Saturday, April 30, 2022

1998 Series - October #1


the month of my birth
has rolled around again
and I recollect where I was
a year ago or two years
ago or three or four, and
I say to myself...  that I am
better off now than I was,
but that I'm still not where
I really want to be anymore.

she is starved for attention
and yet she creates situations
where no male would want
to give her any...  so she
perpetuates where she was
and still is today and that is
why she will not belong to
one man but to many of them.

I could wish for many things
but what I want most is someone
to trust as love always comes later.

Friday, April 29, 2022

1998 Series - September #5


I have no attraction
left in me...
I have no more desire,
I have you...
but you don't want me,
not anymore than
you have to...
I am always depressed,
melancholy and blue,
I am dissatisfied
with my life just as
much as you are with me.

the sun beats
down on me
in this car as
I wait for you
which is what
I always do...
you wait very
little for me as
you always have
something more
important to do.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

1998 Series - September #4


when does it all stop
with me or with another?
do I find what I am looking
for or do I just find a little
peace with what I have?
it is not all mine nor is it
all theirs...  but a combination
where I end up losing like
I always do and I really
wonder sometimes if the
powers that be want me 
to get anywhere at all...
Is my life just going to be
a constant struggle...  
never really amounting
to anything at all now?

the longer this goes the worse
my confidence becomes and
the more anxious I get about
being unemployed again...
but what is worse is coming
home at night to her attitude
and wishing I was somewhere
anywhere else but where I am.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

1998 Series - September #3

there may still be time
to continue for a year,
but certainly not much
past that time...  and
that may be all I need
to successfully change
careers and would that
be an ethical request 
for me to ask, given
the way these two people
discharge their duties?

it is strange how my life
changes each day and it 
is strange how I am
confronted with these
issues that attempt to
mold me into a good
employee, rather than
waiting for an opportunity
to exact my revenge.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

1998 Series - September #2

I have no room to grow
with you...  no room to
exercise my own ideas
or dreams because you
do not want me to evolve
becoming better than you.

it has been said many times
how women you know don't
want to be with a man who 
is prettier than they are...  and
this leads me to believe that
you share all those feelings.

Monday, April 25, 2022

1998 Series - September #1

there is a danger all around me
beginning in my home and
moving outward...  I am a good
example of keeping your enemies
close...  there is  danger and I 
have no idea from whence it 
comes and do I need to really
as long as I know it is there
and always very close to me.

one out of three has passed
and now I am left with two,
and a notebook full of all
my documentation and a
head full of new ideas and
no place to go with any of it.


Sunday, April 24, 2022

1998 Series - August #5


four months have passed
many more under
different circumstances
that we have been together,
and there was a break
in the action...  giving us
both a chance to explore
other possibilities and with
our return, we have brought
with us all those unpurchased
feelings of distrust and 
suspicion...  as well as all the 
fears associated with each,
we are curious and apprehensive
that "what may be" is just
around the corner and it is
our wish of impatience that
we both have encouraged...
is on our doorstep now.

we want to learn and understand
each other even when it is contrary
to what we both perceive...  and,
when we do and it falls short of
expectations, we conclude our
attempt has failed and not to try
again...  but, in so doing we have to
see that improved communications
involves cause and effect on a
continual basis and not just once
or twice or thrice when needed.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

1998 Series - August #4


I see darkness all around me
this morning but not inside...
I see the end of the night and
the beginning of the day...
both within and without...
I see hope and purpose and
clarity...  I believe that I must
continue to search this day
and a few more until I am
released into this world, prepared
to face most of it...  if not all of it...
and the tasks that are ahead of me.

put me into the fires of hell and I
will not burn...  and, not because
I am special...  unique...  or better
than anyone else...  but because
I am pure of heart...  innocent...
and not prepared in any way to
do the work of the devil...  so,
put me into a cauldron of flames
and I will be a glorious and
graceful beginning to my end.

Friday, April 22, 2022

1998 Series - August #3

if I were to fall would you
pick me back up?
if I were to scream would you
comfort me a little?
if I were to fail would you
help me rise above it all?
if I were to need help would you
say, "too much has come of it?"
if anything were to happen to me
it would be my responsibility
not yours to find my way back
through it all...  hopefully returning
to where I was maybe a little better.

one by one your bring me fools and
one by one I listen...  and, one day
it will be up to me to sort through
the ambiguities of life and find my
place of co-existence with all the
other fools...  it will be up to me to
find my place...  to find what it is
that makes me happy and what it is
that I must do in order to succeed.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

1998 Series - August #2

there are reasons and excuses and blame
but mostly there is always another person
on which a majority of the problems can
be attributed...  and, in my case, it is always
me...  because I am outspoken and that is
always interpreted as being unhappy...
yet for me, it is twofold: an opportunity to
cope with the situation or an opportunity
to make improvements and change...  so,
it can be rather positive in a collective way.

