Monday, January 31, 2022

Looking Out

a colder morning that
yesterday is here,
when letting the cats
outside or is it just
my imagination
as we approach the
end of the year?
light begins my days
but soon it will end
as clocks are changed
becasuse of some previous
dreadful experience;
one month follows the
other like footprints
in the snow, washed
away by the rain...
one year follows the other
like a body growing old
and we see what we want
to see disregarding the
truth is if disagrees...
a colder morning leave
me wondering what time
really means when inside
the warmth of the mind that
resists the bending of it...
the colder morning forces
that cat inside quicker than
he desires, sitting at the
window looking at himself.

1 November 2021

Sunday, January 30, 2022


regrets like used toothpicks
are thrown away after use,
since there is no point in
holding onto them any longer
than becoming aware that
they exist in the first place;
regrets like backwards thinking
have no useful purpose once
the original bad feeling has
been received and logged in
one's memory for future use;
regrets come and go like one's
memories after a certain age and
once they have been reflected
upon serve no other purpose
except assigning blame or guilt;
regrets offer no do overs or
make overs as with other parts
of the body and are what they
are...  and it is what it is...  or
generally speaking that is true;
regrets are packed away in a
mental suitcase, stored in the 
attics of our mind and are only
retrievable if an autopsy is
performed in lieu of cremation;
regrets seal the hull of the ship
that never sails since the captain
of the original one never drowns.

31 October 2021

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Once Again

how quiet is the morning
when no one is awake
except the cats and I...
darkness floats around outside
waiting for the light as it
gradually disappears...
lights inside the house
resemble lights inside the mind
as doorways of consciousness
opening and closing
depending upon the brightness;
pathways connect and disconnect
faster than blinks of light
as it penetrates its dark lover
every morning aroused
by its own curiosities...
shadows become clearer
and then disappear as object
take on their own life,
thanks to the light and say
goodbye to that which made
it vanish temporarily into the
night adopting a sinister attitude...
reflections of light in the window
fades...  along with the background, 
streetlamps remain despite
their inabilities to see...
the day has arisen and life
as we know it to be...  can be
bought and sold once again.

31 October 2021

Friday, January 28, 2022

Birthday Gifts

an emptiness inside
an anger along with
few care about me
even fewer show it...
alone in life as I
wanted to be...
as I needed to be
for my own
as age betrays my
awareness, my
consciousness betrays
my thoughts and I
steal feelings that
make me vulnerable...
hide them in a vault
of hate that lingers
inside my life like
a black cat sitting on
the wall of forgetfulness,
howling at all the feelings
that will never be felt...
a halloween prank
a birthday day
or payback...  who knows,
perhaps all three...
but it influences my
thoughts and seasonal
attitudes as it I were
simply already dead.

31 October 2021

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Gigging Existence

inasmuch as I doubt my own
existence, do I wonder of its
alternatives that provide me
with the life to which I have
so easily grown accustomed,
but, with hesitancy do I proclaim
the thoughts that addresses me
otherwise...  as they are the
reason for the doubt that I harbor
currently in the first place...
I have no reason to see what
I cannot see nor do I think
what I cannot understand nor
do I fantasize about that which
is totally unreasonable...  yet,
that is exactly my newest plan;
life is interpreted so many ways
it is not unusual to see variation
that is congruent with my own
while being so unrealistic...
life offers us choices that are 
always made on our own behalf
that we are forced to accept
and take responsibility as if it
were criminal for us not to do;
we believe because we think
that we believe and in so doing
justify the proof of our existence
that is as illusive as capturing the
idea that created us at birth...
like catching a bull frog at night
without a flashlight or a stick.

30 October 2021

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Steps to Here

this morning I awoke
with thoughts that
were not my own,
and when I tried
to investigate their
origins, my mind
was sent on a journey
from whjich it was
difficult to return...
a fantasy of sorts
filtered through my
consciousness and I
saw both the end and
the beginning of my
awareness as if it
were hanging on a
wall of doubt like an
expensive tapestry...
a bell rang inside me
that I would not see
nor hear as it began
to vibrate throughout
my being and when my
nerves moved in a
sympathetic manner
my body took itself
somewhere quite
unexpectedly as it
began to retrace the steps
that had brought me here.

