Friday, December 31, 2021

The Fall of it All, part I

the evening mist dances
around my consciousness
like a slight headache...
as it attempts to get a foothold
on the night...  its adversarial
relationship diminishes over
time as darkness adorns its
cloak for the night...  a brisk
breeze terminates discussions
as the moon's argument is
always the same and watchful
eyes close their observations
since evening discloses nothing
in return for its silence...
calmness rules in the absence
of light directing its attention
nocturnal prowlers who
roam without permits in the
land that was theirs for the
taking once daylight could no
longer provide protection...
dusk is the interim referee
who is paid nothing for its
timeless responsibilities but who
stands ready to pounce on those
who do not heed the warning signs
that daylight is no longer 
interested in saving time since
the war efforts are no longer
deciding who had lost the most.

21 October 2021

Thursday, December 30, 2021


patterns of behavior
unravel daily...
forming new choices that
dictate changes in the way
we perceive all that we
have been given...
patterns of thoughtlessness
filtered through our
subconscioius awareness,
guide our actions but
not the thoughts that
motivate their movement...
patterns of colors flow
in and out of our vision
giving us the three
dimensions in which we live
while time is an abstract
understanding that few
admit is even around...
patterns of feelings impose
their will on us daily
when the rules have not
yet awakened from slumber
and the mind collapses
in on itself in an effort to
delay the inevitable...
patterns upon patterns
patterns within patterns
is how we live these days.

21 October 2021

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Water of Life

the water of life pours down
from above quenching our thirst
for knowledge...  at least
temporarily...  but we search 
for answers we don't have as
if finding them will result in
our salvation...  while we
drift through life in a never ending
journey towards a conclusion
we have avoided since birth;
the water of life renews our
spirits and our souls that we
know we have but cannot see
nor can we touch them as they
are hidden from us for all of
etermity so that they might
survive our  disappointments;
the water of life flows freely
down the mountain of light
that guides our dark paths
through the wilderness of the
existence given to us as a
gift when our original bodies
were created by that which we
don't understand but accept;
the water of life is as clear as
our minds that absorb existence
as if it were food from heaven
whose all inclusive jurisdiction
guides all of our current insecurities.

21 October 2021

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Non Conformity

a light rain fell as I was sleeping
filling in the holes I had left open,
a town moves in the direction of its people
refusing to cater any longer to strangers,
a feline lays on its side licking as it
taunts a robot cleaning the carpet,
loose fitting spectacles fall to the ground unnoticed
as the wearer concentrates on a foreign actor film,
tears of joy roll down the face of a cancer patient
when ringing the bell in the hallway of completion,
threats of invasion comes from our allies who
can no longer tolerate our ignorant isolation,
losers stand on the scales of change hoping
their diet plans are sufficient for the politicians,
we look into the space above our heads and
see the emptiness of stars distant and close while
others see horizons of opportunities and sacrifice,
will power lends credence to the battle with
our own minds but for others it is merely a
religious event where giving in is necessary
and essential to one's hope for an everlasting life,
we dig trenches around our tents to divert
the water than has fallen throughout the night,
awakening at first light to confirm we are dry,
our fires, made from the wood of forgotten thoughts
cook the meals we are to feast on daily as our
actions dictate nonconformity towards the rest
of society that would have us become dependant,
upon our leaders who want to make all the decisions,
a light rain fell while i was off sleeping
opening up the holes filled in yesterday.

21 October 2021

Monday, December 27, 2021


ageless memories...  haunt
the imagination as the
incongruent recollections
pile up inside the barracks
of the mind...  where less
eneergy is spent remembering
than dreaming about the
future and its limitlessness;
seasons pass through filters
triggering random realities
taking pleasure in their chaos
while forming opinions the few
will ever know or understand...
ageless memories...  transform
circumstance appearing
benign in their recollections
while discord plays on the
mental piano of enlightenment
that dissipates before it
ever arrives...  curiously
and predictably alone, we
recallibrate with tuning forks,
silencing the critics who have
finally come out to play with us;
ageless memories...  flawless
in their presentations recapture
one's innocence and ever so
gently remind us that our
present is a precursor for the
past we failed to acknowledge.

