash of colors
brought to me by the sun,
no clouds in the sky to 
distort my vision or mental
understandings of how nature
tends to her own, even when
the seasons change and these
leaves turn to oranges and reds
and fall to the ground...  it is
not a mystery but a seasonal
transformation of which I'm a
lifelong participant observing the
beauty of the changing seasons.

September 23, 2023

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Forgotten Forever

eyes open
head is raised
surroundings surveyed
in own bed
in own house
after midnight...
sleepless and
wide awake,
no sleep in sight
restless with
aimless visions
abandoned dreams
inability to focus...
steroids inside again
preventing sleep
preventing dreams with
loaned out fantasies
stored in the mind's
deep recesses that are
better off forgotten...
reflected darkness from
the outside enters
my eyes pierce its
unusual loneliness
trying to gain my confidence
rumors beget rumors
I forget my past
at least temporarily...
barren thoughts lead to
depression and despair,
I help myself 
out of bed so I
can write down these
memories before they
are forgotten forever.

September 23, 2023

Monday, October 2, 2023

A Wooded Forest and Creek

a mountain stream winds it way down

the side like a snake in Eden, turning

into a creek filled with tadpoles and 

frogs once it reaches the valley proper,

fawns, squirrels, chipmunks and a few

rabbits drink from its brackish waters

early in the morning when they have

nothing but silence to comfort them,

hawks, buzzards, and a few crows

venture to the creekside during the

day when the sun is hidden by trees

and foliage of ferns and ground covers

that typically roam where moss lives,

dead leaves from previous years and

fallen dead branches lay on the ground

like a quilted comforter decaying and

providing homes for insects...  dogwoods,

evergreens, birch, maple, and oak have

their roots firmly planted into the dirt

that is dark and rich but filled with ants,

a black bear occasionally walks by the

creek on its way to new hunting since he

no longer sleeps in his mountain cave,

not sure if it is spring or fall, those who

live nearby it will be cold or hot soon

their outside lives will end abruptly,

they will need to adapt like before.

September 22, 2023

Sunday, October 1, 2023

By Your Service

a skirt-like guard surround the lightbulb

its reflection on the wall altered by it,

on then off the lightbulb flashes, its

original position does not change...

counter measures are formed by 

circumstance, and are unlike the

lightbulb yet they appear and they

disappear at will...  we honor those 

who have served with light and those

who have not with darkness...  and, it

is the darkness they prefer, not wanting

to risk their lives for those who don't

care...  discounts are given appropriately

to those who have stepped up but 

unlike the lightbulb they never shine

or cast illumination on the life that is

all around them...  they are creatures of

the night even though they have been

given light, wasting not the utilities

it would take to operate...  they are a

strange breed these lightbulb receivers

as they have nowhere else to go now.

September 22, 2023