Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Strangers meet on an empty street

leave their vehicles...   walking...

towards each other - meet in the middle,

crown vics and fords sit empty as

weapons are raised and fired...

bullets piercing each other's bodies

as if a roman candle had been fired...

film crews dart to both sides of the street

in an effort to get the best angle...

our fighters holster their weapons

and embrace each other sharing

their bodies as they had shared their

weapons, neither of which were

harmful or dangerous unless you

were one of their spouses...  rights

to the circus had been sold on the

internet, and producers paid a ton

to be in the first casting seat...  we

pay the price for our deception, putting

the money into longterm investments

since the short run always loses speed

when the world starts to accelerate.

26 January 2023

Monday, January 30, 2023

Cold Sun Morning

shadows on the hardwood floor

light from the open door enters

warmth from the glass door felt

inside comfort is always maintained,

cats sit in the doorway letting the

heat attached itself to their bodies

closing their eyes and feeling relaxed

in their environment, hoping the

door is left open all morning... a

winter sun peers out over the trees

in the adjacent field and a family

of deer wander around aimlessly,

foraging off the ground, fearless

of those around them that stare at

their rustic beauty...  above isolated

fields are the birds that freely fly

from one side to other as they visit

family and friends...  inside we are

always warm and so complacent.

24 January 2024

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Reaching Conclusions

we peer into the darkness and see light

we focus on light and see the darkness

upside down we are in our observations

no knowing which is true or false...  our

minds waste little time on this dilemma

as it pursues happiness at the expense

of true understanding...  our eyes see

through the lens of time with a red tint

for all the blood that has been shed and

we admit nothing to our teachers for

bring this to our attention...  school is

false and life is true and yet education

takes us into a world of deception and

illusion as we strive to understand the

difference between the two so that we

can finally reach our own conclusions.

22 January 2023

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Holding On

truth is as illusive as good and evil

in the minds of man and in their eyes

as well...  they see what they want to

see and think what they are told to

think even when that thought is not

truthful...  we run with those who 

think like we do and walk beside

those who do not think at all...  we

protect ourselves with the words

used by the prophets who spread

more lies than truths, yet this is all

that we know, so we hold onto it

as if it is our last will and testament.

22 January 2023

Friday, January 27, 2023

Wisdom Leaks

cold seeps through the mind like wind

blowing through the attic of a home,

vented on the roof like the head's ears,

we are tone deaf to the words we no

longer want to hear, open only to those

words that supports our beliefs...  a cold

winter lays on the ground around our

feet as we attempt to walk through the

disturbances that rest inside our thoughts,

just behind the eyes that only see what

we want them to see...  we are blinded

and blind-sided by the truth of our own

reallities that correct our judgements

and leaving us wanting to be ccontrolled.

21 January 2023

Thursday, January 26, 2023

We Are One

thankful to those who gave us life or

angry is a choice we all must make,

it is not our creators who made our

choices but us alone, influence by all

that is around us whether organic or

non organic...  we see, we learn, we

think, we process, we decide and we

follow those decisions and enjoy all

their consequences...  our creators 

have not the same interests as we do

nor do they share the same personality,

as we are all separate and unique, even

when showing the beauty that lies in

our thoughts and souls and actions as

we walk and talk as no other one does.

20 January 2023

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

False Life

white squares on the rug, bordered by grey

lines all around...  a checkboard appearance

but not a board like that at all...  it is a rug

that on the hardwood floor lies, knowing

it never tried to lie about its appearance;

a truth be known to all but seldom seen

in the light of understanding to any...  the

rug and floor are one, in that they tend

to complement each other, even though

they are dissimilar with the floor bearing

no white squares at all, just a slick tone

that gives the impression it is made of

wood that can only be found in a grove

of hardwood trees...  it is deception at

best and illusion at worse as we learn

to live beside the falseness of all life.

17 January 2023

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Wisdom's Feelings

wisdom lurks on the aged shoulders

of those who have survived four score

and twenty as that is the marker for

death's reaper to pay us a visit...  we

sit on the curb of justice, hoping for

a repreive but none arrives so into

the fields we go to bury ourselves

in the dirt from whence we came...

are we simply passing through we

ask ourselves as we dig the holes?

we have no answers, no solutions,

and no recommendations to offer

to those who come behind us other

than if you are lucky to reach the

ages of wisdom then answer the

questions we have put forth and

spare no feelings with your replies.