20 October 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021


my thoughts linger on a
youthful memory...
early awakenings
embracing the day
bluejeans and a pair of
high-top tennis shoes,
breakfast with family
walks in the woods
and talks with birds that
did not want to be there;
a fortress out of wood
we built in the trees
and dug out a hole 
in the ground that we
covered with tree limbs,
all of which were secondary
to the campfire we made
cooking eggs and bacon
between slices of Wonder Bread;
years later when we had
reached our teens, those
wooded areas were gone,
replaced by homes and
sidewalks on which some
rode bicycles while others
walked their dogs...  it was
no longer the same as it had
been remembered and I
wondered if I had really
done any of that at all.

20 October 2021

Saturday, December 25, 2021


each morning do I sit in this chair
contemplating life around me and
to no conclusions do I arrive as I
dwell on the back porch of memories,
some of which are enduring and lovely
while others are illusive and hateful;
time spent with unfulfilled dreams
is the cruelist time of all as one
revisits failures and lost opportunities
that can only be realized with old;
of all the journies I could have taken, I
see myself taking none of my paths
as life has already been decided and
some of us see that attitude as being lazy
while others embrace it as their reality;
change leaves us all emotionally bankrupt
as life unfolds conspicuously around us
and our pre-determined lives move this
way and that from the choice we have made
but that free will is just as much of an
illusion as were the dreams we had when young;
each afternoon do I sit in this chair
contemplating most of my morning thoughts
and to no conclusions do i arrive as to
their validity or future value, discarding
most of them as just having something to do...
old age leaves us wanting more while
appreciating and grateful for all we had as
life is not about accumulation of wealth but
about what we learned from our journey.

20 October 2021

Friday, December 24, 2021


a lonely tree sheds its leaves
in a forest of evergreens,
lloking down at the ground
in despair as it gazes at
all its lost friends...
a lonely tree loses its birds
as they relocate to the evergreens
who provide more cover...
a lonely tree weeps alone
as it endures the harsh winter
and the squirrels hide in
its hollowness until spring...
the evergreens smile at 
the lonely tree until they are
cut down for the holidays
and those who have survived
beg for forgiveness...
a lonely tree reaches out in
comfort to those who lost
brothers and sisters,
sharing what it can to aid
in their recoverry...
a lonely tree awaakes one morning
to find its leaves have returned
along with the birds and the
squirrels who have awakened
to enjoy the sun...
the evergreens are thankful
for its friendship and offer
more for the coming year.

19 October 20231

Thursday, December 23, 2021


edges of darkness
give way to light,
a new birth is
seen by everyone,
and for a while
there is peace
and appreciation
for its life...
travelers mark their
paths with stones,
others see them as
landmarks of
serenity...  we are
divided in our
purposes and in our
thoughts as we
strive for continuity
during the light,
albeit brief...
we do not despair
but when the edge
of darkness comes
again, we are united
in our hiding...
in our homes
safe and sound...
from each other and
from ourselves in that
our thoughts are those
which show no]
encouragement to change
any of our behavior.

