Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Retrospective and reflective, I have become

a backwards glancing addict

second guessing outcomes and unintended consequences,

I discarded along the shoulders

of my traveled back roads

like finding a rediscovered country of

precious mental yard-sell memorabilia;

How wondrous are my discoveries,

working the 'what if" scenarios down to a science,

predicting all the lost outcomes that I have associated

With all the non-existent string researchers I know,


Indulge themselves with probable possibilities…

I am who I am or was or will be… I keep telling myself;

And this exercise is as useless as predictions of the weather!

I see only what I want to see…

hear only what I want to hear…

and if,

there is an opportunity to change the past,

then, how else

can I judge myself… if

these pre-existing internal audits are not performed?

and if,

my pre-arranged

fixed path

were to have gone another way

my predilection for this addiction

would still remain

as my

un-treatable, un-insurable, pre-existing condition

could be unfortunate.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Violating Words

Your words violate my protective walls
like an imaginary lover who has aroused
me into violating my marriage vows;
My mind spreads apart its barriers
undulating harmoniously with the rhythms of your words,
to the sexual cadence of your electrifying phrases
wrapping their sensitivities around my vulnerabilities,
encasing us both with disruptive meanings
until we capitulate in agreement and rapture.


Give me time to think...
give me time to love...
Give me time to laugh...
Give me time to forgive.

Window Attics

In our window attics we stand

Upstairs, in our houses of imaginations,

Peering and leering…

flows from across the street;

Obligations below

Within other rooms of our house


watching others live in fishbowls

Playing out what the viewers would like to do if they could.

"Sit with me and read,"

flows out along air currents between us, made by the ceiling fan


falls on deaf ears (like always)…

"Don't you want to sit with me,"

flows out on a question?

I wonder why?


walk from room-to-room

My strides match my heartbeats;

I pour myself a drink,

wishing it was alcoholic like my Dad…

His funeral floats by and I reach out to touch its wake;

I cringe at the idea of becoming like him!

I wonder why…

my dreams never seem to finish

before I fall asleep like…

…falling from this day into another day…

…before my dreams can start again.

October 10, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Morning Thoughts


You come to a fork in the road of your journey and there two individuals standing in the middle of each fork; one of which you know always tells the truth while the other one always tells a lie.  You have been given one question to ask in order to ascertain which direction to take.  What will be your one question?

Give up?

What road will the other person tell me to take?  Regardless of the answer, your choice will be the opposite...

Oftentimes, we solicit and receive advice from people that we think we can trust as well as those that we know we cannot trust and yet, we find ourselves in a quandary as to which direction should we take.  This is especially the case, when we rely on the advice of politicians whose sole motivation it seems is to get re-elected.

Was Thomas Jefferson right when he declared that there is a natural aristocracy in the world, not based upon wealth, status, or position but upon God-given intelligence that should be responsible for making the decisions for the rest of us?

Do we know what is right for us:

  • some of the time?
  • all of the time?
  • Most of the time?
  • None of the time?

There is a collective unconscious civic disobedience that is prevalent in our society today whose existence is a unexpected or unintended  consequence of our affluence.  We can observe this behavior in the following mannerisms:

  1. Not driving the speed limit without law enforcement with eyesight
  2. not being completely honest when filing one's annual tax return
  3. illegally copying software from friends or off the internet

What possesses our society not to take responsibility for its actions?  And, more importantly, how do we get ourselves and our nation back on track?  How do we ask the right questions, knowing that some of us lie and some of tell the truth?

The only answer that I have is:  People do not typically Change until the pain of not changing is greater than the pain of changing...


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Poems from 2006


Who sees the roles that we play on each other

Who knows how to be their own way

Who seldom reviews how it used to get done

Who plays the role of the fool.


I have my family to protect

With my fortune and

My soul to protect

With my beliefs, but what if,

Someone were to come up to me

And ask about my neighbor

Across the street.


Are we inside a religious ideology

battle of the minds, will, and spirits

Or, are we simply receiving our just

rewards from God for being

For being the type of society that

merits His displeasures. Do, we think

as a group of Sunday School

Christians, we can stand up

To those who are determined to

actually die for their beliefs, or do

We think as modern Christians that

our way of life is not at stake.