17 January 2023

Monday, January 23, 2023


time listens only to the future

but hesitates with the present

knowing that it cannot stay too

long at all since it will soon

become the past...  it is just

the future that pulls it forward

and into a space that has yet

to reveal itself, although it

sole purpose is to wait for

time to catch up to it as it

revolves and rotates into the

present just long enough for

time to see what been missed.

17 January 2023

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Bully Darkness

darkness crowds out the light with its

bully behavior similar to what is being

done in our society against people we

don't really care about or understand

and we have no desire to change our

opinions of them, just like the dark

does not care about the feeling of the

when it comes time to decide what

the darkness really want to do...  we

hide behind its tenacity as we have

none of our own and we imagine

ourselves ruling the world one day

with our superior attitude and our

superior mentalities when it reality

we have neither about which to

boast and neither about which to

brag, but we still consider ourselves

to be just like the darkness disliked.

16 January 2023

Saturday, January 21, 2023


down the dirt road of the subconscious, we

drift aimlessly along as if we are expecting

a solution to roll up beside us, letting us 

kmow we are on the right track...  and yet,

being on the right track is always unexpected

since we meander back and forth in relative

obscurity to those around us...  we seek a

conscious expression of reality, looking for

answers where there are none, expecting

justice when justice serves only the wealthy,

and the rest of us, squirm along the surface

of life, trying to make do and not go too far

into debt or raise our expectation that there

might be a better life ahead of us somewhere.

15 January 2023

Friday, January 20, 2023

Word's Want

words fall from my mind like intermittent

showers, sometimes forming puddles and

sometimes just rolling downhill into the

valley below...  it is in this valley where

the big words live that are used to make

big sentences...  that are interwoven to 

create longer works of fiction that those

who have the time will want to read...

words stumble down the back paths of

my imagination, trying to find groupings

as they tumble into nothingness and are

washed away in the next shower as long

as the water remains warm and gentle...

words live on the pages of my thoughts

that sit on the night table beside the bed,

that smile at me when I awake each day

as if they want to be the first item that

I see in the hopes i will pay attention.

13 January 2024

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Jan 19

the morning after the morning after

and life is improving...  all oars are

in the water and my vessel is moving

forward...  the day is mild, the sun is

out, and clouds seem to have moved

across the world to another land...

fresh water bath beats the salty water

of the sea, but it is what it is when it

is this way...  all sails have been put

up the masts and tightened down, we

have made fast and are ready to go...

with apples and oranges and a few

bags of tea, our voyage will be one

for the memory and to share with

our grandchildren if we make it to

that age...  along the coastline we

move, from one port to the next, as

land is always in sight, but when the

suns goes down and all we can do 

is navigate by the moonlight then

it is time to return home my friend.

13 January 2023

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


cats spend their winters on heating pads

while human cuddle together in beds,

trees shed their leaves in the fall and

home owners rake them up for the

county to collect on Fridays...  cold

weather closes most pools but those

enlosed in glass are allowed to stay

open for those who want to brave the

cold without clothes...  doors remain

closed most of the winter to prevent

unauthorized temperature drops inside,

and we wonder why so many of us are

catching the flu...  as if we have won

some sort of community award...  we

are blindsided by ignorance brought

about by our own selfish intelligence

which only marks a shallow grave

when we attempt to retrieve something

from its depths...  we are insatiable on

our future, hoping it to be better than

the past that we all but finished renting.

10 January 2023

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


without pride or prejudice, we live in

a world of inequities...  none of which

of which can be changed...  a gifted mind

does not come from good education nor

does one's athletic or musical skills no

how much one practices...  and cosmetic

surgery will not alter ugliness that has

given to us at birth...  fake breats will

never be seen as natural and penis

enlargements only damage the one

who perceive they need it...  we are 

victims of greed, power, and control

and yet only a rew will rise to be in

command of all three...  it is just the

way it is not matter how deep down

into debt you go to try to achieve it.

10 January 2023

Monday, January 16, 2023

Death Level

the advancement of age haunts our

consciousness...  we see and feel and

understand that which we want to...

and nothing more...  time leaves us

all and the more we cry out for it to

slow down so we can catch up, the

faster it seems to move...  and, when

we offer money to the master of time,

we are laughed at and ridiculed for

being so ignorant with our knowledge

of life...  and the death that follows 

us all like some sort of stray dog, that

has not eaten in days, even though

many have petted its fur...  life is not

meant to be lived but experience as

it moves from one level to the next,

as we spend a little time on each of

levels hoping to find the level that

is the most suitable on which to die.