19 October 2021 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Life's Currents

we all sail down currents of doubt during
our brief lifetimes of existence...  some of
these currents are found in creeks and ponds
while others are found in rivers and lakes...
some start our large and dwindle away while
others begin from a puddle of rain and end up
washing away an entire valley of opportunities
and all the dreams and plans carefully stacked
along the grassy banks of our inner thoughts;
we all have anchored our feelings to a dream
that in its infant stages made every bit of sense
but as it developed into fruition...  its reality
made less and less sense until abandonment
was the only course of action to be taken
by an innocent but not so young activist;
lie shadows emerged quite unexpectedly and
our incursions into hesitation were prompted
by fears of those closest...  waving banners
in our faces to cease and desist...  ignoring the
crime of the creative imagination as if it were 
just a blip on someone's radar that was not
properly or even routinely honesly calibrated;
minutes form barrier reefs for days allowing
them to create break waters for months that
alter ther terrain of years so lifetimes can move
inland to avoic all the salt water corrosion
taking place inside...  our souls are free to 
wander and sail down life's currents from one
port to another on an endless odyssey of purpose
like Ulysseus...  nomads of life learning and
understanding as we go...  and all the riches we
acquire during our perilous journeys will be
left behind to be enjoyed by those younger
souls who are experiences these currents for
the first time without our parental guidance.

19 October 2021

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


sheltered memories and thoughts lay dormant
inside the mental caves with paths that wind
through the mountainous regions of my sub-
consciousness that displays luscious valleys
of awareness interwoven with the turmoil of
rocky cliffs of doubt forming reluctant realities;
random memories resurfaced and bright, return
me to those years of innocence where doubts were
non-existent and possibilities provided purpose
and meaning everyday we were alive helping us to
witness its creative unfolding and nightly closures;
forgotten memories of war and love and despair
that took me into tubular depression wear thin
on one's imagination that had brought them into
existence while ignorant boredoms ran rampant
through a weak consciousness demanding it be
given proper attention before an ultimate burial;
lackluster memories often fall short of expectations
as life evolves into manhood from one crisis to
another and as fears replace endless guilt that
once ruled for many years before determination
accomplished that which unaggravated motivation
could not, cleansing without mental reinforcements;
grouped memories formed consciousness and 
refurbished the awareness that propeled me forward
into my final years of retirement, dumping me into a 
state-of-mind not seen or experienced since birth...
a spiritual connection with all that has been imagined
as creative realities fail to explain that life originated
from the cosmos and not from evolving planet earth.

19 October 2021

Monday, December 20, 2021


whisperings influence my inclinations
dancing inside my awareness like children
in a Madi Gras Parade...  teasing and
tantalizing they become, flitting and flirting
around my head...  momentarily pulling
towards their wanton influences while
my subconsciousness cleverly resists them;
whisperings influence my thoughts that in turn
influence my feelings that consequently
encourage my actions to respond in such
a way that those murmuring flow through the
day mimicking ther gentle waters of a brook
that empties into a stream, overflowing onto a
creek which meanders this way and that until
it finds the pond of its destination where
beavers long ago have made it their home;
whisperings take root in my imagination like
the roots of a cherry tree that move out of 
their hole for stability and security leaving 
my mind free and clear to move in its own
direction as well through the maze of
informalities that crowd the day and influence
its judgements to the point where they are
oftentimes abandoned before understood;
whisperings enter the consciousness where
reason and rationale merge into enlightenment
when silence is nurtured by ignorance and
sunlight seemingly always fades into a
transparent dusk and under the cover of
darkness we relax our instincts and allow
procrastination to consume all of the
remaining albeit redundant whisperings.

18 October 2021

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Back Porch Time

time lives on the back porch and never comes
inside until it is time to go...  we delay the
end-of-time as long as we can, feeding it
our daily scraps as an incentive to remain
at bay...  time heals they say...  but what do
they really know...  especially since as it
passes, it takes with it one's most vivid 
memories...  leaving all the others behind;
time sits on the back porch patiently waiting
for the setting sun and we pass it daily
on our way to having fun as age creeeps
up our legs like a snake of poison ivy,
and we scratch until it is blistered, finding
ourselves at the doctor...  outside of time
we live when young as if it does not matter
if and when the day will ever end...  if it ever
really ends at all...  remaining in our imaginations;
time paints itself into a back porch corner
while it sits upon our shoulders gazing through
our screened-in environments with us,
hoping this is not the day that we go...  and,
when we feel the light inside us burn brightly,
we burst forth into its illumation, regardless
of our age...  seeing life for what and all that
it is...  a precious gift and possibly more
as it gives us something for which to live;
time lives on the back porch and never comes
inside...  but, it is always there in our minds...
lurking...  and we are always there feeding it
our intentions until we can no longer dealy
the inevitability of our own passing deaths.

