Sunday, March 31, 2024

Wind Riders

riders of the wind assemble
in colors of the night
black and gray
red and purple
inside wing suits they wear
soaring high and low
curving left and right
tumbling and turning as if
there is no end in sight...
riders of the wind gather
showing no feelings or fear
leaving family and friends
behind to collect the mail,
pay the bills and water the
plants and feed the cats...
riders of the wind unite
in freefall ceremonies of a
time long since departed
when skies held only birds
and the currents were strong
at certain altitudes not yet
reached by man of any sort...
riders of the wind survivors
remember little of that day
what happened perhaps
or what did not,
and when all was done and
darkness covered the land,
there were no riders in the sky
or on the ground, disappearing
into that which we could see.

March 23, 2024

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Bright Sky

we look up at them - they look up at us

it is all relative, they say - knowing not

who they really are...   evenings fulfill

the fantasies of the day - the day explains

the misconceptions of the darkness and

we all adjust in some meaningful way

to life around us...  still, we want to know

what is out there just as they want to know

about us - at least one would think that is

the case...  or perhaps its sinister appearance

is not as bad as we expected...  after all,

we only know what we see when we look

up into the sky and imagine their gaze on

us as we both try to understand and try

to interpret each other's presence...  a

gift from the sky some would say that

has visited before but left no markings

from its visit except for a few structures,

we claim they do not exist just as they

claim that we do...  but tonight, as we

see is a sky full of bright stars above us.

March 23, 2024

Friday, March 29, 2024

Brevity is Life

Willy Loman had nothing to do but

to grow old and die, leaving behind

a family he hardly ever saw but

claimed to love...    his future was

over before it started as is the curse

that hangs around the necks of all

people who unfortunately have been

born into this world...  some of whom

have earned great fortunes, acquired

numerous assets, have left several

legacies and have friend all over the

world - death equals the playing field;

there is no truth, only that which can

be proven in a court of law, and even

then that truth could be ignored by the

jury that is just as human as you or I.

we live fast and loose and believe only

in  tomorrow if it becomes today and

never look back on the past and the

things we could have done - might

have done if things had been different.

March 22, 2024

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Innocence Interpreted

ripples in the water

flat rocks skim the surface

june bugs on strings

swung around our heads,

cat tails at the water's edge

a snake head appears

just to the left of center,

black tennis shoes and

water soaked levis are

highlights of spring...

a robin's nest built in

a dogwood tree a blue

bird house on a pole,

insects buzz bright lights

just below the entrance

of the treehouse that had

three floors and a porch

on which we sat at sunset

eating hotdogs without buns,

toy pistols and cowboy 

clothes and rake handles we

used as horses - these are the

memories of innocence that

have long since died after

the first summer we failed

to show up...  bulldozers

knocked down trees on

which our house was crudely

attached and new homes

were built for all the new

families with children that had

no wooded area to play in.

March 22, 2024

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Concerned Citizens

the tune of change filters on the air

the tune of revolution too but do not

despair my child since actions and

results are much the same these days,

citizen soldiers sharpen their knives

and axes, carry water since the heat

is traveling too...  preparing for a

conflict they are...  taking the high

ground they do... and wait as they

have been for months waiting for

the leaders to do what they do...

banjos sound the alarm, followed

by guitars and bass as the Spirit

of Seventy-Six marches down

past the main gate....  chickens on

the grill instead of steak give us

the healthy advantage over those

who want to steal our food and

while we can feed them scraps

from the table like we do our dogs,

we elect not to anger our pets...

along the creek the ferns grow as

freely as our freedoms and we are

not about to lose either one of them.

March 21, 2024

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


the appearance of impropriety

flows through the valley like

a feral feline looking into the 

privacy of someone's home...

neighbors watch while others

take photographs and the clever

videotape the proceedings in

the hopes of selling the footage

to a local entrepreneur for a fee;

we are invaded by those we do

not want around and they in

turn steal from us to show their

appreciation...  the process is

one step away from anger,

one step away from violence,

one step away from changing

our perspectives forever...

each new day brings more of

the unexpected and we in the

valley are tired of listening to

those who can only promise.

