Friday, June 30, 2017


closed eyes dark
see solid colors
strings of white
and of yellow
as if drawn;
reds with sparkles
when closed tight
bursts  with vividness
when rubbed,
reductions as they
begin to open;
how crazy is it all
when the body
is manipulated
thusly or however so,
and patterns
appear quite


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Seer Peers

all actions fall within the scope of life
it is said by the wise ones of old and
who are we to argue with our seer peers
until we have come to a respectful age;
so often, are we told these rules of behavior
for the old, dead, and forgotten not so that
we will come to realize their ways are
always the way that we should follow,
but because it is an attitude of respect;
a new age of disrespect has opened our eyes
and we are the new seer peers who have
been given the wisdom of the ages and
must convince all the rest of us to follow;
and, when resistance is give and received
it is us alone who will be defending ourselves
and us alone who have the most to loose,
since we were not given a chance to grow.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017


reflected lights
of the mind,
like windows,
give visions;
those who see
and those who
do not see
feel nothing
in return and
are without
the insights
that have been
given to others
in the same
relative positon.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017


broken fences do not
mend on their own
nor do they stand in
defiance of nature,
but bend in the wind
like Florida Palms
whose experience is
always invaluable.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Subsequent Emotion

words of life
lay at our feet
or on our shoulders
or in our hearts
but they are just words
and like all words
they can give
or they can take away,
they can give joy
or they can give pain
and for the user
they can be carefully
chosen or spoken
out in haste
but they are nonetheless
vicious either way used
as the hearer knows
all too well since
they bear the burden
of the attack and
subsequent emotion.


Sunday, June 25, 2017


claims are made daily
against our way of life,
some we simply ignore
some we take to heart,
but, never do we fail to
honor those who made
these claims as they are
the warriors of a few who
look out for the many
and have been doing so
since before it all began.


Saturday, June 24, 2017


feathers of a bird
fall to the ground unnoticed
but are still gathered.


Friday, June 23, 2017


we have no reason to fear
we have no reason to hate
we have no reason to doubt
we have no reason for anger
we have no reason for pain
we have no reason for love
yet, we experience all,
during our lifetimes...
and more when not
paying attention to our offerings,
wishing we could be like other
who literally feel nothing.


Thursday, June 22, 2017


down from the
bland gray sky,
it falls loudly,
hitting the trees
the walls of houses
and the ground
with precision;
what does not
percolate inside
runs down the
natural pathways
as if being sexually
assaulted until it
drains somewhere
else and we are
thankful for the
interference that
has penetrated
our simple lives.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Life's Deck

poles of doubt hold the
deck of life balanced
and parallel to time as
it weathers the storms
and withstands the weight
of the universe on its decking;
we are as strings on its surface,
moving to random spots as
frequently as our blinking eyes,
and we are bedazzled by those
we meet in this lonely process
while sharing similar fate;
filaments of energy we are
while bodies of magic too
and human beings to all, but
life's deck has its limitations
and we are forced to live on
our own to prove we exist.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Into the Mist of Time

ceiling fans move in harmony
to my slow breathing,
words flow off the tongue but
are not written down,
time moves backwards as the
clock moves forwards,
I see the son of my father born
into the brief daylight,
tears of joy roll down his face
while smiling without teeth,
nursing mothers take him away
from his own kind,
lawyers in the hallway post
briefs of compensation,
judges skirt the issue and take
an extra long lunch,
life is lived in moments or it is
not lived at all,
chances of it being repeated are
like winning the lottery,
ceiling fans stop as does my
breathing when I sleep.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Passing By

rhythms of the day
feel good on my soul,
its spirit soars and
drives in the day of
afterwards as today
and tomorrow are
are not to be found;
thoughts eliminated
as are all my fears
and apprehensions
but while there is no
sun, there is light
and I am drawn to it,
wondering why no
words flow and no
ideas penetrate the
day and no eyes see,
yet, there is a sight
that fades as I seem
to pass by it all.


Sunday, June 18, 2017


wild is our birth right
through the years abruptly
living day-by-day.

22 Apr17

Saturday, June 17, 2017


withered minds focus,
seeing red like a mad bull,
until end of days.

22 Apr17

Friday, June 16, 2017


remembering belongs
to the younger of us,
as memories just slip
this way or that way
out of the mind like
water leaving a gutter
when there is no rain
and it has been this
way for many months;

we seem to fear the loss
of memories rather than
sitting in a chair of acceptance
as they start to fade from
our grasp since age brings
with it a muscle atrophy as
well as a Swish cheese mind;

remembering belongs elsewhere
as does so many other things
when one enters these golden
years of forgetfulness and
clings to the photos that shed
only a glimmer of hope of the
past that has been reconciled.