18 October 2021

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Chaotic Characteristics

different lengths of hardwoods form the
floors of my imagination...  curious
states-of-mind existing in the realities
of an unproven science...  yet, we
are all possessed with one, some more
vibrant and illusive than others but with
similiar commonalities...  as they hopscotch
across the frontiers of make-believe, providing
us all with alternate realities of truth;
a truth that knows no limitations
nor does it harbor any boundaries that
might be used for comfort in a mental storm...
when both the rational and the irrational are
in question and appealing to the logical
courts-of-law that rule the consciousness;
we have no jurisdiction over fantasies even
thouogh we have documents and papers
trying to explain them...  in a dimension
of their own they exist like faith without
the emphasis of hope to guide them...  they
are sand castles waiting for high tide when
everyone is busy gettng ready for dinner;
different lengths of hardwoods cover the
sub-floor of our realities yet many of us
exist in worlds where there are no constraints
and the laws of physics are no longer applicable
as our movements are unpredictable in their
own and unique random wqay with all the
chaotic characteristics to guide them along.

17 October 2021

Friday, December 17, 2021

An Unfinished House

cool air chills the body head to toe
a fat cat warms bare legs
thoughts meander around like floating dust particles
and my eyes gaze on what they've already seen...
mornings reveal curiosities of the day
before all unfinished tasks poorly planned
when the day moves like the setting sun;
characteristics of amnesty enter and leave
the mind just as quickly as before, preventing
a build-up of animosity towards the unkniown...
piles of mental debris sit on the side
like dirt piled up from a recent gravesite that
has not yet been filled in with the trash
of all the foolish ideas it represents...  as if,
it were passing the buck from one parent to another;
encouragement is never offered or required
or deemed necessary in advance when
couples sit on opposite side of the table
while deciding the fate of their past...  that now
seems so out-of-touch with what life
has currently made of them both...
souls without a future...  drifting like dust
in an empty home of compassion where
empathy exists only for the unwanted cats;
silent sanctions live north of the unfinished
border wall that separates fantasy from fact
and the fiction that is subsequently written relies
on the unfinished words and phrases that constantly
pass between them and their unfinished house.

17 Octiober 2021

Thursday, December 16, 2021

A Commonality

peace be with you...
is a global sentiment for those religious or not
who use it as a casual greeting when meeting
then shoot you dead afterwards because
you do not believe like them...
it is a mysterious twist of faith that has
been around for years in the Middle East and
in other countries that have no value of life...
as humans are raised like animals
bought and sold at an open market
fed and clothed and sold again if need be when
work is not done according to expectations;
 peace be with you...
is often said at religious gatherings on
various days of the week as we associate and
participate with people of like minds who then
on other days violate this sentiment with their actions
without the slightest bit of guilt or fear;
peace be with you...
is used by all religions
all denominations and groups
that have spiritual inclinations...  but,
the general consensus is they do not practice
at all what they preach...
and, it is widely believed they do not believe
what they actually preach at all;
peace be with you...
is a phrase that could unite us all
if and when it is universily desired to do so...
and until that day arrives, we will continue
using it as we have for thousands of years,
peace be with you all.