March 21, 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024


walking along the sands a time
a child holds the hand of his parent
walking with a quick gate
the child struggle to keep up,
looking at the parent with a plea
of desperation to slow down;
pointing to the death clouds
high above their head, the child
understands the urgency, picking
up the pace without hesitation,
dark clouds descend and the wind
begins to howl through the trees,
birds are no longer chirping nor
are any of them in sight...  a bolt
of lightning slashes its way down
from the sky - striking the parent
in the head and to the ground falls,
without making a sound or releasing
the hand of the child...  who, on the
ground sits like a dog with its master
waiting for normalcy to return...
and when no changes are made, a 
gust of wind scoops up the child
carrying its passenger high into the
as if the wind had the wings of a
bird, disappearing into the cloud.

March 20, 2024 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Memory

locked inside a memory, we see life

as it needs to be not as it is...

life based upon changing perceptions

changing values and norms...

not a perfect world but a changed one

dealing with our particular needs,

wants, and fantasies...  evolving

into a world of sublime interactions

where what is said is always and

perpetually understand, and the

reply always what we wanted...

not that we were right but that we

can never say anything that might

be misconstrued from its intent...

a memory that unfolds slowly so

that each moment is absorbed and

appreciated without cloudy skies

or any rain in the forecast...   to

dampen the sensation or the time

we have been allowd to spend in it.

March 20, 2024

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Human Commodities

tonnes of granite float up the nile

pushed across wet sand

mortar and ropes were their tools

limestone made it smooth,

day and night they worked by the

thousands the stories go...

many died and many lived because

of one man's ego and throughout

the years they became a wonder

but not for those who knew better,

destiny regulates our souls

legacies are just trivial pursuits,

we no longer own our future

the past easily forgotten

and when we see all is amiss

we point our fingers to today...

the wealthy control the workers

the workers control the air

nothing is accomplished  without

the sacrifice of the workers who

is seen as a expendable commodity.

March16, 2024

Friday, March 22, 2024


cool mornings set the tone for the day

warmer evening around the corner,

dogs out on leashes - cats close by

watching the procession with contempt,

mail carriers drive on opposite sides of

the road while garbage is bundled weekly,

sounds of the community filter through

the air, taking exception with the birds

who are not happy with all the children

trying to decide if they can play video

games outside...  waiving their rights

to those who would do them harm, a

group of illegals petition the courts

for states to do more on their behalf...

crime and violence are the excuses

of the moment, to justify their actions,

we underestimate their animosity for

any form of government that attempts

to tell them how they live their lives.

March 16, 2024

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Pouring Down

rain pours down from the sky freely

colliding with tress and the ground

a blessing to some - a curse to others,

puddles of water appear in the streets

play toys for students home from school,

stomping and romping about, splashing

water on each other and those nearby,

flowers in the garden hang their heads

down in shame as the onslaught keeps

them from standing tall and the bushes

on either side of them don't seem to

care about what is happening...  roots

swell to gigantic proportion, sucking

up the falling water that is not ready

to percolate into the ground and too

much water in the soil causes erosion,

and down from the heavens is falls

rather relentless and overbearing

casting doubts on those who would

be guardians and not know exactly

what is is they are supposed to do.

March 16, 2024

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Southern Hemisphere

sounds of the night drift silently 
by my mind like whiffs of smoke
from a campfire...  strangers sleep
on the ground next to the fire to
keep warm and relaxed as they
rest their senses...  food on a stick,
stuck in the ground, remains close
guarded by the dogs who have
already eaten too much...  crickets
send out alarms, frogs let loose a
stuttering trill as it echoes forth...
purrrreeeek...  purrrreeeek...
sounds of the night drift silently
passed my eyes that see more than
they are supposed to see...    and,
the fantasies that were once dreams
are now realities as they slither on
the ground like eden snakes not
if they should speak or not...  and,
off in the distance, the lions purr
with the hot air that surrounds
their pride, watching field mice
chase the crickets who have hidden
among the tall grasses...  a yellow
moon smiles at the darkness of the
people it highlights wondering if 
they realize they are being watched.

