Thursday, June 30, 2022

Just Two #4

through and through images of previous
memories blow from one side to the other
side of my consciousness, alerting my
subconscious that these hostile feelings
are moving around undetered, coiled and
uncoiled, as a snake preparing to strike...
streams of steam flow in and around the 
filaments of feelings that float on these
currents as they pass in and around the
consciousnesses of awareness that stalk
and provoke our realities...  seeking a
moment of previous time to create a
of time that motivates us forward...

16 June 2022

behind my back, words are written
and spoken to offset previous words
I have written or spoken in the hopes
that their words are more devastating
than my words...  it is a battle of words
that create negative emotions of feelings
more traumatic than what one before,
and more likely to create a lesser point
of retailiation...  as we sway back and
forth...  minute dancers that skirt the
issues of ballet...  presenting delicacies
of doubt to an already bold debate 
that prevents either side from winning.

16 June 2022

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Just Two #3


tumbling down come the bricks of air
of which my mental home was made,
leaving me homeless and mindless at o ##
the same time and too much to bear
for those who have followed my lead...
tumbling down with the bricks are the
spirits of those bricks whose thoughts
are captured in between the memory
skins interwoven at birth and whose
membrane offers different perspectives
of life as it tumbles down into the two
dimensional world of misunderstanding.

15 June 2022


along the sand road we travel, our darkened
windows prevent us from seeing outside the
in which we are being carried...  there is the
smell of water off to one side and a smell of
death off to the other...  we are led outside
but are blindfolded and hooded, preventing
any visual recognitions...  we are told to
sit on the ground and lean against the wall or
the tree behind our backs.  We breathe in the 
air of human waste and decay and are told 
that this will soon be our home...  our vehicle
starts its engine and leaves....  we are alone
for the rest o the night and in the morning,
border patrol feeds us and takes us to the
place many others where we remain today.

15 June 2022

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Just Two #2

 The Critics' Heel

critics look at me and wonder why I am so

strange with all the reviews they have been

giving me but do allow me to explain that 

writing a review does not a critic make nor

does reading one make a writer if that is what

you truly consider me to me...  since when 

have I ever written for myself than for the sake

of writing...  it has always been for someone

else to read and comment upon as one might

offer up when witnessing a turtle catch a hair.

14 June 2022

The Way of Opinions

The opinion from the right is offered to those

who want to receive it and once read and a 

comment is made will return it to the opinion

from the left as all opinions must originate 

from somewhere otherwise, they are not really

opinions at all...   just thoughts tossed out in the 

correct direction for either side to peruse and

and gander...  those who sit on the left and of

course those who sit on the right...  we are fond

of both in this land of opinions that harbor no

ill will except to those of the other side with

which they are forced to live year after year.

14 June 2022

Monday, June 27, 2022

Just Two #1

Star Chamber

live inside my start chamber a 

little longer if you will...  let me

show you the stars of before and

the ones I know will be after...

we can dine on dark energy and

share a slice of dark matter with

strings that seem to be emitting

out of you as we speak...   soon,

you will be no longer like me.

14 June 2022

Dandy Lines

Remarks! of a well-intentioned lady float

around my head today as I move from 

room to room in my mini-mental cathedral,

in search of the one I want to remember 

after I expel her from my domain...  its

moon pie ceilings and drifting walls that 

that seem to navigate the hallways quite

easily given their lack of motivation....

14 June 2022

Sunday, June 26, 2022


through these layers 
I can see everything,
east-west and in between
north and south
including the dixie trail,
through these layers
I see log-rolling
and fishing and just
around the corner, there's
a skinny young sort
with mustard
on his face standing
outside a fair as it
closes down...

through the layers
what I don't see is
not important like
the judge who decided
to suspend the sentence
for a few years to give
the young lad a chance
to graduate from school
and be a felon with
a degree instead of one
without... like was the
case of his father before
him and his father before
him...  learned is more
learned they say...

through these layers I see
everything especially that
which you cannot see or
don't want to see...  and
when I see that which you
do not then the price of
realization increases ever so
exponentially, allowing the
truthful gospel to be shared
with others...  and while the
layers add a variety of insights
they offer no truths only the
sayer does if they are in the
mind do to that for you...

13 June 2022

Saturday, June 25, 2022


as siblings, we find ourselves in a theme park

of claims, counterclaims, and accusations, all

of which have matured into an avalanche of

posterior feelings since we no longer take the

time to look at each other when talking...  we

have no bond with each other as our parents

raised us differently for those years, giving us

nothing about which to chat except our painful

differences...  were  two males and a female, 

one wealthy, one average, one poor, and we 

have no desire to get to know each other any 

better than we already do...  as most people 

perceive that to be true...  when we died

inside a decade ago...  baking consciousness

without the sliders, and expecting the baker

to remember us from last year...  space sits

on the left whereas time sits on the right...  

we no longer learn...   we just simply do.