16 October 2021

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Nature's Harmonies

a dull light encircles our surroundings,
everywhere the eyes can see is muted...
leaves begins to change their colors and soon
will leave their hosts altogether for a brief
journey downward when they fall to the ground
and are mulched up for topsoil by the owners
of the land on which they remain voluntarily;
it is the cycle of life displayed every year
right before our eyes and no one is charged
an admission fee to see the spectacle as it
provided free-of-charge by nature's mother
and her brood of trees planted long before
any of us ever took our first breath of life;
muted rain falls on freshly cut green grass
forcing it to become greener as it grows the
last time before its winter hybernation, but
this time it will be allowed to tassle and reseed
making it more hearty and plentiful in the spring;
the land curves downward from the houses
all around forming a mini valley in the middle
to transport the rain away from them to those
built lower on the sloop and again to those
built even lower...  until an oasis of flatness
naturally created for the excess runoff of water;
the quiet morning provides no clues of later
hours and the sky above retains an inclement
weather attitude...  we shelter in place and 
wait for an enlightened day to arrive where we
can live our final days inside nature's harmonies.

16 October 2021

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Wind & Rain

wind and rain blow through the valley
leaving us with mixed messages of hope
and surrender...  to the fall that is
slowly encroaching upon our lives;
holes dug into the ground for new homes
are now filled with water...  requiring
pumps or ditches to be dug with toy
front end loaders...  as weather patterns
blow freely throughout the day packing down
the clay soil with its weight...  mirrors of
time reflect its souless onslaught against
our wills and patience, remaining inside
our protective barriers while feasting our
eyes on the life giving treasure falling
all around us outside...  we mourn the
loss of summer and its warmth as our
bodies adjust themselves to lower climates
by covering them with more fabrics...
we listen carefully to all the clues we've
been given while participating in the
inevitable transformation...  dark clouds
reach down in our direction with their
omminous laughing as they pass on 
their way to a more favorable audience;
left behind, we reclaim what was ours
retraining our thoughts to see the positive
and reward ourselves for not delaying any
of those panic feelings nuturing themselves
inside our fragile mental outlooks once the
wind and raining plowing through is gone.

16 October 2021

Monday, December 13, 2021

Premature Exposure

our journey began years ago when we were born
into this expansive world without our choice to
be from this mother...  with these parents and in
this location...  and yet, here we all all today...
our lives were groomed long ago by those
over which we had not control until an age
forced us to be free and clear...  choices took
us to many fabulous places and we met all sorts
of outrageious people as we learned ore were
taught or somehow acquired information that
formulated the knowledge of our understanding;
our paths entertwined with more until we became
networked with a family...  and again, our choices
became not our own...  even though they revolved
around the opinions and ideals of others like us...
who, at one time or another perceived our free will
and perceived our willingness to exercise that will
regardless of the influences circumventing its
premature exposure...  and, on opposite sides of
awareness we stood...  somewhat transfixed by the
memories and fears that motivated us here...
soldiers without weapons...  soldiers of words...
whose beliefs and words had become imprisioned;
our journey began years ago and will end one day
when least expected as life becomes trapped inside
its own unnatural existence whose purpose all
along has been to search for its own meaning and
to make sense out of that which makes no sense.

15 October 2021

Sunday, December 12, 2021


overhead a fan twirls around in circles
its never ending journey noted...
blankets on the carpet provide protection
from the cold that seeps in from underneath;
large pillows cover the ground waiting for the
arrival of felines that occupy them at night,
bowls of water and bowls of food are placed
here and there on the floor of their apartment
and a litter box stands off in the corner,
cleaned and waiting it targeted use...
counters and cabinets adorn one of the wall
alongside a small cooling unit and table...
an old fashioned picture screen on a 
swivel is placed in front of it all now;
tools of exercise are off to one side and an
envious couch sits opposite its future...
a small table or two fill in the gaps and
provides security for the mental attitudes
that want to use them...  it's a hide-a-way
inside a hide-a-way inside a cave in the
ground under a space some might call
one's final resting place...  and, a few
cats who are seasonal visitors live here
as their presence is not conspicuous;
a moving cleaner passes over everything 
as it gathers up the mites that live in the fibers
of the light colored carpet that matches the
color of the walls...  illumination from
above provides little warmth as it manages
our visual circulation and the lack of air
never seems to be a problem unless everyone
is down here at once and the doors to the
outside have been sealed by a vidictive mother.