March 13, 2024

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


rolling down a back alley

pushed along by the wind,

a scared mind from the gravel

bloodied and beaten, robbed

of all my humanity...  I sit

in the doorway of the morgue

wondering when someone

will pull me inside...  the 

moon sits on top of a lamp

post, lovers kissing on the

bench below...   stars dazzle

the sky like diamonds on a

plate and the blackness covers

all her blemishes...  the police

have taken a holiday and all

our leaders have gone home

to pry to a god in which they

no longer believe...  up into

the sky they all look hoping

to be wrong but the light of

hope has long since been

replaced by those who want

no government control at all.

March 13, 2024

Monday, March 18, 2024

Worldly Habits

fake logs in a fireplace
illuminated by electricity
give off flames that are
simulate real burning wood,
hearing aids that are so
small they sometimes get
lost in one's ears, making
them oh so hard to retrieve,  
cats sit on the mantel
cats sit on backs of couches
cats sleep on the bed where
humans have slept in order
to be close to the ones who
they perceive are protectors,
windows covers by curtains
keep out prying eyes but
voyeurs look through blinds
to see what has been bidden,
we cook meals on the stove,
in air fryers or in mounted
microwave ovens, in the
hopes we will have more
than enough if guests were
to appear unexpectedly...
our news comes from papers
or from the web or from
word of mouth that is so
easily passed from one to
another without regrets...
we are the children of a 
lesser god that believes in
sharing and hiding nothing
from it host of followers.

March 11, 2024

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Corridor

down the corridor of misconceptions
we travel daily with our heads held
firmly between our hands as if getting
ready to present an offering...   awake
and alert with walk with distinction
bowing occasionally to the lords and
ladies in the audience whose attendance
was required by royal decree...  knights
on dark horse prance alongside hoping
defecation will wait, despite being
followed by pawns with shovels...
light enters the hallway from above
the sky opens up its clouds and tears
begin to fall, wetting the participants,
stars zoom by unabashedly, candles
blow in the wind bit remain lit and
the white waiters walk among the
crowd offering free diluted wine...
our daily promenade is hardly ever
interrupted but when it is, always a
half-assed reason for it justification.

March 11, 2024

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Outside In

every other day, I wash off yesterday's memories

as new ones encircle my body as if I had been

rolling around in the sand on some lonely patch

of beach while watching the waves assault the

innocent shoreline as if engaged in some kind

of relentless battle against the two genders...

the past is an innocent prelude for the future 

with the present portrayed as a baseless and

meaningless transition...  playing its role each

moment with total disregard for whatever has

happened before or will happen in the future;

from birth to death we play our role without

the slightest regard as to why as if living in a

state of permanent unconsciousness in a life

that is consciously making choices, appearing

to take risks in a haphazard manner, believing

that tomorrow may never arrive in time to save

them from themselves...  like a homeless child

moving around from one foster home to another

hoping to find true meaning and true purpose.

March 9, 2024

Friday, March 15, 2024

Morning Blues

mornings arrive with routines

early to bed - early to rise

pills and cat treats and a  little

time watching the news...

lamenting the glorious past

when life was simple and calm

not the hectic, stressful way

it turned out to be...   hot coffee

switching to decaf with a 

french vanilla twist, regular

movements within the first

two hours denotes  a good

rest of the day...   blogs take

a little time to prepare but

then the visitations are all

but justified, preparing at

least for one day ahead now,

mornings come with rituals

similar to routines but with

different influences as they

revolve around the environment

like a cloud of dark comfort,

a calming influence on the mind

and soul, allowing the body to

flourish like basking in the sun

on an east coast beach head...

an easing of tensions like is

never felt before in the delightful

sins of the city where we go

to learn our lessons, receive

our fees, spending our money

on pretty things that have no

lasting reputation at all, still

we invest in that legacy since

it was our natural inheritance.