13 June 2022

Friday, June 24, 2022

Arriving Early

behind my back, both hands are tied

with a soft rope tied tightly...  numbness

down into my fingertips extends declaring

my predicament...  both ways turned - 

there is no solution - mustards seeds were

place around my feet to prevent escape

knowing there had been no place to go...

a giant sea crab stoles up to me and pecks

me on my nose, investigating the hard

surfaces...  our dinner guests begin to arrive

and I remain in party clothes, hoping no

one will notice...  but, the edges of something

always keep me in focus as we relieve and

reimagine ourselves as something new and

different now that surgery has altered our

appearance, frequently moving less physically

than before...   not meaning anything by the

brevity of it all, knowing that's all we had

12 June 2022

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Leftover Sight

sight leaves me with no visuals of what

I really need to see...  outside the glass

door is a world of greens, blues, and browns

blended together right in front of me...  we

see life from inside the hues and shades

of color that society's artists have woven...

we see rain through the leaves falling as if

it had nowhere else to go but to our land

and environment...  flowing steadily...  and

without remorse to learn the value of what

you sought to destroy...  sight leaves me with

no visuals by which I see the world and seek

to understand its impact on me and others...

those who would be intellectuals or so they

claim as they spout out phrases and statement

they memorized from a book written by those

who lives so many years before us...   it is a 

sight to behold or so I have been told...  we

see what we want to see or need to see or

should see in order to change...  but, there is

nothing into which we want to change...  sight

leaves me with no visuals as the rain pours

into my mind's reservoir floating all those ideas

to the surface that had been submerged down

into the sweet muck red dirt clay kiln coffins.

7 June 2022

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Sliding Perceptions

perception doors slide to let us by

one glimpse at a time...   looking

around for rainbow colors and 

finding only sunshine...  gliding

through the sliding doors, we see

an earlier version of ourselves,

basking in the coffin of delight as

if it had just been brought to our

attention...  we perceive and have

been perceived by others who slid

through before us only to find that

which they could not understand

lying prone on the floor from the

sexual assault committed years before;

the crime is not our crime but that

of centuries before when no one

knew our names but authorized

warrants for our arrest...  we are

victims of their perceptions not of

our own and we walk effortlessly

through the fields of memories as

though we were floating through a

collective memory fields gathering

up those that had not yet been taken.

6 June 2022

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

A Waking Sleeplessness

each day we enter into agreements with ourselves

and others as to how we are going to live our lives,

not really caring about the future but more concerned

with our experiences from the past...  as we are so

inclined not to repeat the less than positive while

planning for a positive outcome...  we enable our

minds to analyze and organize those events that

impacted us in such a way as to not be forgotten as

we overlook those events we have a difficult time

remembering...  as though they never happened at

all or we are trying to forget that they did...  each

day we look in the mirror for memories and each

day we wash away that which is no longer valid

in either of our consciousnesses even when one is

seldom aware of anything...  we rub elbows with

our friends and neighbors hoping to get a glimpse

at what we might have overlooked while sharing

only those minor thoughts about which we have

no opinion or interest in solving...  we carry our

lives around in suitcases that we purchased on

sale at the farmers market after removing the

produce wishing our hunger would return so we

could eat in case of famine...  daylight peers 

through our sunglasses, our eyes squint and close

to prevent sunburn but still, give us the sight 

needed to finish the deal and return to bed.

6 June 2022

Monday, June 20, 2022

Valley Dreaming

a crowd gathers on the platform of time

hoping to see a glimpse of the queen since

the king died in his sleep the day before,

the pope's guard sent condolences but

the rest of the world waited for time to

catch up with them...  passions fuel the

minds as we travel back and forth from

one dimension to the next wondering when

if ever we will return to our original one...

concerned citizens raise money for the

queen who escaped her captors without

clothes, requesting cash instead of debt;

maple vege sausages are on the grill to be

eaten on toasted English Muffins despite

the queen's absence as meals on time was

one of her pet peeves...    we sit in a corner

cushion of the mind, relaxing as we wait

for the next trolley...  a bell sounds in our

heads quite unexpectedly and upon awakening

realize that we must have been dreaming.