15 October 202156

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Precious Morning

arounnd the corner and up the hill a
hole is being carved out for a home...
seomeone builds as another tears down
and life as we know it goes on...  it is
another day in the valley, a southern
atmosphere of life - slow and intentional
with purpose of forethought...  the sun
hides behind the trees as it creeps
upward and the temps remain low
and comfortable...  a growling motor
noise permeates all around, even with
a loss of hearing is heard...  fools
remain inside to avoid the light as
others seek knowledge elsewhere and I
notice it all from my observattion platform;
fall is a magical time starting with
political clowns and teachers of a new history
as goblins and the harvests stay true to 
our methodologies and when the final month
of the year approaches, we learn to bend a
knee and give thanks with gratitude for our
survival and all those who returned from
their servitudes...  we look forward to the
new as we abandon our past, never to be
seen again in this lifetime but remember
as it should be...  never knowing nor caring
where the past actually goes...  we are the
victimes of our impending future, digging
holes in the ground of our new opportunities
remembering how precious life is each morning.

15 October 2021

Friday, December 10, 2021

Father Son Reunion

a father son reunion has all but been forgotten,

years ago it was, as I have seen the photographs

and while there was nothing written down to

prove that it happened...  it is well remembered

inside my memories, not just my imagination;

a father son reunion happened on Thanksgiving Day

as I ate the turkey that was brought to you...

as you were only interested in the gravy and dressing

and our guest ate the roll placed on the side dish

while you were getting propped up in the bed;

a father son reunion did not happen as often

as one would have thought and not for us since

we were always miles apart on our thoughts but

in those years divorced from the reality of our lives,

growing stronger and more determined in separation;

a father son reunion happened quite inconspicuously

as I had originally just stopped by on my way to

another destination where inlaws were grouped

and no one was ever invited as the road was very

very narrow on the way to where they lived;

a father son reunion was merely a part of destiny

as on that day, in that year, our paths were to cross

along with our hearts that had been involuntarily

put out to pasture to live on the stories of memories

and feast on the remembrances of association;

our father son reunion was absooute and final as the

next day before I arrived you passed away, leaving me

with the memory of our last day together and no regrets

in either of our minds that there should have been more.

14 October 2021

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Drifting Leaves

outside my little world, life is all purpose

and somewhat consuming as it dictates

one's brief exposure to it...  an

awareness of just eough to keep us alive

but not enough to see much farther beyond

our different noses...  we move silently

in and out of darkness when betrayed by light

diming our thoughts and actions into tasks and

deeds only necessary for one's survival...  if

there is more, it is never shared, or never left

behind for us to find on our own which would

ultimately give us ownership in the process;

inside my little world of life is brief and

sometimes rather pointless as it meanders

along on its journey like a leaf floating in a

swift stream on its way to nowhere inparticular

as long as it is not returning to where it has been...

life parallels the crumbling of the leaf and

its subsequent drowning in life's waters or

shared in a conscioius state and never allowed

while germinating in the womb...  and like

the leaf our brief life is not without colors as we

add to the beauty of it all, providing enlightenment

to those who are without light, living in the dark

darkness of the dusty sould that has never been

given its opportunity to mature and plant roots;

our endless journey begins at birth and is transformed

into something else at death but like the leaf it

offers continuity while drifting down the stream.

14 October 2021

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


a bird or two flies across my field of vision

sometimes small...   sometimes large...  they are...