March 9, 2024

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Time's Purpose

carefully we walk along the sands of time
recklessly we walk along the sand of the mind
innocently we walk along the sands of life
knowledge lies in the foundation of truth
truth is what only can be proven in court
court is full of bias judges and juries...
death is the prerequisite to the live we will
never have as long as we breathe in air;
wisdom is wasted on both the old and young
since there is none - we strive to be smart,
intelligent, and clever, fooling only ourselves
once we realize it is all just a game and that
some learn to survive better than others...
and those that do are the farthest away from
truth and wisdom as one can get and still be
to see farther than the length of one's thoughts,
dead on arrival, we are...  first as babies, then
as young adults, and finally as seniors - we
believe in a hoax that has roots in the beginning
of time itself - a subline singularity gained
the advantage of joining both sides of the
spectrum together, heaving us in a matrix of
nonexistence - no path forward or backwards.

March 8, 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Blowing Through

unkind is the wind that blows through
the valley of the dead, those unknown
soldiers who risked their lives on the
battlefields of someone else's courage,
those men and women, both young and
old who sacrificed their lives so others
could piss on their achievements...
we live in an uncivilized world where
were lives are thrown away like table
scraps so other goals can be achieved
and when they are no one but the wind
has the decency to pay their respects;
in the graveyards, one after another,
bodies are stacked on top of each other
since space for the dead is limited and
must be allocated for growth and migrants
as their illegal status makes it all the more
necessary to ignore the dead who at one
time or another had been given the task
to guard our borders with their lives...
now, under the ground they are and no
one knows their names nor cares...
unkind is the wind that blows through
the valley of the dead, in search of the
innocent buried there by mistake.

March 4, 2024

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Winds at our Backs

around the world we travel from
east to the west - north to the south,
all the continents and countries
lying in between the two...from the
pacific ocean to the atlantic ocean,
from the americas to europe, africa,
china, russia, india and the middle
east before it was ravaged by wars;
from the south china sea to the persian
gulf and the ancient mediterranean,
from artica to antartica, greenland,
iceland, and to the outback of australia
on our way to new zealand, japan,
and the islands of the philippeans...
around the world we traveled in
wooden ships and sails, catching
the winds wherever we could...
drifting around aimlessly when
there were none...  we traded slaves
in africa and colored powder in 
china, feasting on pineapples and
wild salmon in the island of hawaii,
around the world we traveled and
were greeted by white men, black
men, brown men, and yellow men
all of whom wished us success in our
travels, sharing their women as 
easily as they shared their friendships,
never seeing us as the enemy until
we stole what we were not given...
we were a small group of travelers
and were no match for the throngs
of people we encountered in part,
but our vessels were fast and the
winds were always at our backs.

March 3, 2024

Monday, March 11, 2024

Sky Tears Falling

the day unfolds gracefully with a
hearty morning sun, followed by a
gentle afternoon rain...  clouds
appeared out of nowhere, just like
a summer shower and we stood
underneath n evergreen to keep
the change in weather from soaking
us through to the bone...   looking
back on the morning, we wish we
had spent more time outside in 
one of our foolish daydreams
rather than remaining inside - 
our faces buried in a computer
screen tidying up a blog post or
two before venturing out into 
the fresh air...  it was the kind of
morning that encouraged us to
lay on the ground, looking up at
sky, imaging from whence we 
came and why here instead of
somewhere else in the vast space
we call the universe...  and so we
arrived at our places just moments
before tears from the sky fell on
our heads and the fantasy we might
have had was instantly replaced with
the stark reality of trying to stay dry.

March 3, 2024

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Lone Wolf

in the center of my vision
is a bright light...
surrounding the bright light
are spears of light emanating
outward forming a sphere
twice as large as its original,
three dimensional qualities
it displays rather than the 
two dimensions of my window,
I see darkness all around
except for the reflection in
the window of whatever is in
front of it at the time...
the contents of the room is in
a state of flux and changes
just like the sphere I saw...
except no, no longer within
my field of vision...
both doors open up onto a 
sunroom whose contents 
cannot be seen due to the
reflections in the glass, but
it's still known the room exists,
my eyes stray from side to side
hoping to see what my mind
has conveyed to them...
it is a interesting exercise - 
trying to recreate sight when
sight no longer exists and there
is not proof that it actually did.