9 January 2023

Sunday, January 15, 2023

A Few

light fades, the day unwinds, people

stay inside on this cold day...  a few

brave souls walk the streets, looking

to follow in the footprints of others,

seeking redemption from the weather,

laying on the ground at their feet, as

if trying to ask for forgiveness...  a

few misbegotten walk their dogs with

invisible leashes, looking over their

shoulders for the catchers who room

the street looking for law breakers...

and, those of us inside put another

log in the fire, sit back in our stuffed

chairs, reading books or pondering

the news of the day that was more

disturbing than yesterday...  a few

look for trash that has been thrown

out of cars on their way here or there

or nowhere in particular except to

throw out trash as they pass...  a few

bargain with the devil for a little

warm weather knowing it will be

several weeks before that prayer

can be answered regardless of the

bribe you want to pay with a tithe.

9 January 2023

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Whispered Words

whispered words wait on the floor

to be discovered by the cleaner...

the one whose job it is to monitor

what is being said, making sure

what is thought is never said or

written that voilates the code of

of what we what others to know;

whispered words are the most

dangerous as they are not shouted

from the tops of talking heads

for all to hear, but slid across the

floor like rodents scampering to

their hiding places before being

caught and destroyed...  these are

the slimy words that people use

to open the eyes of consciousness,

allowing people to think thoughts

that have been intentional forbidden.

8 Jamuary 2023

Friday, January 13, 2023

Going to Ground

a morning rain falls across the valley

in all directions, ignoring no one in

its relentless downpour...  all the fish

remain below the surface in the lakes

and all the animals remain inside their

homes in the forest and all the birds 

take no flights from one rock to the

other or from one tree to another as

they hide from the watery winter 

morning that is the first of many...

the windless sky bends no trees nor

pushes anything around in its futile

attempt to gain control...  leaves may

blow from one yard to the other but

none disappear and are otherwise left

to be gathered by some external device

that has little to do with the rain...  a

gray sky covers like a knit cap without

ear muffs, preventing any blue sky

from being seen today at all...  it is our

mother's way of telling us it is time to

rest our souls and weary bodies from

all the toil and turmoil throughout a

painfully boring year...  we heed her

advice and go to ground once again.

8 January 2023

Thursday, January 12, 2023

First Date

inside the mental cavity of darkness

I see the illusion of my thoughts...

grim spectrums of illumination that

fall short of expectations when seen

in the light...  eerie spectacles flash

through the mind like horizontal

lightning bolt following earth's

curvatures...  black clouds of one's

opportunities fall to the ground

in pellets of snow and ice, as they

penetrate my sexual senses and I

raise up with each thrust, hoping

to reach the conclusion before I

am out of breath...  inside the

mental cavity of darkness, I can

your virgin views and  wonder

if you are still interested or not.

6 January 2023

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Sans Memories

memories follow us from one day

to the next, from one week to the

next, from one month to the next,

from one year to the next...  and,

when we look back on all those

memories, we have a hard time

believing they are all ours...  so,

we begin to shift those memories

to others in the hopes that they

would rather have ours than the

ones with which they must deal,

both of us finding ourselves at

at crossroads, not wanting their

memories or our own...  and yet,

these memories must belong to

someone so we put them up for

sale or rent in the hopes that

they will become the property of

those who have no memories.

6 January 2023

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Lake's Worth

rain without thunder

rain without lightning

falls in the valley...

two days or more

arriving morning or

in the night, seldom

in the afternoons as

then is the time for

it all to dry out...

rain without the sun

falls constantly as

overhead clouds

chauffeur around the

warmth hoping to get

paid at day's end...

the valley bends more

under the weight of

the deluge, pushing

all excess into the

lakes that were built

for this purpsoe and

who seldom have a

chance to demonstrate

their worth, outside

of boating and fishing.

4 January 2023

Monday, January 9, 2023

Winter Winter

winter...  winter...

what have you brought me,

besides the cold and

the rain and snow?

winter...  winter...

why did you take away from

me the summers of which

I am so fond?

winter...  winter...

you make me wear all these

heavy clothes that are

too much for my tired

old shoulders...  and yet,

you seem not to care what

burdens you place upon

these days of yours;

winter...  winter...

give me back my warmth

give me back my sunshine

give me back my sense of

belonging outside that the

summer mistress bestowed

upon me at the very beginning

of my life promising never

to take it away again;

winter...  winter...

are you the result of all this

warming we've been recently

having across the land?