30 October 2021

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Alternate Life

up down
left right
in out
we have three dimensions
and time bending
through it all
like light...
sub atomic builds atomic
and the atoms
builds the molecules
that create the substance
with which
everything has but
the strings tie it
all together with their
constant vibrations...
our knowledge
other dimensions
form around ours
becoming more complex
and intricate
as we evolve
and rotate from
one inner space
to another...
looking for clues
or an opening
through which
we can pass
into what we
believe is an
alternate life.

30 October 2021

Monday, January 24, 2022

Purpose's Purpose

the purpose of our purpose has
no purpuse at all...  yet we
strive to reach one anyway,
hoping that we become more
enlightened that the day before
although we know not why we
persist is seeing it that way?
the purpose of our purpose is
rather non-existent since it has
no direction...  nor directive to 
have one...  we are left powerless
to perceive moving in random
directions like the strings of time;
the purpose of our purpose leaves
our emtions just as motionless
as our motives as we ponder
it all without action or regret...
as the dawns of our birth
finally allow us to see what was
not intended for us to see at all;
the purpose of our purpose comes
with its own contradictions as
we live our innocent lives in a 
not so innocent existence seeing
it all on a wide screen of what
we want to see rather than what
it really is or was meant to be;
the purpose of our purpose has no
purpose at all and never has as
it is just for us to wonder about.

30 October 2021

Sunday, January 23, 2022

A Daily Unfolding

early morning darkness hides the rain that
falls all around our house and in the valley,
we pledge ourselves to sleeping through it
awakening at dawn without the abruptness
of annoying alarms...  we listen and learn
about it all never fully understanding why
the patterns surround us as they do...  and,
when we have time to pause, we drink a 
glass or two and then back outside we go
as if trying to find the cat that won't respond 
to the call when in reality we just want to
be in the midst of it all...  rain falls on our 
faces like tears from the eyes in the sky
that see us for what we are worth...
nothing more and nothing less...  and we,
bewg forgiveness for our crimes that
we may have committed yesterday,
carefully omitting those of today so that
we will have something to report for
tomorrow in case we need understanding...
a pause in the rain allows us to catch our
thoughts and the cats who had been
hiding and would not give us time to dry
off before they went off scampering...
we peer into our own thoughts as the
thoughts of our neighbors are still
sleeping and what we see troubles us
not in the same way as it has always been
even since we became an adult, leaving
our childones on the coastline of the
Carolinas...  a blue sky arrives out of the
darkness and I can finally see the clothes
i am wearing and see the unfolding of
a rather pleasant day ahead of us all.

30 October 2021

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Halloween Prep

two days remain in this month of
ours before we start another and
last night ventured into the candy
story and all the shelves were empty,
they say its a supply chain thing
that we should have ordered earlier
they blame it on china's covid...
they say its the previous one's problem,
of all those who casted a vote now
wish they had not...  I'd say it's 
just politics and not like having a
johnny-on-th-spot...  we could make
brownies or rock candy in a pot
with these two days we have or
we could just turn off our lights
and go hide in our basement...
it's not like we don't have a choice
because we do...   it's just these
choices are not what we choose;
we defended our right to participate
so...  this is what we'll do, but
in the morrow when there is only
one day remaining, it may change
our points-of-view...  and if that
were to be the case, more finger
pointing will ensue and all our
friends will return their costumes as
there will be nothing left to do.

29 October 2021

Friday, January 21, 2022

Thinking About Time

yesterday my heart was
video-taped in order to
determine its condition,
my memory started early
about four I'd say...
and ended before Hemmer
started his show at nine;
results proved favorable
not at all expected and
the nurse fed me a
turkey sub when I was
back in recovery...
the doc came in before
the meal and said all
was well and that the
results of the previous
exam had given him
a false reading...  or,
maybe it just a way
to increase revenues,
since insurance pays for
most of it anyway...
today, I am back at home
and feeling fine and
wonder what all the fuss
was about that had me
thinking about time and
much of it was stil going
to be shared with me.

29 October 2021

Thursday, January 20, 2022


not too far down the road from me
lives an old man who never was...
as he his no certificate of birth 
to which his parents will testify
and his siblings will readily agree
in that he does not exist in the 
normal sense of the word because
as a creation, he is only given life by
the creator who long ago overlooked
he was around, giving all his credentials
to another who was not as deserving;
not too far down the road from me
is a home built by the elves in the forest
whose green appearance helps them
avoid too many onlookers who, under
normal circumstances, would have
believed they do not exist, if it were
not for the home just recently built;
not too far down the road from me
is a wooden and brick bridge, under
which a fat, little troll lives with his
little troll brother and his little troll
sister that steals food from the old man
who lives in the home the elves built
and everyday he complains to the
constable that he has been robbed and
the constable does nothing because the
man has no birth certificate to prove
that he is alive and that a crime has,
in fact, taken place, so the old man has
decided to move in with me for awhile.