February 29. 2024

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Backwards Glancing

age only escapes our defenses when old
never when are young and foolish,
looking back on a life hastily lived,
believing all would be different if other
choices had been made, second guessing
the ones we made as if second chances
were given out with a death certificate,
influences and attitudes, preconceived
ideas and circumstances were to blame
for our choices and would be made again
the same way they were the first time
unless conditions around us changed...
we see what we want to see and hear 
what we want to hear and oftentimes
believe what we want to believe but we
cannot change the past nor can we change
the rules that govern the past...  the exact
moment we blinked our eyes, our present
became our past and our immediate 
future temporarily became known...
life will always be that way until there
is no more life to live...  our decisions
are nanoseconds in time, and not really
much different than having to eat the
meal that we ordered in a previous past.

February 29, 2024

Friday, March 8, 2024

Stuck In Between

a transition month March is
where flowers bloom and
grasses grow...  it a a month
temperature fluctuations, 
where cold for a few days
then warm as July...  it is a
month of pollen and allergies,
sneezing, coughing, and noses
that beath with difficulty...
it is a month of layering clothes
and sleeping longer hours than
previously expected...  a time
where food tastes not like it
should nor cooks the way it
needs to be as everything works
as if it is in the wrong dimension;
it is a month for fools and poets
who write about its merits, even
thought they are few and very
far in between - too far in fact
to make the rhythm connection,
it is a time to sit on porches
before the humidity kicks in,
and it is a time to talk long
walks along paths before the
insets invade our spaces...
this month belongs neither to
winter nor spring as it stands
alone without any friends of
which to speak, not does it want
any due to its unpredictability.

February 28, 2024

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Our Illegals

it is an invisible line that separates
one side from the other...  it is
across this line that thousands cross
every day without repercussions,
they come with their families and
they come by themselves...
they come without any skills and
without knowing the language,
some are rapists and murderers
some are thieves while others 
suddenly released from prisons,
they come without money and
just the clothes on their backs
but they all claim they are here to
participate in a better life...   none
of these travelers come with any
immunizations and none were
vetted once they crossed the line,
in slums they lived before and in
slums they will live again,,,  but,
more importantly no one on the
other side of the line wants them
to be here...  their children are
put into schools as that is the law
but they are unable to learn since
the words they speak are different,
the countries from which they came
did not send their best and brightest,
and our leaders know not what to do
with them all...  asking citizens to let
them stay in their homes and east their
food until decisions are made...  we call
these migrants illegals because they
broke the law when they crossed the
invisible line and knew what they were
doing - it made no difference to them
nor would any of our laws that they
chose not to follow...  and, when the
light go out at one, we sleep with one
eye open just in case they are outside.

February 28, 2024

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


at the feet of the guardian, her sword lies
quickly glancing at its location,
she spins to the left...  then to the right...
avoiding her opponent's blade...
a taunting smile appears on her face
her eyes fixed and loaded with contempt,
she bends, avoiding another blade
the flips her body upright while at the
same time scooping up her weapon,
landing behind his carelessness...
as she spins...  so too does the warrior
putting the front side of his body
in direct contact with the razor sharp
blade, almost splitting his body in half;
his surprise prevents the silent scream
caught in his throat...  his eyes bulge
from the pressure inside...  a lifeless
body crashes down on the hard soil;
she wastes no time with a smile nor
does she await the arrival of his friends
bursting into the courtyard...
with a look to the sky and outstretched
arms, the ship above retrieves her.