there is much for which I should be
thankful and I am...  my wife and my
nice house...  my job for at least a few
months longer...  and some friends
who have agreed to help...  my debt
has been eliminated for a month or two;
my integrity is intact along with my
values and honesty and my health seems
to be hanging in as best as it can...
my physical strength and my determination
all seems to be working well as I bring
for all my previous experiences on which
I constantly depend and my ability to
communicate is pointed but all of this
will not prevent me from dying one day.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

1998 Series - August #1

one thing is for sure and that is
when it is over and they know 
they have won, they are friendly
and willing to do all sorts of things
and you see them as hypocritical,
wondering why you have been
given another chance with them,
if, you will ever find a place in the 
world to where a future can be
counted upon, gradually losing
everything you worked hard for,
then you should not hold your
breath because you are dying.

I love this woman dearly...  she's
what I want and yet something is
missing in my life...  so, is that
attributed to her or to my lack of
possibilities?    searching for the
right partner...  finding myself...
becoming the center of controversy,
I wonder what has been said or not said
and why I need to know either way...
it is neither up nor down for me as it
is all turning and find myself reaching
for nothing on which to hold onto.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

1998 Series - July #5


those around seem to 
be curious as to what it
is I am writing aabout
since I am not in here
to eat like they are...
and it eats away at them
somewhat because it is
not an easy puzzle unless
there is more information.

beside me you lay
your body warm and tender
as I fear the worst.

Monday, April 18, 2022

1998 Series - July #4


one by one
my thoughts
are passed
along from
me to you...
one by one
your store
them as
squirrels would
where you
put them all.

I see a sunset and
feel good...  I see
a sunrise and feel
better...  there is so
much beauty around
us and so little time
to appreciate it...
beauty does not
translate into dollars
unless it is associated
with sex and then
it becomes ugly.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

1998 Series - July #3


there still seems to be
a barrier between us,
something that you don't
see but is sensed...
there still seems to be a
lack of trust between us
as uncertainty about our
future and how long we 
will remain together grows;
you saying I like women too 
much when in reality it is more 
like you desiring men too much...
we will always be cautious
as to how long this will last.

I see the doubts in your face
I see the apprehensions too
I see the pain and suffering
I see the insubordination
I see the longing to be free
and the reluctance and inability
to accept that which you have.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

1998 Series - July #2


I want to be positive
I need to be positive
a new behavior...
a challenge...  who knows
what may happen today.

I wish I had a better handle
on what my life is all about...
but right now it is to struggle
with that notion...  and end an
internal struggle to identify
the lastest talent that I have.

I am short in thought today
and wonder if it is because
if I feel nervous where I am.

Friday, April 15, 2022

1998 Series - July #1

enough for one day
these changing thoughts
let my mind absorb
what I have done as it
finds a way to put its
wickedness to rest...
and learns to be
at peace with itself.

I have come to the end
of my journey...  as I see
what needs to be done,
but in so doing I have
begun another journey
that will be more like an
adventure, releasing the
creative person inside 
that the little boy never
could find...  because he
had never found a way
to leave home until now.


Thursday, April 14, 2022

1998 Series - June #5


tell me how
you feel...
tell me if
this will be
like before...
tell me if you
know how to create
these arguments
so you can 
spend time
with someone else
like you did before
with me.

there is no happiness
in our lives anymore...
each of us blaming
the other person...
reluctantly agreeing
that we might have
contributed a little...
but no more,
making sure our anger
keeps us standing
with our backs turned
on the edge of tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

1998 Series - June #4


I can imagine
now it will feel
to be there
and partaking
in the experience,
especially with
the understanding
it is with strangers
who feel I have
something to offer
that will make 
their lives better
and more complete
as it will mine.

will you understand
this evening and what
you have done to me
or will do tomorrow
or the next day cannot
continue for days...
it is not normal for 
lovers to act like this.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

1998 Series - June #3

it is a matter of change
and being stubborn
and that is more important
to each of us than is
anything else...  especially
after coming from twenty
years of submissive behavior.

I see clearly now
at least more so
that ever before,
wishing I had someone
on which I could count
realizing that I am and
always will be it
would appear on
my own from now on.

I see you in my dreams
in my fantasies 
you are unknown to me
and will remain that way
but for me...  loving you
this way is safe and easy.

Monday, April 11, 2022

1998 Series - June #2

I have looked for answers in many
other places...  too numerous to
mention and after fifty years of 
searching and seeing others will all 
the answers, I am unable to receive... 
or to believe it is time for me to stop this 
silly quest and just learn to live a little.

what I have is nothing but it is more
than some...  less than others...  the
only difference is that I find myself
still in the middle of it all...  trying
trying to be like all the others here.