27 October 2021

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Around the Corner

a hint of winter lays on the
ground with a early frost,
squirrels scamper from
tree-to-tree in wild oblivion
making sure all is well,
future homemakers sell
cookies door-to-door...  a
parent's vehicle shadows...
music from the band
filters through the air of
the homecoming game
and cars parked along the
are not disturbed either...
heroes are made off and
on the field as the former
is sold for five and a quarter,
cats perch on the window sill
of the home in which they live
watching others prance around
outside their territories...  
straw covers newly sewn seed
morning moisture gives it life
and the winds out of the
northeast indicate that something
is on the way...  pumpklns on
front porches sit along with
spider webs and ghosts waiting
for the screams of children when
they are not so easy to see...  the
fun is always just around the corner
from where we presently are now.

26 October 2021

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

A Rainy Visit

a mischievous boy dances
in the rain...  stomps on
puddles he passes and
chases the birds who have
landed down on the ground;
his clothes are wet
his long hair hangs down
around his head in curls
and one could easily imagine
that he is really a girl...
she wonders back and forth
along the open field as if
she has no cares in the world
or doesn't want to go home;
she takes the stick she's
been carrying and swats
at a rabbit hopping by but
the rabbit ignores her 
intentions and continues
with its stride...  up into
the sky she looks...  rain
falling in her eyes and with
a clinched fist held high,
she dares the heavens to
challenge her and any of her
foolish opinions...  but once
across the field and back
onto her cycle that brought
her here, she fires up the
twin cyclinders and holding
onto the handlebars with a
casual force she accelerates
down the country road as
she has really had enough.

26 October 2021

Monday, January 17, 2022

Driving By

down through the valley the road winds
made from dirt, grravel, and clay,
past the corn fields with no ears
as the harvesting has already been,
over the covered bridge whose slats need
replacing sometime soon and down
through the grove of apple trees and
back up the hill to Norm's whiose brick
ranch looks somewhat out-of-place
next to Fran's mother's log cabin...  and, as
it continues to offer the travelers a choice,
either the right fork down to the lake
or the left fork around the mountain,
and back to the beginning...  and when
the choice is right, a cattle pasture you
will see on both sides of the road with
a clearing off to the right as well...
the road passes Sandy's sawmill this is
up for sale they say...  and when the
road approaches the water, a different
smell is in the air while we meander
down small paths that lead to a variety
of tourist campsites, some of whom are
local...  but mostly foreign the be...
they venture down here from all over
the country to get close to nature and
the great smokies we are told...  but if
you decided to bear to the left at the fork,
a more interesting scene would have
appeared taking you into the heart of
nature and the home of the southern
black bear whose caves are out-of-sight
but who often comes down the wooden
fenceline to visit with disbelieving tourists.

26 October 2021

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Soaking Wet

beside the weeping willow, beside the stilled pond
I sit pondering the inevitable like a southerner
sitting in the shade with a bamboo pole and line
in the water, waiting for a nibble that never arrives...
a sun drenched day develops slowly n the
foreground of the great smokies whose misty mornings
reveal less and leass about its famed heritage...
an ill-conceived habit creeps out of the sunrise
basking in its new found glory of awareness, letting
my mind drift along the gentle currents of the flights
of magestic eagles as they survey the forecasts of
impending rain in their skies...  where earlier none
was expected and sitting here was a good idea;
like Monet, lilies grow at the far side of the pond
but are still visible from my lines-of-sight and
seemed to have multiplied since I've been here...
a solitary bullfrog on a lily sits as if it were
deciding to take a dip in the murky waters..  it sits
and stares at me for what seems like hours,
seeking my approval which never comes its way...
a pair of cranes, a couple I suppose, casually
look around as if they feel uncomfortable feeling
comfortable here watching me drift off into a
state of cosmic consciousness as the wind they
call Moriah gently combs my thining hair...
my ponderings continue as does the inevitable;
whispers of a forgotten madness sprinkles itself
all around me like a carefully constructed and
well orchestrated rain and when I open my eyes
to confirm realize that I am now soaking wet.

