Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sworn Enemy

unfortunate, we are this day
and same so shall we be the
day afterwards and after that
as has been the case for years,
but we are relentless in our
beliefs that better days will come,
and so much so, that we
pass along these good tidings
we each and every bullet
we place into your body since
you are our sworn enemy.


Friday, April 29, 2016

Mental Affairs

is the name
reserved for those
who find joy
sexual activities
that involves me
or more
at the same time
from which
there is no escape
retribution received
for these
insane acts
of penetration;
release and
satisfaction is
found or
each time
it is uncovered
from the
mental mattress
on which
it has laid
itself down for
many years,
that recovery
would be as
swift as


Thursday, April 28, 2016


bits and pieces of tangled
thoughts drift by me
as if floating down some
inescapable river of
self-incrimination; and,
as it is observed by me,
wonder how long
it will  take before
this debris is discovered.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sight Unseen

days of fluid doubts ride the
wind currents of observation,
but few, actually float down to
the ground for harvesting like
farmers with crops before they
are found rotten and decayed;
still, we manifest growth from
each of our experiences as if
it were somehow necessary for
our understandings that life
is not the whore upon the bed
responsible for our being here.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Spoken Forgiveness

recklessly, we abandon all hope
of salvation and forgiveness,
perceiving all actions as somewhat
final and arbitrary in that they were
accomplished with consequence
and can never be rewoven as one
might repair or rework a tapestry
before being sold or auctioned
and compensation received so
that another one may be started;
actions are never washed away in
the sorrows of regret by those who
must receive spoken forgiveness.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Done Differently

there are no days of
innocence left for
me to experience,
nor are there any days
left for future fantasies
to be experienced
whether enjoyed or not;
just days of remembering
some of which can be
found to be satisfying
while others are not and
never will be that way;
sleep comes easily as
does the passing of days
and soon no more will
there be and I will have
no reason to recall or
recollect and briefly
ponder that which might
have been done just
a little bit differently.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Story Tellers

by fools are most stories told or
by id...i...ots as it is all the same,
still, they talk personally frank
and close to the truth...   so, it's like
a facial shave has been brought out
and when there is no more left
about which to speak, the rest of us
must find a little grace in the fact
of by whom this story was told.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Empty Heads

divide a box into halves twice
and end up with quarters and if
you were to likewise do again
you would have sixteenths and
if again the division would yield
sixty four tiny little boxes that
could be seen inside the square,
even though no mention of it
had ever been made before and
we would know this for true
because we have surrendered
ourselves to mathematics and
this knowledge, ever so carefully,
has been placed in our heads
so that they are no longer empty.


Friday, April 22, 2016

What They Do

light shines on me
from a lamp
sitting on a round table

where my coffee sits
in its plastic cup,
as I write down words
that have little meaning
other than what they
have been told to mean
by those who write
our reckless definitions,
giving me pause this day
so that I might reflect upon
why that seems to be
or not be
as the case warrants it,
but, as dreadful as
it all my seem to be,
why cannot these words
mean something else

entirely other than
what they were
intended to mean?


Thursday, April 21, 2016

All Too Well

we hold a profound
lack of insight into
all things around us,
yet, we seem to present
the facts differently
in that we know
all there is to know
about all we already know
and that
all else to know
about anything is not
worth knowing at all;
and, it is this contradiction
or misunderstanding
as some might say it to be,
is the fundamental reason
why I, myself, do not
want to hold a profound
lack of insight about
anything and everything
since all these others
perceive that they know
what they don't know
all too well they claim.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Breaking Reality

not quite as dim as before
the past comes creeping
towards me like a dense
London fog on Leman
where rippers prowled;
time filtered born memories
distorted like stretch marks
slouch around my feet as if
trousers too long had been
worn with large cuffs to
catch what little truth had
sifted through my mind,
reluctantly searching for
the gold that had been
buried so long ago in a
desperate effort to escape
repercussions of the truth.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A New Location

encouraged by the morning rain,

the lack of sun bothers me not,

nor does the lack of wind blowing

me along to any place other than

where I am since my predilection

for movement is reinforced by a

relentless fear that I will not like a

new location any better than here.