I notice as there is nothing erlse to do when I

raise my head and look into the sky...  a

million miles away, it comes from...  the light

that touches my eyes...  and, I see clearly now,

more clearly than ever before as my jind that

guides my thoughts is fully open to receive;

wonderland's cat is perched above me on a tree

made specifically for these creatures as he looks

down on me with his infinite wisdom that

passes through him from above...  a wisdom

of all time, just floating there, waiting to be trapped

like a rat in a maze unverse where time exists

only for those with life...  mesauring its brevity

with our words and conclusions about its existence

and only available to those with consciousness;

a bird sits on the bouncing branch of a bush as

it contemplates the passing of time...  calculating

how much time is needed before winter arrives...

and with its answer flies out of my sight as I

contemplate my own existence and my purpose on

being where I am today...  seeing what I see...  and,

wondering why it is me and not another sould who

has nothing better to do with their mornings...

a blue sky looms overhead pushing out the clouds

in an effort so there is nothing to see...  except for

and endless expanse that lies above and as it offers

more questions than it answers...  another bird flies

across my field of vision and disappears into it.

14 October 2021

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Cool Mornings

we love these cools mornings sitting

on the back porch of our thoughts, listening

to the memories playing in the flowers

and bushes of all our previous years;

how often do I visit here...  washing

off time with a casual consciousness?

we love these cool mornings, you and I do

parting ways all those years ago and now

reuniting while the memories are still

fresh and resurfacing for the first time

like spring roses planted in the fall...

how curious we are of our separation when

youth still retained its innocence and

actions were never prefaced with words and

cake doughnuts dipped in milk soothed our soul;

we love these cool morning when outcomes

were desired over quality and words were

placed on pages in wild abandonment to

achieve the daily goal or the weekly quota

or the mental requirement of regurgitation,

regardless of the manner in which it was written;

cool mornings send us packing up all our

forgotten scenarios of life we cherished once,

as dreams were more commonplace than

being outside in the real world of tomorrow

when one had to act out the fantasy with others

who had been blessed with no soul at all and

we were walking towards a common future as

there was no recognition of where we were today.

14 October 2021

Monday, December 6, 2021

Closer Growing

down in the basement of my thoughts
a round robot cleans my memories,
sweeping away the debris of the worries
harbored for such a long time...  each
wall provides testimony to the fears
with which they were constructed as
brick and mortar does not a prison make
in the sense of one's captivity...  a
simple thought perishes in the furnace
of doubt that warms my inner sanctum
providing me with the fuel of discourse
by which I maneuver among these ruins;
down below the line of mental stability
I lurk around with time rugs on which
are contained the dust of my memories...
too young and too bold to be forgiven
by the gods of time that robbed me of my
innocence...  the part I played during
those early years...  when time postponed
its relevance and grace allowed forgiveness;
down inside the dungeon pit of time, I sit
precariously on the dream thorns that
alert me when life becomes too comforable
or wheeen I desire more than I deserve...
an interesting by product of my survival...
in time, there is plenty of time to surrender
to theis dark environment that has occupied
so much of me as I have grown closer to
helplessness and despair of my own life.

13 October 2021

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sights and Sounds

a southern light falls into my eyes each morning
with sights of muted fall colors and sounds
flow freely through the air along the valley and
into the great smoky mountains in the distance;
space above my head covers like a hat and
extends forever up and away into our
solar system and beyond...  silver overcast
hides the stars that shine brightly at night,
as we wonder what is up there and where
it all goes each day...  as if it's endlessness
has a destination and causes our spacetime;
deja vu feelings follow us around constantly
seeing and hearing all that we should not
while dreaming of all that somehow could be;
a northern fall extends below the horizon
of its own boundaries as it creeps into
warmer weather...  dimensional discord
plays with the strings of life and southern
sympathies stray further than anticipated;
we think of nothing while dreaming of something
and the contradiction fills our consciousness
with all the fears of our impending destiny...
into the sky we reach for answers from ancestors
who traveled the light that now fills our eyes
with all the hopes and aspirations they left
behind forming the foundations of our growth;
a southern light fills a northern fall and we
look into our future for answers...  other
dimensions create the future we demand.