26 October 2021

Saturday, January 15, 2022


around the corner from the mind lies the
essence of our souls and those of mankind,
who venture froth each day into a world
of which they know nothing and as they act
out each hour of its passing they offer up
the impression they do not give a damn...
around the corner from the soul lies the spirit
of one's imagination that harbors no grudges
towards the mind that it betrays daily as it
revisits reality from the vantage point of
numerous perspectives, acting out its plays
in a familiar but precarious environment...
around the corner from the imagination lies the
hospital of memories of which few will survive
the onslaught of age that diminishes their viability,
preventing their aggravating rebirth and recovery
that oftentimes is as unpleasant as it is otherwise...
around the corner from the hospital lies the
personality of action or inaction as the case may be,
sifting out fact from fiction while addressing
each day as if walking in a military parade even
though its behaviors typically speak differently...
around the corner from the personality lies the
duality of it all and the constant struggle
between the conscious and the sub-conscious
fighting like step children in an unorthodox
approach to waging battle against the predictable
and the uinpredictable overlooking the ironies
that their battle for domination creates until the
difference between perspectives finally coincide.

25 October 2021

Friday, January 14, 2022

Seasonal Adjustments

a green tarp covers the above ground pool
an electric pump with hose sits on top
landscaping rocks secure the edges
but no rain is scheduled to test its reliability
contrasting colors in trees as their leaves change
while others retain their original shades
silence permeates the air save the barking dog
lights in homes have all been switched off
not to save money but because they are not needed
weather reports fall on deaf ears while eyes
are transfixed on smart phone applications when
to the casual observer who spends the time
one can tell there will be no rain today...
fall beckons its release as we transition
into another season of another year of another
decade that will prove better than the previous one,
mysteries are no longer unsolved as we have
seen them many times before...  playing out...
in a harmony of sorts with nature as it
stops paying attention to its own business and
begins to interfere with ours in its changing
patterns...  replacing humidity and heat with cold,
our attitudes are replaced as well by new ones
just like the changing of our clothes or the
wearing of more to maintain warmth inside
these encasements we call bodies...
universal languages are replaced by gestures
to those who have arrived her uninvited,
have now become our guests and we assist
them in their attempts to make adjustments.

25 October 2021

Thursday, January 13, 2022

A Fall Retreat

the best of my thoughts sound like distant
drums echoing through a mountainous valley
that few have ever traveled...  the hollowed
out ringing rides along the surface of a
vacant mental river bed --  once filled with
memories too wonderful to ignore --  now those
memories fade as well as the life giving
waters that pushed them along once they
were divorced from the lake where summers
spent with the family held wreaths of enjoyment
once worn around the neck before causing
hives of despair to appear...  distant drums
beat consitent with their clockwork like
percision that was once reserved for only the
finest European mechanic, now are used 
by all the free masons whose lodges in the
valley hold vacationers as if they were occupying
seats in Carnegie Hall...  momentous applause
is barked our by the dogs who guard the valley
like they were the real gates of Hades while my
thoughts dwindle down to almost nothing after
they have been washed and cleaned...  pruned
and inventoried before winter storage in the
oak trees all along the valley's perimeters...
as a child, I looked both ways before crossing
now I let the driver exercise caution before
entering the valley where wonders never cease
to amaze those thoughts that have visited here
for the very first time...  a fall retreat beckons
to begin and since I must lead the procession
my leave of you and your, I must now request.

24 October 2021

Wednesday, January 12, 2022


sun through the window steaks,
sunlight bounces off fence rails,
sun reflects off window in door,
sun illuminates my interiors,
we bask in the sun,
we grow crops in the sun,
we work in the heat of the sun,
we exercise in the sun,
our lives revolve around the sun,
our climate is dictated by the sun,
our bodies are nourished by the sun,
our minds are calmed by the sun,
and it is the sun we take for granted
as we miss it when it is raining
or on a cloudy day or when darkness
cover the land since our eyes don't work well,
and it is the sunlight we first see when awakened
it is the sunlight that guides us through the day
it is the sunlight that gives us encouragement
it the the sunlight that motivates purpose,
and, it is the sun that stimulates the poet
it is the writers that use the sun in metaphors
it is the interpreters that see the sun as a symbol
it is the sun that enriches literature and heritage,
and when all is said and done it is the sunlight we need
it is the sunlight on which we thrive not darkness
it is the gift of sunlight that we share
it is the sunlight of life for which we are the most thankful.

