Tuesday, September 30, 2014


gangs of thieves
in the night
stole my thoughts
and all my
memories and
are holding them
for ransom,
hoping, I
will want them back;
I do not…
these are the ones
I never wanted
to see again
wishing for years,
they had never
happened to me,
despite what I want,
these thieves knew
that I must have
them all…
back again,
in order to ask
for forgiveness
for doing them.


Monday, September 29, 2014


boundaries are crossed
lines drawn in the sand
desert survival
not knowing where to stand;
fugitive bees cross over
and the crowds wail in pain,
sirens scurry to the source
but no code has been broken;
lessons learned are forgotten
might is right…
is power…
is control…
and the walls stand true
no matter how many times we
attempt to walk around them.


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Just Children

inside us all lives truth
and inside that truth lives
a lying little boy who is
so clever sometimes that
he cleverly deceives himself
into sharing the truth that
he so cleverly tried to hide;
yet, inside the deception is
 a selfish little girl who is
so selfish that she no longer
likes herself and sharing, so
she squanders away the truth
that the little boy overlooks
in her own mental vanity,
waiting for a time to discard;
neither child has ever met
the other and no one knows
what will happen inside
if and when they do and
truth is concealed in pretty
little thoughts that dance
the minuet on paydays
when eyes see nothing else.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Kinky Stuff

fantasize with me if you will
the kinkiness of hidden desires
that penetrate the mind as if it
were real fornication happening
but without need for protection
as so many perceive is needed;
how would you rate your desire
for two or more or if it were
exactly the same this time or
if you needed to dress up a little?
and, who would you want present
if it were not one’s family and
you truly needed to add a little
spice to your neutered life at home?
but, we think this is where it is
since it is that way for others,
without fully understanding the
implications of have no way out.


Friday, September 26, 2014

No Returns

all my faculties have
been depleted, leaving
no one to teach or direct
the hordes of ideas that
dare to frolic in my head
each day before the
morning is half full of
sunlight and,
whispering words
from yesterday
betray my confidence and
reappear quite confident
that they are now
entitled somehow
to my attention.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Daily Don'ts

working trucks with working men
pass by early each day,
throwing out trash from the day
before on my mental yard;
crowds of birds flock to see as do
other animals and furry creatures too,
but none is as not welcome as the
fiery female  who hands me a
“keep busy” list each morning,
with the expectation of completion
without exception by skyfall or my
secret agent status will be revoked.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

All About Clowns

the rains feel good on the
faces of clowns who know
no better to get out of it;
but, in twos or threes they walk
ignorant creatures who
cannot move beyond simple
pleasures and
immediate gratification
that others avoid
due to the codicils
in their emotional contracts
and the pungent realization
that life is more than orgasms.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Ode to Work

the dawn always rises
after I do,
and yet,
I hold not grudge for its
desire to sleep a little longer;
my insides have been
restored to their
state of yesterday
and I feel
until I leave my home;
this day
like all other days
will wear me down
and I will
return to that
which I left worse off
than the day before
and will sit
in my recliner
another incredible sunset
and will
not see it at all.


Monday, September 22, 2014

Asking Questions

what is it that
separates us,
the men from the boys,
the women from the girls,
if it is not
age and wisdom
bodies and beauty?
what is it that
inspires some of us
while others
have no clue
and still others
search but never find
these motivational
talent tools?
what is it that
the minds of some
through technology
while leaving others
in the dark ages
of ignorance and
what is it?
does it really matter?


Sunday, September 21, 2014

On Being Fired

no one knows the outside

without understanding

the insides and those are

mostly deceiving to protect

against wrong impressions;

still,  caution defaults with

the informed and hides

the rest for another day

since most inquisitions are

counter balanced with respite

and bathing in the truth of

the experience which hardly

ever favors the pursued.


Saturday, September 20, 2014


no one left to
see you but me,
painting blues
and greens
and browns
overlapping and
blending, diffusing
themselves into
shades of passion
put aside for
a winter that
never ended;
you and me
see nothing but
me and you
and the interlocking
breathes stolen
like so many feeling
once hurled
upon us;
crimson  stains
slowly drip down
mental images
of ourselves in
holding patterns
of lust and lewd
displays  of
thoughtless laughter
seldom seen before
now arriving like
commuter trains;
hounds of hormones
race through our
bodies, rapid re-flux
of emotions
long forgotten
and burn steadily
as if a lighthouse
lamp guiding the
way into and out
of our souls.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Noses In The Clouds

comforts are generated by
the company we keep,
nothing more,
nothing less;
there are no exceptions
no excuses
for the well-to-do,
the cloud born,
those who have…
there is nothing special
going on…  but,
the server rats know better;
surviving with the filth
they abandoned or
discard, carrying all the
germs and diseases of poverty,
so that my Lords
and my Ladies
will never be bothered.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


the odds of life, like gambling casinos
are never in our favor; our lives are
orchestrated and pre-planned and
some receive gifts while others do not;
yet, we are all basically equal in our
construction or so we have been told;
but, as we age out of life we see all
sorts of disparities, and we begin to
question, wondering why some have
“it” while others do not, drawing no
conclusions nor speculating like book
buyers who see the difference and
realize they were left out in the cold.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

I recently spent 2 weeks at Hobe Sound (Jupiter Island), Florida, giving me an opportunity to cast my creative net into another body of thoughtful waters...  Hope you enjoy the series...

the serene beauty of a dark night
erodes slowly into the light of day;
we walk into sun filled rooms
as if we expected nothing different,
letting the light diffuse our spirits,
numb our senses and memories,
a lethal injection of irony sweeps
over us blending our rhythms and
allowing us to conform to the
ritualistic routines, we call life.

glide…  glide…  glide…
these birds of prey do,
ever so close to the surface,
effortlessly skimming
wings outstretched
heads down…
piercing eyes penetrating;

updrafts and down drafts
in motion taken
as if gasping for air,
glide…  glide…  glide…
as these Pelicans do
ever so close to the surface,
ever so close to each other,
seldom catching
(while I be watching)
relentless scouring the shoreline
as if,
their hunting may conclude
with a dive
into the murky, blue-green waters,
retrieving a
slimly scoundrel or a
defenseless hatchling turtle.

slithering along the
hot slates and tiles
of the patio,
are tiny monsters
morning features
and bloated red necks
scare away
the snowbird tourists,
vacation down this way,
drinking their martinis dry
and eating their weight
in seafood,
life gets no better than this.


glide along the edge
distorted waves
out of sync
uniformly disconnected
ripples in the water
traveling the length
then dissipating
into a wall
push outward and around
to begin again
their journey
perpetual motion
fueled by the wind
and the mind
and the eyes
that see
what they want to see
and no more.