I was given
something at
birth that will
only be revealed
to me when it
is the proper
time to be seen.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

1998 Series - June #1

life fades as changes are
made and we grow older...
events that occupied so
much time seem meaningless...
we strive for purpose where
there is none and the truth
is as fleeting as an eye wink.

my mind and heart do not agree
oftentimes...  so when one is active
the other is not...  and my behavior
reflects the changes in attitude...
prolonged exposure to this type
of routine has resulted in my
defenses being on alert and a wall
is permanently constructed to
prevent emotional disappointments...
of course, it does not always work
and I have found myself for the
most part of my life in some sort
of emotional crisis all the time.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

1998 Series - May #5


I do not want to live in a marriage 
where one is taken for granted by 
another...  even though, that is how
I acted in my first marriage...   I do
not want to live in a marriage where
everything revolves around one
person, nor do I want to live in 
a marriage where sex is used as a
weapon and where the two of us are
competitors in everything we do.

I will concede that
I over-reacted if you
will concede that you
took advantage of my
sexual desire for you.

Friday, April 8, 2022

1998 Series - May #4

you quit your job for me
but you continue to take me
for granted...  worse than before,
and I am left wondering
why you even bothered.

we are both cautious but I am
becoming more and more
indifferent...  and, it is because
you seem to find something
wrong with me every day and
I just don't really care anymore.

who will be the one to lay against
your softness and feel the emptiness
of your heart and not care as long as
they have been able to conquer you.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

1998 Series - May #3

I have forgotten that my 
strength lies in my ability
to be patient while letting
you succeed at failing to
control your attraction to
other males at your work.

no man wants another
woman who is acting
as if she is looking to
find another man soon.

the roots roam freely for
this tree and others that I
see in this forest and with
them being so close together,
surely they will have roots
that are intertwined...  so,
which ones will survive and
which ones will not?  and,
who's to say that anyone 
should have that power.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

1998 Series - May #2

you have crossed my path
once before in my dreams,
I know your face...
I have seen you before...
you robbed me of my sleep
but not again...  no more;
take your foolish fantasies
and put them in someone
else's mind because I am
too clever now...  I have
been burned so many times.

my heart cries out to you
and to those who are like you
but I fear it is a conspiracy
against my happiness
and I will keep my prison
well guarded from the likes of you
and my table shall be
covered with fine linens and
you shall be my guest first
then my rival and  in time
the enemy of my soul.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

1998 Series - May #1

if I sit here
long enough
will I find
the woman
of my dreams
or my purpose
in life or
have those both
been answered
for me already...
I just don't
know where
to find them.

I have brought you
into this life and I
can take you out...
and if I do...  then,
what will become
of my ego and the
real person I hide?

Monday, April 4, 2022

1998 Series - April #5


there is a marriage
hanging over my head
and there are strong
feelings for this woman
as she has the same 
for me but I wonder
if we will ever love.

it rained all night
keeping me awake
but I wonder if
I would have slept
if the rain had not come
since there are so many
issues floating around
on the pools of all
my collective thoughts.

I have no problems
bring my negative
thoughts in focus,
and do that very well,
but what of my
positive thoughts and
the need of attention
in that distant area.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

1998 Series - April #4

my life is more complicated
than it was years ago and I
am, in part, to blame for it
since there is very little I
can do to say no and when
I do it is a marvel of self-
restraint and I always wish
I had more than I currently
have but the resources are
not there to back me up.

I ramble on in the hopes
that one day I will write
the classic poem that 
everyone in school reads
and studies knowing that
their comments will not
always be that positive.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

1998 Series - April #3


thoughts race through my head
like flashes of lights that cannot
be clearly seen or held...  yet, I 
know I must find a way to put
it all in order by removing those
feelings over which I have no
control and never will have.

life is a balancing act
one day it moves to the left
the next day to the right,
and we as adults must find
the equilibrium that suits us
or slowly drive ourselves
into an abyss of insanity.

my head wants to perceive a world
where only the naive survive...
where the ruthless and the powerful
are looked down upon as they possess
inappropriate behaviors...  where each
of us are asked to discard our burdens
and become enlightened into a world
of peace...   and happiness...  and joy...
love and joy...  awareness and harmony.

Friday, April 1, 2022

1998 Series - April #2

we begin each day with the notion
of doing our best regardless of our
limitations or the ignorance around
us...  letting ourselves become free
of control over ourselves and those
around us...  and by achieving this
level of detachment, we will be
able to conquer the monster that
lives inside us all and who keeps
us from understanding who we are.

my head swims in the
darkness of thoughts,
sometimes swiftly
sometimes not...
my body drifts aimlessly
sometimes attached
sometimes not...
to the purpose of my 
constant endeavors...
my head knows not
the way of salvation
or of recuperation of its
labors, only that it must
continue to continue
until the waters of darkness
are no more and the light
that is found is pure and
simple...  giving pause to
the body and the mind
simultaneously...  and the
resulting joy is wonderous
as I have been told and
absolutely overwhelming.