24 October 2021

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


coffee first
and then perhaps
I will eat...  but,
the coffee drinking
continues until
the afternoon...
lunch first
and then perhaps
I will do the work
but the lunch
continues until
early evening...
dinner first
and then perhaps
I will clean up
the dishes used
but the dinner
continues until 
it is time to sleep...
sleep first
and then perhaps
the chores I left from
yuesterday will
finally get done
but the sleep
continues until
late morning...
coffee first
and then perhaps
I will procrastinate
no longer...  but my
life ends abruptly.

23 October 2021

Monday, January 10, 2022

Gone Fishing

the manner of my situation
changes as the time I spent
where I am fluctuates from
minutes to hours and my
mind refuses to acknowledge
that it is too old to adjust...
periodic adjustments are
made to alleviate the pain
but not only to they fall on
deaf ears but they do nothing
to alleviatgte the circumstances
of my discomfort...  as the
only viable solution is to
arise and walk around
which I refuse to do...  and,
it is at this point-in-time
that I ask myself why?
the answer that follows is
inevitably always the same...
I do not know...
it is this uncertainty that
aggravates me so...  there is 
always no one else around
with whom I can cast blame...
a fisherman I am not, so
my rod and reel is just a
mental concoction designed
to change the subject.

23 October 2021

Sunday, January 9, 2022

A Silent Debate

at the edge of my recliner
where my feet laystretched 
out as far as they will go,
sits my yellow cat whose
eyes are fixated upon
my person in the hopes
I will leave the comforts
of my chair and kindly
open the door for him to the
dark enviornment outside,
and while this has been
our standard routine
for the last ten years,
he knows...  without a doubt
I will not get up
to let him out
until there is light...
so, he stares at me with
those slanted, menacing eys
that only felines possess to
solve a desperate situation
for his own will to prevail
as he tries to convince his
ignorant owner to move who
wants not to move an inch...
his relestness is ignored
so he closes his eyes and
within minutes his head
slides down to the leather
covering for a brief nap.

23 October 2021

Saturday, January 8, 2022

The Arrival

soon to arrive light appears
the day for what it is...  
or, what it is not as one's
perspectives fluctuate...
the day grows into its own
functional awareness as we
set about our chores and 
paid duties for our employers,
chilly air is replaced by
warmer currents coming
in from the vents after turning
up our thermostats and
ingesting warm liquids...
soon to arrive light will
brighten up our countenance
after a night of restless sleep
due to the lingering memories
that unravel inside our minds,
displayed in one-act plays as
we dream a little between the
episodes of waking up...
our sight adjusts slowly
the darkness dissipated from
our view...  leaving only three
dimensional colors for us,
and interprets when clarity
becomes fixed and we see
exactly what we are supposed
to see and our daily routines
begin without interruptions.

23 October 2021

Friday, January 7, 2022

A Fragile Life

decades old are my

thoughts and feelings,

wrapped around memories

like a serpentine...

but in their repetitive nautre

there is awareness...  a brief

enlightenment that scorches

the soul one last time before

decaying into nothingness...

and, it is this absence of

substance that has created life...

my life as well as others who

enjoy their limited existence

which provides opportunities for

thoughts and feelings to be compiled;

decades old are my memories

my dreams and my fantasies and

my loosely worn aspirations...

expectations based upon 

perceptions and pre-conceived

ideas that were all ill-conceived

at the time of their inception...

a force of nature

a guiding hand

divine intervention

all were responsible for the

life given but nothing prepared

me for the decades I would live

or the reminders I would have

of the fragile life I have lived.

22 October 2021

Thursday, January 6, 2022


a cool morning's stillness
jogs my memories of a
gentler time when images
of hate were buried in the
fields of our great wars...
a chilling reminder of the
histories guiding our future
and the males and females
who sacrificed their beliefs
and fortunes by laying down
their bodies in protest and
woith the ultimate sacrifice...
a discovery of awareness
buried in the ash piles of the
dead provides evidence
of unintended consequences,
we all experience when our
daily prayers are offered
at the altar of success...
a wary remnant of like-
minded souls who have
vanished in the winds,
leaving behind the bastard
children of their youth...
a filed experiment repeated
time and again as our new
generations take exception,
refusing to honor the past
relying instead on the rhythms
of a cool morning stillness.