4 June 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Night Fishing

early morning heat blows through the house

through open windows and doors...  we 

glance over our shoulders to see if rain is

in the forecast...  ceiling fans circulate but

will not cool long as the day progresses...

high ceilings help yet a solution is not...

we back-peddle our alarms from one house

to the next letting them know that summer

is no longer on the way as it has arrived

ahead of schedule...  rats cluster under the 

back porch deck looking anything at all

they can find to eat from spiders to ants to

to insects caught in corner webs...  and all

our cats can do is sit and watch the playful

antics of nature...  on these days there is no

morning fog and no concern for travel

either on land, on the water, or in the air...

we fish at night when they are not sleeping

and listen to the sound of our movements...

it is a simple time when the summer arrives

and we no longer have to go into the city.

4 June 2022

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Children of the Night

the spirit of the night sleeps during the day

as it is difficult work saving all those souls,

the evil-doer mocks the mock as it spends

its times reaping daily souls for harvest,

day by day we sacrifice our good looks to

those who would whisk us away in chariots

of gold and into the heavens sex is not a

crime of the heart but a justification to 

perpetuate the races regardless of the colors

that were flown in the night sky...  we have

abandoned our faith but not our morals and

when the alarm is sounded we muster in the

court square with all the others who have lost

sleep wondering where their children are...

we paint the town with reds and greens that

we got from Sherman Williams on sale, paying

a premium for the brushes that were made 

from the whisker hair of leopards...  and when

the paint dries we hang the photos of our lives

on the walls just constructed hoping that we

are able to install the roof before it rains.

3 June 2022

Friday, June 17, 2022

One Last Tango

one by one our feelings line up like

notes on a page of sheet music...

played in three-quarters time rather

than six-eights...  we dance to the

day and to the evening and to anything

that strikes our fancy as long as it is

not the tango...  especially the last

one in Paris...   we fetch our friends

from around the corner and the rest

of the neighborhood in order to do

our due diligence when it comes to

making those improvements to keep

out the riff-raff...  tea time comes to

Britain about the same time we drift

into REM leaving our machines in 

the closest as they have not been

cleaned in ages...  we were the first to

strike out on our own and the last to

find our way but we never gave up

and never splurged on a meal unless

it was the midday one on Sundays.

3 June 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Imposed Will Survives

the gentle winds comb the leaves of the trees

as it flows and blows through the valley...

treetops bend more than they should while

younger trees have a chance to kiss the tops

of the bushes that grow nearby...  the blue sky

boasts of another humid day and understanding

birds find shade wherever they can...  hiding

in the apex of gazebos defecating on whatever

is underneath them without the slightest care

in the world other than staying cool...  the

summer has its way in the valley as it has done

for a millennium and will continue to do as it

follows time towards an unknown conclusion;

travelers briefly dwell where others have lived

not knowing who they were nor caring, making

the same mistakes as those before them made,

thinking the valley could be tamed...  life proceeds

with or without us and while the animals are

aware of our presence, they treat us with the

same disdain that we treat them and have treated

them for centuries as we have imposed our

will on anything and everything in our way.

2 June 2022

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Bending Life

foreign submarines race to the finish line

in the mind's oceans in order to bring

distant memories to the surface...  we

celebrate the competition but not the

reminders as they were sunk to the 

bottom of the mind intentionally years

with the expectation of no return...  our

lives are no longer our own as we

interpret each day with new justifications

to rationalize our existence...  life bends

around the shadow of time as it passes,

not accepting its own inherent curvatures

in the process...  clinging to rituals as

though any change would haunt and

hinder the prospects of our salvation...

slanted opinions slide into our pockets

labeling us thieves to the constable and

if we hide too long then our lives have

journeyed past the point of no return.

1 June 2022

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

That Which We Were

time creeps by unnoticed until age

races by a little quicker...  we look

back and wonder how...  and sometimes

why...  but we never seem to fully grasp

the concept of the immortality of gods

we previously worshipped...  time

moves in discreet concentric circles

from the center of it all outward and

when those rings return to their origins

we have an anomaly, not a paradox...

our future looks backward to our past

imagining one day it will catch up but

our present know that tomorrow

always end up as today's...   forcing

us to remain where we are, watching

time stream by us as if we were never

there, teasing us to reach out and stop

its progresses or at least slow it down...

moments become decades when the

end is finally attained and we have no

choice but to accept fate...  saying

goodbye to that which we were.

