Friday, July 31, 2020


on a cold porch
swift moving clouds
waving trees and bushes
caressing the air;
young birds gliding serenely
growing into adulthood;
fences creaking
rubbing their finger together
in an unorthodox
willows weep 
squirrels scamper
as if by magic
blue skies appear
my loneliness.

9 April 2020

Thursday, July 30, 2020

COVID Ignorance

death came early
to a few,
later to many
some not at all
and we 
sit at home
on soft asses
for it all to pass
as if
to all the pain
and suffering
around us,
feeding faces
in the wake
of death,
and ignorance.

9 April 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


cool breezes grips the morning
air and surrounds me...
arms grasp my ribs for warmth,
the blue eyes of a Siamese
thanks me for attention, purring
in cadence with my thoughts;
an invasion of concerns
penetrate my silent mind,
sips of hot coffee flow down
my morning throat not
caring about the rules of
quarantine that have been
imposed on all who live here.

9 April 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


we are born with
a predisposition
for death...
a condition of life
given to us
without solicitation;
we are a fulfillment
of a dream
not our own yet
we are in life's grasp
until it weakens
and are thrust
into the unknown
involuntarily again.

9 April 2020

Monday, July 27, 2020


time moves forward
along curved space,
life lays down rules
by which we must die,
the past emerges with
the future to create
its present conditions,
and our environment
loses its opportunity
to evolve without
mutations unless it
no longer involves
mankind's legacies;
that which we knew
as truth is gone,
replaced by that which
we know to be false,
accepting the predictions
of forecasting as a
means to an end;
we cast out demons
like fishing lines into
the vast ocean of time,
realizing that space
only exists in theory
when time forgets its
current forward nature.

8 April 2020

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Last Chance

a moist coolness clings
to the clothes,
sniffles drop from the nose
eyes slant towards the
warmth provided inside;
and we are
believing in what we
believed before,
thinking nothing but
who will be the one
that finally sees...
and, in so doing
only a few survive.

23 March 2020

Saturday, July 25, 2020

White Fall

rain melts away fog
no clouds in the sky
rumors fly from bird to bird
regarding Spring'd delay;
blooms on stems appeared
early as Bradford's push
out their whites too,
hoping to bring a little
color the gloomy brown
forest in which nature's
few tend to survive.

23 March 2020

Friday, July 24, 2020

Porch Light

a screened-in porch
protect me
from the rain
and pests that
appear when natural
light disappears,
leaving one to wonder
who might be watching;

a screened-in porch
with a wall light
gives me sight and
guides me in my
quest for words that
have all been forgotten
as if it were a badly taught
lesson from high school;
a screened-in porch
a fleece lined coat
a cup of Cappuccino
give me the courage to
sit here listening to
the rain like the
heartbeat of thought
tying to converse,
encouraging me to
listen to my soul.

20 March 2020

Thursday, July 23, 2020

In The Zone

it is a zone of immaturity
that time when light fades
into the darkness of time to
prepare itself for rebirth and
all creatures large and small
prepare themselves for what
is lurking around the corner;
some say it is a madness
that roams at night without
the benefit of hindsight...
that preys on the weak,
taking lessons from the humans
who were their mentors and in
whose trust they placed themselves
like so many of their predecessors
had done and later regretted;
others, live for the day when
man will darken no more nights
and make no more promises
in the light of day not caring
about the despair they brought
with them in their carryalls
like the carpetbaggers who
descended upon the South;
it is a zone of unmatched
talents that bounce unevenly
between the goalposts of life.

20 March 2020

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Falling Rain

rains fall individually
gather in groups
spills over it's limitations
travels the shortest distance
to nowhere in the hopes of
discovering something
it missed last time;
it moves with determination
but without regret
as it courses through the
space between grass blades
that attempt to resist,
never slowing down to be
friendly as it passes;
father knows that mother
knows best and does not
interfere with the process,
leaving well enough alone
in order for another day to
emerge from the darkness.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

How Natural

through the rain they swim
wings flapping silent
with their movement...
others, hidden on limbs
chirp out their departure
flight controllers or
nonchalantly noisy;
drops hitting drops
hitting water on the ground
other surfaces too
all around...
there is no escape
as the skies shed tears
and we watch from inside
protective enclosures
like animals in a zoo
to those who fly by us;
trees without leaves stand
transfixed as they have for
decades admiring the beauty
of that which lives around
its roots, deep in the soil
waiting to be returned to those
who had temporarily escaped.