22 October 2021

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Bill of Freedom

in the shadows of history we live
oblivious to the future into which we head,
mindful of those who live before...
the sacrifices they made and the
changes through which they endured;
inside the memories of the dead we stroll
oblivious to the present that surrounds
our daily lives and impacts the decisions
that force out unpleasant choices;
lying in between the sheets of our dreams
our thoughts intermingle with those
of the past whose visions of freedom were
diminished by the rules of law that allow
fragments of justice to lay on the steps
ourside the courthouses like grafetti;
invaded by the spirits of our past
we reluctantly acknowledge the sins of
our ancestors who imprisioned free wills
because of the color of one's skin
regardless of beliefs or taxes paid;
grasses grow atop the bodies of the dead...
we pray for their forgiveness with fingers crossed
and all the gods that motivate our behaviors
have been toppled to the ground from fear
while we hide behind the skirts of politicians
since all the males have been castrated
and their high voices no longer vibrate
with enough force to ring the bell as they
make sure their clothes are properly pressed.

22 October 2021

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Bedtime Story

overhanging branches provide
shade for the young boy who
sits against the tree holding\a 
bamboo pole in his hands as
the fishing line descends from
it and into the murky water of
the little stream in front of him;
for hours he sits alone with
all of his abandoned thoughts
waiting for the tug on the line
that never arrives...  and,
every so often he checks the 
line sometimes replacing the
worm, that he retrieved from
the soup can that sits beside
him just as silent...  special
worms from his neighbor's
garden dug fresh this morning
without permission...  but
unknown to him, his neighbor
watched his actions from her
bedroom window on the 
second floor in perfect view;
at the end of the day and
without anything to eat, the
young boy removes himself
from his favorite spot, carrying
his bamboo pole and empty can
back to his adoptive home and
food then listens to the ever so
sad bedtime story of his life.

22 october 2021

Monday, January 3, 2022

My Birthday Card to my Wife

Another year has come and gone
and to where we know not why,
yet we mature in so many ways
and to others we are never shy;
A mother, daughter, and sister I am
as well as a partner for my spouse
and in a group I am no mouse
keeping true to an orderly house;
Daunting my life has been over the years
my body has been blessed with life and
when I look back on all those times
my days have been inside the rhynes
and everywhere I wanted I have been
buying new purses along the way;
Future years are yet to be but each one
will be void of tears as apprehensions
are replaced by wisdom and my feet
walk through the gentle memories of
the past that made me who I am today;
Photos live inside my mind of different
places and different times and keep
me company when its hard to sleep,
but once these years have come and gone
your birthdays always arrive on time.

January 3, ,2022



is the human who

sleeps like a lion

on the ground,


his surroundings

maintaining vigils

whenever he can

a caged animal on

foreign lands,


for his food

for his mate

for his survival

a never ending

journey to which

he was born,


he stands tall

among his peers

by the sides of

his enemies

as he wonders

to himself

and finally admits

he is glad to be

alives as the 

last one here

on earth.

22 October 2021

Sunday, January 2, 2022

All The Time

at birth we were given life
that is easy to know, but
from where did it come?
our life that is...
no just from the womb
or from fertilized eggs but
from when did it originate?
"a good question" you exclaim
"but I have no answers"
and therein lies the debate,
the one that says we were
created or evolved...
and yet with innocence I wonder
can it not be both?
it's not an easy question
and I don't really expect
any kind of answer...  but, I 
would like to know why there
are some who think they are
the ultimate authority...
we know that there are others
present in our extremely large
universe...  and yet, any speculation
in that regards is immediately
frowned upon...  as if we are 
only allowed one speculation
for each lifetime...  there are those
who swear by all that's holy in
their beliefs that we could have
lived multiple times...  but without
any guarantees of learning...
but what is learning without a
little verification?  and this now
brings us back to our birth...
and to those who say we have
"free will..."  well, I say...  where
was my free will when conceived?
life take us in and out the
various clouds of uncertainty and
while some of these clouds
evaporate some never do...  and
when I look up into the sky...
I see no beginning or end
and my thoughts dwell upon the
reality it has been there all the time.

21 October 2021

Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Fall of it All, part II

a slight headache surrounds
my consciousness like the
dancing of an evening mist...
a time of reflections and
contemplations of the past no
one wants to ever admit exists...
and yet we know better even
though we weren't there, believing
in the words recorded in the
great books that we used to
study from in school...  we
are encouraged not to believe
what we have been told as it is
a white truth not a black one
and I wonder if that has
anything to do with a lie...  a
new history is generated to
explain the present with the
understanding that all of our
past will be false again...
the responsibility on the young
to write history as they want it
to be...  making it much easier
to remember even though
histories are no longer reflected
upon as they are temporary and
will never be repeated...  we are
at the mercy of the present and
those who take more than give.

21 October 2021