Monday, April 18, 2016

Falling Short

dreams live outside the realm
of possibilities as I have them
all the time and nothing changes
to any of my present situations;

dreams convey mistrust by all
those who believe in them or
want to believe that they hold
keys to the future when those
they keep unlock no doors;

dreams provide us with illusions
by which we always seem to fall
short of intended expectations.


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Blue Walls

surrounded by the color's smell
a montage of sounds erupts off
in the distance... too far... for
aged vision to see and touch
leaves me wanting more that
my body cannot provide as
pain is heard deep inside the
bowels of thoughts, imagination
working overtime again and
not so inspired... I fear...
the mood of the clouds shift
my mind bends forward but
not backward in an attempt to
resolve the new shadows; but,
briefly there is peace inwardly
which is what I suppose is to
happen with us nowadays, who
have no place to venture or
desire to stop restless concerns
that these blue wall are brown.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Morning Memories

Sunlight bleaches the air clear,
sweeping away the dirt of the night
like some shoppe owner clears
a righteous path in from of the
place where commerce is convened
and free from the enforcement of
law and order that seems only a
memory in a handful of them, and
we choose which ones fit our
particular circumstances, leaving
the rest for other to select, knowing
that sooner or later there will be none
and no more will be available for
those who must have awakened late.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Little NowhereTown

In the corner of an emptiness
lies a room that once housed
the souls of the living who
lived life in lonely episodes
of awareness and disbelief
of their surrounds and fellow
neighbors who knew not who
they were or why here and not
there but tolerated their presence
as one might tolerate a wild
beast who terrorizes in the night
leaving the daylight hours to
sleep off the stench of the crime
and the erased memories that
came at dawn, undoing all threads
that these souls were ever there
at all in this little town of whatever
in this little area of nowhere and
in this land that no one wants to
remember ever existed at all.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Passing Time

Time drifts inside limitless space
forever and ever and so, when
time comes to its end, what then
happens to the limitless space
in which it traveled so long?
Tears fall down the cheek of a
distraught individual like drops of
rain falling from limitless space
without origin of any nature and
yet it is there in our streets it
evaporates or is blown away as
if time was its only constant and
only memory of a past that allowed
the tears to run down the face at all;
moments fold into other moments
like blending the batter of a cake
that no one will eat or imagine is
there until it is gone and never to
be seen again but always forgotten
because of the passage of time.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Let me Serve

alone on the balcony
of my own desires,
the air around me

sets into motion,
a latent emotion
a need of sorts
to be owned,
bound my words
to she,
who would be
a mental obligation
translated into the
physical and the
sexual as arousal
dictates the response
and duty dictate
the command

with worship as part
of the obvious but
destined response.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016


without the limitations
of our thoughts, we
struggle for truth,
accepting what we can
accept along the way,
realizing that truth
like beauty, belong
to those who behold it,
and not to those who
attempt to make it;
thoughts limit actions
actions limit awareness
awareness limits truth
and we are left with
spontaneous combustion
of the mind, in order to
understand courses of
action set into play
by others around us;
no truths are held sacred
except the one truth
of life and death
through which
we all must pass
at some point-in-time,
knowing it may be
more often than once.

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Underside of Eighteen Years

Through paper, cotton, leather
we have gone as well as flowers,
wood, sugar, and wool, not to
mention bronze, pottery, tin,
and steel where one would think
that steel would be ten instead of tin;
but silk, lace, ivory, and crystal
lag behind china which is twenty
but none lie in between leaving one
to wonder why those four years are
not considered like the previous ones;
yet, some say porcelain for eighteen
followed by bronze with no indication
of the other two, and I wonder if
those years passed up by unobserved?
Still, eighteen is remarkable for this
second marriage as we seem to have
gotten closer, more respectful, more
tolerant of all those differences that
brought us together in the first place;
The odds of disillusionment were
beaten many years ago when we were
strolling through valleys of uncertainties
where resolution and resolve became
absolute and our two options were:
“none of the above,” and no “what if's.”
And... if time would permit, I am sure
there will be eighteen more and
perhaps a few more for good measure
as we seem to really be that which
each other really needs and even
though that may not be apparent
through all these transpired years,
it is apparent now and more than
ever before it is for us for sure.