Bring me down to your level

If you will and explain it to me

As though I were not as smart as you,

Because in so doing, you will

Teach yourself how to be.


My eyes are fixed upon a goal that

Was written down for me long ago,

But, what if I fail in my attempts

To be all that I can be and need

To ask for a little forgiveness.


Desires reach into my subconscious

Pushing or pulling me into a direction

Where I am not sure that I want to be,

But, one that I nonetheless find extremely

Interesting because it is one never to be

fully attained by me, as it is only a game.


What are my goals for the future

Other than to survive my job…

Do I want to accomplish something

great or wonderful that will live on after-

wards, or do I just want to provide for she

who has decided to be with me through

the ups and downs of my ending career.


I am not the one who will get to the top of the ladder

In this world of corporate American politics, as I do

not seem to have the killer, lying instincts of those

who have actually come before me in their pursuits

to control this life instead of the for which they will die.


It is difficult not to dislike

The lady with whom I live

As her thoughts drift only

To those with whom she

Does not have to live.


If it were not for all the errands that

She is willing to do and those big

Breasts of hers, I am not sure how

Much I would want to share my life

With someone so selfish towards me

That she daily seems to really be.


My life with you has been challenging

And the more it seems that I convey my

Worries that you will find another, the

More you withdraw your love for me

Making me wonder even more about

You finding another man more suitable


You have no respect for me or so it seems, yet,

you also seem to want me in your life; So, I

wonder if it is just to control me with Your will

and persistence until you get exactly what it is
that you want and, I just happen to be in the
wrong place at the right time in your life for what
you needed, and that love has nothing to do with it.


There is no one in the tunnel

No one minding the store

No one tending to the mental

Events for who I am today.


Will we have peace in my lifetime

Or is peace an illusion…

And, what is the essence of peace

So that we will know it when it arrives…

Is it peace on earth, good will towards

all men or an ending of all wars and an

Acceptance of all peoples regardless of

Lifestyles, politics, or religious ideologies.


Are you sexual in nature

Do you have what it takes to

Do whatever it is that I want to do,

Or are you molded in your

Beliefs to respond to that

Which is normal and true?


All of my years seem to collide with

Each other in this stage and age in my life,

and I am left without aany understandings

or beliefs as to what truth as we want to

know it today, really means to us.


What is the Kingdom of God, is a recent question

that has been asked of me, and I am not sure how

To answer that question even if I knew the answer…

Is it an actual place, or simply a state of mind, or

is it where the spirit, our essence, goes once all life

And blood has been drained out of our bodies?

Can we have this Kingdom while we are alive?

Does this Kingdom live inside each and every one

Of us, but we just don't know how to access it?


Can you tell me how I should really

Live my life, or will you tell me how

You think I should really live my life,

Because I want you to know I know.


Are you willing to

Claim my thoughts as your own or

Do you have your own?


Do you struggle with the truth as I have done

all my life or do you simply accept what others

may tell you as the truth that they think or

believe should be your truth?

Do you understand the nature of thought and

how one should formulate one's own beliefs

is one is to be truly free to accept or reject

the nature of God's Will on Earth?


Where does it say that I have to live

My life as you would want me to;

Where does it say that I can only be

Like you if I am to stay with you, and

If this was your nature, why did you

Not tell me at the very beginning?


I can see that you believe that my

Life, desires, wants, and needs,

Should subordinate themselves to

Whatever it is that you want, simply

Because you think that it should.


Can you not love me

If I do not live my life

As you want me to.


You do not take the time to notice me

As you once noticed me when we were

First together and you were trying to

Steal me away from my wife, my dear.


Am I the only one who really cares

About the future of this country, or,

Are there others, who want to protect

Our way of life, not just for now, but

Our children, their children and all

Of the generations that will follow.


What is wrong with Lesbian/Gay

Couples other than what we think

is stated in the Bible…

And, is it against these unions

because they are wrong or simply

because they negate the

perpetuation of the human race.


It is ironic in a way that those

Who are violently against something

Somehow easily change their minds

When the something that they

Are against happens to them.