13 October 2021

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Interest Energies

announcing his arrival, the siamese
saunters into the vacant room and
around its perimeters looking for the
adventure he outgrew years ago...
over a decade of experiences sleep in
various locations, he nervously checks
them all before venturing a downstairs
location where a heated bed awaits his return;
from upstairs to downstairs to an
outside enclosure, the restless siamese
roams bellowing out his intentions as he
strolls lanquidly along the same path he
took only hours before...  his long legs
puts him above his brothers and when
he is being groomed, the smallest of the three
walks under his body as if it were a chair;
when not wandering, he is sleeping and
when not sleeping he disturbing the peace
of those who effortlessly care  for him...
as they do his two brothers...  it is his nature
to be vocal and it is his nature to be curious
and it is his nature to be somewhat annoying
as he moves from room-to-room looking
for attention and his piece of sttring...  and
once he has had enough of you, he always
seems to find a nearby chair into which
he jumps and takes a quick nap as he
needs to renew his restless interest energies.

13 October 2021

Friday, December 3, 2021

Caring Similarly

without regret I look back fondly
at the years you call my life...
I see memories that revolve around
good times as well as bad...  I see
memories that were lonely and depressed
and others full of happiness...  I see
times where decisions made were foolish
while others were quire sound... I see
days where I stayed inside - too fearful
of what I might find outside...  I see
memories with females - all of which 
were beautiful and delightful but
ended in tragedy by my own design;
my waarrior months were brief but
quite involved with knowledge gained
that I thought was all quite sound...
and once I threw my hat into the 
workplace, it got tossed about as if
it were nothing more than a playtoy;
I lived an angry life for many years
not caring what I said or did and
learned that success is not individual
but collective in all of its rewards...
regret is not in my nature as some
but regret is part of every life even
when it does not remain too long...
our lives are bound together...
entertwined if you will and when
lived with the fellowship of others is
actually quite the thrill and worth the
wait to finds other who care similarly.

11 October 2021

Thursday, December 2, 2021


I am no mother and no children bore
but a daughter do I have...  and before
she left home for good, a father I was not
maybe not even a friend...  still, I gave
her my views on life...  my opinions
right or wrong that I had determined;
a divorce in our family put me in a bad
situation further separating the two of us
from any kinship we might have felt...
on birthdays and holidays we sent cards
a gift or two through the mail but no
one on one meetings were desired;
and then one day she disappeared
for months and month there was no
contact and then it turned to years and
when I reached out to the only address
I had, no reply was ever received...
funny sometimes is the life we are given
as choices exacerbate the experiences
and to our grave we will all go with
or without those lost experiences...  never
knowing the fullness we could have had as
that will not be the last thing on our minds;
I am no mother and no children bore
but a father I will be forever...  and as a man
who has been gifted with memories, it is
this missing daughter I will fondly remember
and while she will never see the sorrow
inside...  it is mine alone to bear...
I am her father...  and she my daughter
and one day the light we will both see
and in that light become finally reunited.

11 October 2021

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Horrible Thoughts

quiet mornings are no longer since our
new neighbors moved in across the way
deciding to leave their dog outside but
inside an enclosure and now we must
listen to that constant barking all night...
our other neighbor on either side and
those who also live across the way
say nothing of its barking becasue
inside their homes they all stay...
all of our neighbors have back porches
some of which are similar to ours
but on them they never visit nor outside
do they ever desire to play...  so they
hear nothing on these mornings when
there is no humidity and we, like memories
of our forgotten past, spend time outside;
not once has this neighbor apologized or
tried to explain his dog's point-of-views,
instead they remain inside as I am sure
their barking dog bothers them too...
the birds are not outraged at this behavior
nor are the animals bound to the ground
but its annoying behavior to us is known
and oftentimes do I reflect upon the man
was incarcerated for shooting a dog as
the crime I am considering committing;
every once in a while there is silence
and I admonish myself for all the horrible
thoughts that I allowed inside my head.

11 October 2021