Monday, July 20, 2020

The Right Time

for four days and nights a battle raged
inside the body of mankind and in the end,
no one was the wiser that anything had
taken place at all between the two of them;
the devil knew it had no jurisdiction
and yet it persisted with its claims, hoping
to find a sympathetic ear or an open heart,
neither of which he even possessed but
in his arrogance and man's weaknesses
he knew he had arrived at the right time.

July 19, 2020

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Heaven Sent

my body turns one way, twists another
sweat puddles at the base of my neck
and for few moments I am free and clear;
my thoughts dwell on what it was like
my mind seeks clarity and continuity
but all there is left is futile hope in the
belief it will all soon just be a memory;
an unseen angel sits on my shoulder
guiding me away from despair and a
soon to be rediscovered depression
with the understanding that I have yet
to fulfill that which gave me my life;
destiny and predetermination are in
my wheel house and have guided
this body throughout its entirety or
so have I been led to believe a decade
ago when I was given back my life;
my body turns one way, twists another
and longs to be home where being
uncomfortable is comfortable and the
inevitable path to recovery is easier
tolerated as sounds of familiarity
wash over me as is Heaven Sent.

July 18, 2020

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Forever Young

the evening rests upon my shoulders
in nonchalant colors of nostalgia as
my reflections remember a time of
beauty, compassion, and a love of life
without competition and at the center
of my whirlwind of emotions was
the knowledge of being forever young;
life offers no such filters today as it
places conditions on our health and safety
to the point that we are constricted like
like a blood vessel in the heart, receiving
only that which is deemed necessary
leaving all residuals in the sky to fall
at predesignated time across the filters
and fabric of our remaining lives as if
given one final gift to find and enjoy.

July 18, 2020

Saturday, July 11, 2020

In Case i Don't Post Anything Over the last Couple of Days: This Is The Reason

I was seeking out the services of a Physical Therapist and was experiencing s profound in my lower back and decided to see the doctor at the Clinic.  All of my problems could be attributed to a Urinary Tract Infection and I never experienced anything quite so painful.

 I am talking a couple of days off.

Quickies From 1988 Untitled

any morning is pleasant as long
as not too many are involved.    1988

it was another man to whom 
her attention was drawn and I 
wondered if she would ever think 
back on on me as a loving father.    1988

the morning was clear and the
weather was warm and the more
we said goodbye the more we
began to miss our surroundings.    1988

it was her need for him that brought
her in live with everyone else and
oh so vulnerable if he ever left.    1988

she played with him for a long time
until realizing his heavy breathing
was really him sleeping and not her.    1988

it was the size of her chest that
most men objected to...  a rather
miniature version of normal.    1988

Friday, July 10, 2020

Quickies From 1988 Untitled

I crashed your party and now
you don't want me to leave;
it was more than just a
coincidence that took over
a year to happen with us.    1988

I tried to leave you once before and
holding that attempt up for scrutiny
    decided on substitute gratification.    


the flavors of live with which
I am familiar are those colors
whose textures are more
personal than human emotions.    1988

tonight my feelings bend in your
direction like blades of grass in
the rain with each drop holding
the intensity of the moment.     

I have given in to my feelings 
and will allow them to have
their way with me once again.    1988

evenings recently have held me
accountable to a twenty two year
old memory and what was felt
that has never been felt since.    1988

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Quickies From 1988 Untitled

I have found myself in a
in a curious situation lately
as those feeling once thought
dead are starting to reappear.    1988

she called and I was hoping it
was her as a long weekend was
eased by the sound of her voice.    1988

without the usual
"moments of grief"
from you I feel so
unattended now.    1988

one day we'll meet for lunch
in public and will not care who
sees us together...  one day we
will do that so please don't cry.    1988

her time was mine and
mine belonged to anyone
who could pay the freight
and leave me "free time"
to pursue my passions.    1988

clouds cover my thoughts
as you cover my love
with you constant caring.    1988

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Quickies From 1988 Untitled

the more often we were together 
the greater the risk that we would 
be seen and the more complicated
our lives would then become.    1988

there was something about 
her that drove me crazy;
it was not just her being
good in bed but that she
looked like she would be.  1988

she left home empty handed
expecting to pick up what she
needed from the men with whom
she went to bed along the way.    1988

she waited for her new lover
to arrive and was surprised
when her other lover arrived.    1988

she felt good about his love 
even though she had to share
it with his wife and announced
it to all her friends that she was
not yet divorced but back in love.    1988

they lay in each other's arms a
few minutes longer then got
dressed just in time to see her
mother walk in the front door.    1988