God has made it possible for me

To be who I am today and seems

To be carefully orchestrating the

Direction that I take presently.


Do your thoughts coincide with mine or do they

Mingle somewhere else in space and time…

Do they see the future or are they still trying to

Predict and explain the past as they think it should be

Based upon their interpretation of what God wants.


I look towards you to be my source of inspiration

I look towards you to be my guiding light

I look towards you to be my strength of will

I look towards you to guide me to my rebirth.


Why do you bestow your

grace upon me when there

are others more deserving?

I am not worth the time

even though I am trying,

so open the door to them

and allow them to move

into your light.


My life has almost lived out its usefulness

At least in my first career attempt and

My retirement should offer me my second

Attempt that will lay the foundation and

Prepare me for my life after death.


Truth is in the eye of the beholder

Or in the soundness of reality, as

Long as what we perceive as reality

Is all that we think it is and not

Simply another illusion through

Which we all must eventually pass.


Is today the day where half the month

Has passed beneath our view and grasp

And now we must hurry forth if we are

To put purpose into the second half.


Can you give me back

What I gave to you a

Few years back, or do

You think my love was

Yours to keep forever.


In the task ahead, our purpose can only be

Offset by the progress that we are making

Not by the failures that we have discarded.

Poems from 2007


We live inside a world of hate a
world that knows nothing other than hate
And when we replace the hate,
it is replaced with greed and selfishness

And the power that we attempt

To exert over others that we serve.



My heart belongs to no one

Except for maybe my creator

And it is not really my heart

But my soul that is His.



When do we see our fortune

When does the pain stop

When are our eyes free

From the madness that we see

When do we replace our tears.



There is a movement underway

Inside my mind and I am not sure

From whence it came but it is now

More powerful than what it has

Replaced and I see myself anew

Not in the frenzy of the moment

But in the calmness of death.



If you were to live life like me

You would not see what it is

Meant for you to see outside

Of your own good fortunes



A habit grows inside Like a clown
who needs to have laughter in order
for recognition to replace a sadness
within that Laughter had created.



Within the span of several

Years, I have come to realize

That what I would like to have

Or grow into has nothing to

Do with what is actually

Going to happen to me



Within the minds of those

Who would do you harm

Can also be found the seeds

That will eventually destroy



Come to my side and see the

Beauty of what the Lord has

Provided to all of us free-of-

Charge that we may be pleased

With his creation and want

For nothing but that which is

Freely provided by Him.



Inside your weaknesses are the
strengths that keep you going
for another quarter until you find
the strengths that are there again
and again, not so easily seen.



My friends are few and far between
and I am not sure why other than,
maybe it is what has always been
intended I will have no replacements.



If you were to love me more that
I believe that I love you, what is it
that you would do to show me this love,
so that I had no choice but to believe.



Beyond the truth there is more

Truth and beyond that truth is more

Until the entire universe is filled

Will the truth of each and every soul



If I am not the one you married

Then the reciprocal is true as each

Variable of a relationship is

Ultimately contingent upon each

Other due to subliminal validation



Each morning after I awake I look

Into my thoughts and see words

That were placed there during the

night so that I can record them



I would like to be rich and not

Have to toil in the white man's

Burden of supremacy, but that can

Only befall those who are captive



We tend to honor our friend and forget

Our families because our friends have

A tendency not to tell us the truth

Which is what we try to avoid



I have been delivered from the hands of

Satan by your blessings but do not know

What it is that you wish me to do, and

If I am the right one to perform your

Will the way you would desire it



Beyond the threshold of our insecurities

There lies a world of joy and happiness

That few will see because they spend

All their time searching for that which

Has been determined unattainable



If you were to look inside my thoughts

You would see confusion and many

Disbeliefs brought about by answers

Searching for their questions while

Existence lies in the futility of not

Knowing where to look for them



Were you to live inside my head

What do you think that you would

Find other than what is already

Inside your own head if you were to

Really want to be introspective



Therein lies the problem I believe

That we search for answers for the

Most part desiring no answers to be
found as we intuitively know once heard
we will find difficult to embrace them.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009


We are Shielded
in the loose fitting
clothes of our failures,
yet, we continuously
change our dress to the
season of our dreams.