1 June 2022

Monday, June 13, 2022

A Doorstep Morning

morning sits on the doorstep of the early risers

waiting for its daily treat of acknowledgment,

the sun creeps into place behind its protective clouds

glaring down at those still in their special places,

rain sits on the horizon trying to make up its mind

and the rattling of 2-cycle engines rolls through

the valley as lawns are being mowed and groomed;

time sits on the back porch with the elderly until

the sunless front porch is available, unable to

decide if it has gained or lost in the process...

we tie our kayaks to the fishing hooks of pontoon

boats that gently glide around the lake as the

pilot and its crew drink lemonade in the shade...

largemouth bass and catfish swim alongside hoping

we are messy eaters with the sun in our eyes...

sawyer and finn dance in our minds along the large

river that supports their crudely made raft and we

see them clearly until lost in the heavy fog...

the burning heat on our legs gives us the motivation

to move to the front and the process is long and

laborious, losing sight of our daydreams and all the

youthful memories it had brought about...

the day's door is shut tight as the sun disappears

leaving us to wonder who was next on its list...

the answer never arrives before the next day appears

and we are greeted by morning on our doorstep.

31 May 2022

Sunday, June 12, 2022

An Unannounced Division

our once-great nation has split in two

liberals and conservatives

blacks and whites

north and south

east and west

Christian and non-Christians

wealthy and poor...

those in between the two extremes

are pulled in any way...

we live in two realities

two environments

two rules of order that transcend

morals and integrity...

we respectfully introspect to avoid

being considered having a single

point of view while carefully walking

along the edge of a cliff when it comes

to conducting our verbal communication;

our once-great nation has lost its way as it

meanders through life blind to most

of the issues that got it where it is...

not fully appreciating the loss of time

and its impact on future generations...

we see what we want to see

hear what we want to hear

and blame others for our own limitations

we thrive on withholding information,

claiming it is what it is when in reality

it is much more and always beyond our

abilities to control...  we are soft-shelled crabs

caught in a global fisherman's net and are

to be sold to the highest bidder...

especially since the shortage in the first place

was brought about by our misdeeds.

31 May 2022

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Lost Creek Fishing

do we mourn the loss of age and

praise the gaining of wisdom or

do we wrap our heads around the

notion that our lives are about over

and we should be thankful for all

that we have done or accomplished?

we struggle with the inevitability 

of it all...  as if its immensity is more

than we could ever bear...   and yet,

bearing it is exactly what we do;

we live in each other's shadows

fearing our own more than others,

hiding when both approach as if

keeping some sort of promise...

time ages life...  or is it the other way

around...  i sometimes wonder when

my days inside the closest seem to

dampen my spirits...  and, the dreams

I had while being locked away prove

to be more than I can understand in 

the short span of time I have to live;

we honeymoon on the banks of the

lost creek, fishing inside our minds

for forgotten memories that might

help us better accept our old age.

30 May 2022

Friday, June 10, 2022

Passers By

a road passes by the house

on which people walk daily,

it follows the slope of the land

making it easier to walk 

than to walk the other...  

wires on one side follow the

as it curves down into the valley

and we uses these wires to

communicate to those who do

live on this road at all...

grass grows on either side of this

roads that passes the house and

once a month it is cut down

and the homes of all sorts of

little animals are destroyed...

sitting on our front porches, we

wave to those who pass the house

as if we have known them all

our lives...  when, if the truth be

known we know them not at all,

they are passers by and we are

the friendly ones watching...

our porches serve that purpose but

we don't use them near enough

as most of the time, there is nobody

there and nobody waving as these

passers by walk by this house of ours.

30 May 2022

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Bearing Witness to Life

there is no age of innocence in our

forty-eight contiguous as those not

even a decade old are exposed to

the vile evilness of life...  an evil

that follows the sinful as well as the

righteous...  and, we wonder why

our faith must be tested as it is and

what God could allow this to happen

to his people - assuming a male persona

rather than a female...  which is why

many females have left their faiths on

the doorsteps of their parents once

they left home for the last time...  we

see their plight and dilemma but share

no sympathies leaving them to weep

in the hallways of life alone...  we pay

our tithes mentally, believing that

participation is better than paying a

fellow follower to participate for you...

we sit on the throne of ignorance as we

wonder why the innocent must bear

witness to all the suffering life offers.

28 May 2022

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Just A Legacy

on the downside of life is where we

presently find ourselves, if we are

halfway there or more...  still, we act

like we are going to live forever with

no cares at all for anything that we

might want to leave behind...  we see

life around us as a time capsule in

which we exist for a brief period  and

then we disappear into nothingness

as if we were never here...  we have

no problems with living this way or

with dying this way either as life seems

to be just something we do for a while

and then it is over...  what we were or

what we had or what we knew all seems

to be rather irrelevant to our lives even

when leaving something behind as it is

oftentimes forgotten in less time than

we were alive...  still, we long for a 

sound legacy, one that our sons and

daughters will perpetuate even when

they have not the slightest understanding

as to why we wanted to do this now.