3 January 2023

Sunday, January 8, 2023


our sails are set and the wind blows

us down the river towards its mouth

and our points of origin or so we have

been told by the elders...  those who

have lived more moons than the rest

of us in these parts...  we know who

we are and where we come from...

but not where we are going more

than a minute or two into the future,

as we have not yet seen what is to be;

our billowed sails are full and open 

by the headwinds that navigate us

true, even though we seem to be

zigzagging back and forth as if we

have lost our rudder but not our

spirits or our will to survive here.

3 January 2023

Saturday, January 7, 2023


beneath the dark mask of the night

lies all creatures, man and animal,

who tend to their daily wounnds

as if they have been shot or might

be carrying around the sins of the

world on their shoulders...  unknown

to all of them is the unknown that

is yet to be, even though their keen

instincts might say winter will be

around for several more weeks...

beneath the dark mask of the night

rest the souls, man and animal, 

even though some might perceive

there are no souls in the animal

world, and if they are right then our

beliefs of reincarnation are wrong

and we should rethink what we have

been taught when we were younger.

2 January 2023

Friday, January 6, 2023


we are the same as we were before

maybe a little wiser...  maybe not,

yet we look at each other with the

same disdain that is bestowed upon

our enemies...   yet, we wonder why

we have not the first friennd...  we 

are innocent before everyone else

as we are the only ones who were

attempting to follow the rules...

those rules we always thought were

pointless and silly...  standing before

you are the ones who took your

livelihood and smiled at you while

you were looking for a suitable

replacement...  you are me and I 

am you and we are neither one

or apart in our pursuits of the only

happiness either one of us ever

knew before they arrived and had

us all lined up as if we were kids

and they could tell us what to do

or not to do because they were

our only guardians...  we are the

same as before...  a little wiser.

2 January 2023

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Just Living

we look deep into our own souls

and see the wickedness of our own

thoughts as we try and bury what

we used to believe it as if it were

something wrong and forbidden

when in reality it was just a 

little different than what others

believed when they were our age;

and with those thoughts we were

able to construct a nation that

has lasted for centuries...  and

will last another century or two

since who we are and what we

have become seems to be the

right way to live nowadays...

2 January 2023

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Death's Life

all of us seem to live on borrowed time

especially those who are sick with illnesses

to grave to cure...  but, for the rest of us,

we live on the edge of life and on the edge

of life's turmoil, as wars and counter wars

are waged endlessly among each other in

a futile effort to acquire land that will be

taken back during the next battle...  we

wage war as if we are cooking meals 

for our friends and neighbors, expecting

visitors to smell the feast and try their

to eat our food as well, even though they

had never been invited...   we seem to

live on borrowed time while dressing

according to the season of our aging

hearts and souls that never seem to rest

until the last breath is drawn...   we spill

our thoughts like blood into the streets

of awareness just like those before us

did to escape persecution...   our life

revolves around our past and our past

revolves around our future as wi live

inside the mysteries of our present...

our time is borrowed from a future

generation that has no knowledge of

who we are or have become, hoping in

death we will finally be able to meet.

29 December 2022

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Experiences Fail

we create the beds in which we sleep

in which we tend to our illnesses and

in which we will eventually die...  we

have no way of looking back until our

older age arrives, and all our mistakes

and choices can be revisited...  but, in

so doing, we have no ability to change

what has already been done as the beds

we previously built stay with us for a

lifetime...  the superstructure of our

thoughts may fall and be rebuilt several

times while we breathe this toxic air

but oftentimes it is refurbished in the

same configuration as it was before as

we learn very little from our experiences.

29 December 2022

Monday, January 2, 2023

New Year's Here

a winter blast of cold swooped down

into our valley a fews days past, a cold

we have never seen before and lingered

round about for several days before 

our seasonal temps returned...   we all

stayed inside unless we had to venture

outside, taking our chances with the

frigid air, bundled up, prepared if and

when the worst arrived...  we are like

namads in this life of ours, wandering

here and there, trying to make sense

of it all...  feeling our way around as

if every where we went was covered

in blankets of snow, freezing air, and

the companionship that gtrows tired

of it all very quickly nowadays...  we

are tossed meatless bones of gratitude

for our work ethics, pushed aside if

our wealthy relatives arrive...  we are

cast out and down upon the soil like

chicken feed, hoping that we do not

last or at the very least kill each other.

28 December 2022