February 27, 2024

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Writer's Words

words flow freely from

the mind to the paper

a journey sometimes or 

completed in a few minutes,

the themes varies as does

their meanings...   still,

it is up to the reader to

imagine what they will...

simple words, cleverly 

placed on each line offers

a window into the author,

yet oftentimes misleading

as there is no purpose and

no meaning to convey,

other than retrieving these

words from whence they

had first originated...

a fool's tale told repeatedly

with different words and

different phrases and a few

different meanings, tells a

different story than did its

predecessor...  and the words

wrongly interpreted takes

the reader down a road of

unanticipated expectations,

second guessing the words

and from which corner of

one's imagination did they

germinate before blooming.

February 27, 2024

Monday, March 4, 2024


on my hands and knees, I am told to get
her voice is sweet and seductive...
in front of me she stands, straddling my head
the scents of female excitement permeates
my senses, causing a state of arousal...
she bends over and tightens my neck collar,
unclasping the leash, she used to bring me here,
in a sultry voice she orders me to place my
head upon the floor and stretch out my arms,
encouraging me to spread my knees wide apart,
a chill runs down the spine of my naked body
my genitals hang down, shrinking as the 
cold air rushes all around me, and a dry
throat makes it difficult to swallow...
she positions herself behind me and in 
between my legs as her swaying breasts
light graze over my shaved, exposed cheeks,
a mixture of oil and Vaseline is rubbed all
over my bottom, fingers with trimmed nails
probe deeper and deeper inside me, rotating
around in a effort to relax the muscles...
a soft, rubbery object is inserted, penetrating
as if I were a female in heat - her breasts rest
on my lower back as she lays upon me and
both arms reach around to stroke and milk
my enlarged manhood, occasionally using
one hand to pinch and twist my nipples until
I cry out in pain and passion...  movements
increase as my mistress senses I am getting
closer to orgasm and when my climax arrives,
she flips me over and mounts me like a man.

February 26, 2024 


Sunday, March 3, 2024

Renting Laments

morning tumbles into the pocket of 
my mind quite easily at night when
sleep eludes me and my breathing
become more difficult than imagined,
the sights and sound of darkness
surround me like a coffin fitted with
the skill of a hand-tailored suit...
the souls of many, the thoughts of
but a few penetrate me as might
happen to lovers separated longer
than the agreed upon time and oh
so fortunate to be given privacy in
the back of a star's limousine...
cries from deep within the belly of
our secret love give pause to those
who forced us together, and when
the learned scholars learn of their
mistake, we will be long gone and
hiding in someone else's fantasies
who had requested our services but
who had been put on a waiting list.

February 25, 2024

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Regretted Love

down from the walls we remove
all photos of the one with whom
we wanted to build a future...
extracted from our memories are
the fantasies we had together of
a life that was too good to be true...
pleasure follows pain and the
agony of the past causes pleasure
with the mistakes we almost made;
an outward beauty hides the beast
inside unleashed when there were
no witnesses to observe...  kindness
follows hate and bitterness reminds
of the brief interlude with fear and
the mental castration that only a 
few choice words can create, if 
and when used repeatedly...  eyes
penetrated the truth hanging over
us like some religious cross waiting
to be junked into the hole, upon
which our love would be crucified,
until the blood of memories no
longer dribbled out of our thoughts,
as hollow as our fake love, that lived
between us like a bamboo fence...
rings adorned our fingers symbolizing
our submission to each other, turning
our fingers green with envy at the
prospect of being free...  an illusion
of it all was better than being alone.

February 25, 2024

Friday, March 1, 2024

A Dysfunctional Family

waves of regret flow through my
consciousness as family begins
their assault on my past, blaming
me for all those inherent problems
we had when we were children...
abdicating any responsibility for
their actions accusing me of a
vicious control of their behavior;
I wonder who was controlling who
either as children or as adults since
it is they who hold all the cards of
grudges backing me in a corner to
apologize or be kicked out of all
future family gatherings...  my mind
reels at the thought they believe the
venom that is spewed between their
parsed lips as if self-righteousness
is now in control of their actions...
torture me as you will, brother and
sister dears, since I have no desire
to kiss the rings of your new wealth.

February 25, 2024