Thursday, June 15, 2017


hollow words and
hollow thoughts live inside,

behind the eyes and

we wonder not why

nor to their origins,

only that this is the way

we say we feel and all

others must give you space,

allowing us to be

the way we are towards

others and ourselves

just because that's the

way we all need to be.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017


winter regrets lay

on the ground molding once the

summer door opens


Tuesday, June 13, 2017


as the sun approaches the sky, a
new day evolves out of darkness,
blue skies appear out of nowhere,
cloudless and full of warmth and
we sit on the backside of life admiring
all that has been given freely, hoping
that no more is given since we would
not have time to appreciate it all.


Monday, June 12, 2017


moments of memories and
memories of moments dance
across my mental countryside
while in the grass I lay,
transfixed by a noon day sun
and the clouds that perform
a ballet on a stage of air;
moving blades of grass tickle,
pollen falls like a fine mist,
morning dew dampens my clothes
while tree roots grow underneath,
and I can feel their digging
movements throughout my body;
birds fly and dive all around
while hard pillow of rocks poke
into a fragile spine that holds
me together and allows me to
lay prone upon this ancient earth,
as I become part of it and it
of me forever more in peace.


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Upon Returning

a sky blends blue
all the way across,
lighter than before
when we were kids,
evergreens contrast
as does the countryside
but when young, it
was all one to us as
we played and slept
under the sky like
soldiers waiting to
disembark into war,
and when we did,
few returned to see
how beautiful it
had all become.


Saturday, June 10, 2017


different shades of greens
like a blanket lay,
purple and green bushes
on top of it all sit;
birds tweet and chortle
contentment sounds,
cats cry out discords
of resentment being inside;
life lives and dies each day
as it grows and matures
against the weather;
sounds and sights frighten
new comers whose smooth
environments are exposed;
trees bend with resistance
in the wind while
performing their duties
and I am very much
thankful for it all.


Friday, June 9, 2017

Door Open Morning

I awake to a door open morning
while sitting on the living room couch
having a coffee and wondering
if the day will be like all the others;
being retired is like being a
bitch-in-heat with no prospects
around with which to play the game;
cats on deck rails moaning at birds,
watching the grass grow in centimeters,
and writing daily thoughts while hoping
hot coffee stirs the bowels is all I do;
glancing at the time, I wonder just
how fast or how slow the day will pass
and if in its passing, I will be seen
as a participant or as a spectator.


Thursday, June 8, 2017


the heat of the day
carries into the night
and sleep eludes
even though a
tiredness prevails;
wonders cease when
compared to facts
and awareness
tilts monetary scales
when summer arrives;
the wealthy scorn
the poor as they beg for
a simple handout
and police protect both
while the lonely
middle class slumps.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017


clusters of wrongful actions
spread across the countryside
like the air we breathe to stay alive
and most of us turn our backs
as if not doing so may be worse
than the crime itself or the
retaliation that might follow
from not following their lead;
we live in a world of intimidation
and scorn for those who do not
think or act as if we do and
we are not above the desire to
tell these unusuals how we feel.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017


mansions in the sky
have been built for
all of those who die
in a world of mystery
and doubt and who
want something better
than the moments of
glory their deaths will
provide to another.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Fear of Hate

under the umbrella of blue sky and sun,
life is lived on the edge of contentment
and piece-of-mind brought about by
an insatiable desire to be free and clear
of all encumbrances  that influence
and restrict the feng shui flow of life;
under the righteousness of appropriate
behavior, we mold our lives with the
clay that we were given, shaping it with
a lifetime of experiences and doubts
that have been for the will of good,
leaving the remnants of fear and hate
to rot away somewhere on their own.


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Color Schemes

countries of color
one after the other
rise up in favor of
each other as war
against the whites
and the age of
being better flows
through the world,
like the global oceans
and the sky's sun
tries to make us all
or just some of us
burn in the process.


Saturday, June 3, 2017


a dull morning sky
gives birth to the
dull life of dull people
whose existence is
predicated upon those
who are not influenced
by their dull characters,
and their dull children
who have intentionally
grown up into dullness
and whose children
will also be dull until
we decide dull is no
longer their aspiration.


Friday, June 2, 2017


in the days of old
when we were
young and bold
and youth never
faltered once, our
paths crossed
once too often and
the unexpected
coincidence provided
a fatal glimpse into
the life of those
who grew up on
the wrong side of
the tracks and were
forever branded by
society's sociopaths.


Thursday, June 1, 2017


chirping birds tease cats
while they sit in doorways
silently watching movements
hoping for the mistake that
never arrives in the morning
when fully rested they are,
even though their attack
corridor is limited to our
enclosed back porch area.