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Quickies From 1988 Untitled

and the jobs we have
would be fine if there
were no customers as
you cannot please
them all anyway.    1988

and when the day ended
we found ourselves on
opposite side of the same
issue from when we awoke.  1988

eating the same food 
over and over again 
is like smelling
someone else's fart.    1988

if we don't redeem 
the ticket today it 
will be our luck that
when we do the game 
will have stopped.    1988

the point from which we
could return was passed
on the way over so our
fate is decided by how
well we continue to ride.    1988

she cried on the way back
knowing her opportunities
would now force her to
share the one experience
she acquired on her own.    1988

Monday, July 6, 2020

Quickies From 1988 Untitled

she loved him 
but could not 
deal with his
the more he 
her love for 
him, the more 
she questioned 
it herself.     1988

it wasn't so much
that he didn't want
to join the party.
but that he didn't
want to start
smoking again.  1988

her moods were
simple and direct,
if she could not
be treated courteously
the she would wait...
she spent a long
a lonely life.    1988

it was a new experience
an experiment
and we failed miserably;
as new understanding
was not gain nor
was any love lost.    1988

they expected each other 
to provide a measure 
of happiness;
they expected each other
to be entertaining;
they would provide 
the needed magic.    1988

she came to him from
around the corner, the
one around he was
afraid to look and he
followed he back
around and was knocked
down by all the traffic.    1988

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Myrtle Beach June 2020 Series continued -9-

Our Failure

our future resides inside the
shallow minds of the next
generation whose nature is to
destroy rather than preserve;
feelings bordering on resentment
pass through a retired body
knowing all is out of control;
still, the white Vietnam Veteran
inside wants to yell and scream
as it once did before at our
Founding Fathers who gave
us the First Amendment;
helter skelter runs through the
mind while intelligence fails
to trump ignorance and we
discuss reparations for previous
evils perpetrated on a race
that only God can forgive and
equality will never sit on his
right shoulder as long as 
hate remains pregnant today.

June 26, 2020

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Myrtle Beach June 2020 Series continued -8-


a futile flimsy breeze
moves occasionally
from the north
softening the heat
as it bears down
upon our fragilities
and the lotions we
applied earlier in the day;
sun bleached skin stings
in the salt waters of
the endless ocean that
continuously preys up
and down our eastern shores
on the recklessness of
people who do not fear
its inherent strength;
umbrellas block the sun's
intensities but do not
its imposing humidity
as dehydration offers
liquid encouragement
to endure the day and
boast of another victory
over mother nature.

June 26, 2020


Friday, July 3, 2020

Myrtle Beach June 2020 Series continued -7-

a playful sun hides behind the
clouds today allowing rain to 
spoil our plans on the sand;
seagulls fly by in rows after floating 
in search of watery prey that have 
so far briefly alluded them;
sand castles built yesterday are gone 
today as the tides reached farther than
expected dashing childhood fantasies;
symbols of power terminate up and down 
the Eastern coastline reclaiming territory
that once belonged in her domain;
the sea exploits her admirers
every year as thousands search
out and visit her beauty as if
they have never been there before.

June 26, 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Myrtle Beach Series June 2020 continued -6-

It Blows Today

it blows today
a steady wind
without regret
or fore thought
cooling temperaments,
rippling the fabric
of time that joins
us together in our
pursuit of happiness;

it blows today
the winds of change
pursuant to our
own desires and
wishes that the old
be replaced with
the new vision
that unites us;

it blows today
the wind does
and with backs turned
we embrace its force
that counterbalances
our faltering beliefs
being of one mind
one heritage that
grants us all the
unique freedom to
abolish all we have.

June 24, 2020

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Myrtle Beach Series June 2020 continued - 5-

The Sea Gives Not Easily Up It's Prey

for half a century or more the Southeastern waters
have been my home away from home during the warmer
months of the year and I have learned, quite reluctantly, 
not to ever underestimate its power...
white caps break religiously
consistent against the shore
leaving vacant the sand
that always reminds behind;
novice body surfers tumble
and slide along the rocky bottom
of what was once soft and smooth
before the storm a fortnight ago;
rip tides pull as repeaters
swim parallel to the shoreline
as do the sharks who occasionally
glide by looking for a way out;
floats move north with the approaching
northwestern currents from the triangle
a days ride to the east if one is hankering
to go that way for a thrill and
avoid these kind and gentle waters
that kill when they have a mind to
and we seem ever so innocent
in their presence without
having a right to be...

June 24, 2020