28 May 2022

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Perplexing Hollowness

through the open door is a screen

through the screen is the outside

through the outside is the sky

through the sky is the universe

through the universe is time

through time is the conclusion

for which we have all been waiting;

destiny begets hope in the future

and eliminates the past as dreams

unfulfilled form the foundation of

life on which we presently stand;

we are creatures of habit whose

insights provide us with countless

of how we think things were based

upon how they are or seem to be,

when reality presents us with 

alternate opportunities providing

the right circumstance take place,

leaving us with a perplexing 

hollowness of understanding that

this hardly ever happens anymore.

28 May 2022

Monday, June 6, 2022

Past Destiny

the road was once straight and wide

oftentimes going uphill or down...

sometimes, it was windy and dangerous

oftentimes it turned left or right...

the road could be concrete or asphalt

or even gravel or dirt but it was a

road nonetheless that took us somewhere;

the road went from one location to

another delivering goods and services

to those in need and occasionally to

those who were not in need...

the road was built years ago by some

alien civilization to whom we refer

to as human beings...  and, most of their

colonies survived hundreds of years...

the road was forgotten a millennia ago

and is now left in decay and ruin and

every once in a while, in the middle of

the night, one can dimly see the image

of a creature walking along its surface

retracing footsteps to its past destiny.

27 May 2022

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Saying Goodbye

Behold...  appears the beast...

out of the water...

out of the ground...

and we are captivated by its

presence...  motivated by

its charms...  we are influenced

by its passion and beliefs that

were once our own...

Behold...  the beast appears...

with its two horns and

graceful tongue, talking us

into that which we have

not seen before...

confusing us with its warmth

and understandings,

giving us the words that we

previously dismissed...

we have become all that we

were intended to become...

now, it is time for us to pack

our minds and say goodbye.

27 May 2022

Saturday, June 4, 2022

A Cosmos of Consciousness

from universal consciousness, we formulate

our awareness, sewing together as many

thoughts as we possibly can before time rips

away the fabric of that consciousness and we

are left with the nudity of ignorance...  a

condition that prevails only when we have

exceeded our expectations and the perceptions

left behind by our forefathers...  whose beliefs

put us into this world of uncertainty from which

we were left with no alternative but the extract

for ourselves....  the consciousness that they

unintentionally left behind...  but within the

cosmos of this consciousness is a universe

of universes that bend our minds in directions

never intended nor designed for that purpose,

yet is there all the same for us to access often.

26 May 2022

Friday, June 3, 2022


we live in a world of possibilities

as long as they conform to the

spacial dimensions of height, width,

and depth...  often forgetting to add

in time, even though we live with

time every day...  we are bound

by the limitations of our dimensions

carelessly passing from one to the

next as if they were side by side

in some parallel configuration...

we hesitate to acknowledge life

as it exists around us for fear of

eliminating one of the creatures

from which we have learned the

most during our brief stay here...

we play in the multiverse of all

possibilities and their endlessness

as time repeats itself in the hopes

that one day everything will end.

26 May 2022

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Alive or Dead

we live in the US of A and yet have no idea

if we are going to live or die another day...

we are educated as well as uneducated

we are religious as well as unreligious

we are pro or con with all issues with which

we are confronted...  and while many of us

are depressed over our current situation, we

still live as if there is no tomorrow...

south, north, east, or west, and points in between,

we live along the borders of our thoughts and

act within the consciousness of our desires...

we dress according to the seasons of our dreams

and sleep when all the light has faded...  we

are in and out of each other's homes as life

unfold on all our uncommon ground...  life

festers in daily defecations of truth that 

seems to be controlled by those who collect

our wealth...  we pay fees for their assurances

that we will be given another day of life.

25 May 2022

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Matter of Time

habit creatures dwell inside our minds

creating routine and consistency...

we listen to instinctive feelings while

responding to emotions and walk the

thin line of ignorance when truth is

last habit that we want to bring with

us when on vacation...   habit victims

sit in comfortable spaces in the corners

of our thoughts sorting through all

the nuts we stored for winter...  dicing

them with eye spears when they begin

to feel uncomfortable under the bodies

on which they are sitting and pondering;

habit creatures lurk inside the mind and

push us in opposite directions when it

is perceived there is an opportunity to

prevail over our visitors who have 

stopped by for their weekly visits...

paused and precarious they stalk our

emotions hoping for a little relief from

all the extra weight carried around.

24 May 2022