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Tormenting Souls

bound by determination and
ill-fated persistence,
we live...
act out fantasies...
and die...
without the slightest regard
as to why;
we are self-serving but impotent
when serving others,
and we tend to look the other way
when serving the cloth
or the one who wears it,
as if,
it might stain our direction
with sentimentality
preventing us from

doing the right thing
or as right as
we perceive it to be;
we live the misguided lies
of all previous claims
to our life here,
wishing all along for a
different legacy.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Permeating Claims

Who has the love
that was...
meant for me
to receive during
my stay here?
Two marriages have
passed me by and
I have no desire
for a third and
still no love have
 I been able to find;
And, with this love,
I wonder what
would I have done,
as no love has
ever passed
through these lips
to drink the wine
inside before spoiling;
still, there is hope
 in the passing of
the cup, even though
an empty one it is
and no servant to
fill it up to the brim;
and, when I see
those around me
would have loved
more than once
I question the
ethics of feelings
claimed to have
by them as it cannot
be that easy to be
possessed by it,
yet, happy they
do always seem.

Friday, April 8, 2016


Three trees,
I believe,
have been planted
on my property:
one red
one white
one pink
to symbolize
the trinity of
our faith
and the life that
sometimes provides
and sometimes
does not; yet,
we continue to
live and each day
that we do,
notice that our
three trees
are still alive.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Cold is replaced by heat which is
again replaced by cold;
we see cycles in everything...
in all life around us
above and below us
as if those are our cycles and
do not belong to them at all;
light is replaced by dark which is
again replaced by light;
we see heaven above us
and hell below us
and evil all around us that we know
intuitively is at our beck and call,
if we want it to be;
each day passes the same
as do the months and years
and all too soon we die,
but without really
ever knowing why...
did we have to pass
through all these cycles.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Generic Sees

Beyond the realm of understanding

where imagination and creativity

live inconspicuously, we place our

thoughts that no one should see or

hear as they are sacred entities of

belief that have yet to be formalize

into coherency by which we want

our readers to understand without

coping with misunderstanding

of any generic interpretations.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

By Design

Once, we were as one
and as one we thought,
felt and spoke as one
until our separation
left us distant and apart
and alone and without
the togetherness we
shared, our lives meant
no more than they did
before we were created,
by those who felt the need
that we should have life.

Monday, April 4, 2016


we live our lives through the efforts of others

since we cannot be there ourselves while

considering ourselves lucky to have this

alternate opportunity for success, without

understanding our desires may not be shared

as those we felt forced to push there today.


Sunday, April 3, 2016


Old age creeps into the picture
more than once these days, and
and those with whom one has
decided to spend eternity take
advantage of the worn body in
an effort to maintain control
and hopefully feel a little better
about themselves than before,
but, when the truth be known,
there is no improvement in
their self-reflections just more
contempt for who they became.


Saturday, April 2, 2016


Rain falls into the puddles it has created

with the accuracy of an engineer and not

once does it deviate as is the case with

other aspects of nature in the way that

the sun hides behinds the clouds or how

the cold replaces the warmth sometimes

and how the lightening never strikes in

the same place twice unless it has been

redirected the evil guardians in the sky.


Friday, April 1, 2016


Inside the limitations of our own thoughts
and the thoughts of others, we live in a
dream-like state of compliance, never once
thinking we should question what our old
leaders are doing or have done as long as
we continue to receive that which we want
not even considering if we really need it
or not as that is what we do and have done
ourselves for as long as we can remember.
