Friday, February 1, 2013


I am what I am
or came to be,
from those of
who I was once,
pushed through
the birth womb;

I was anointed
with the blood
of my ancestry
whose claim on me
only recently realized,
yet the shadows
and seeds of doubt
are embedded within
by the DNA strands
that encase me in
the cocoon of life;

My tears and fears
blur a vision of  faith,
but do not leave despair
as I believe what
I believe as truth,
leaving my heart
and mind to
function independently
of other influences;

My tongue slashes
and lashes out at
those betrayed by
greed and control
while maintaining
a balanced etiquette;

I see not what you see
nor will I ever see
that which you see
and no longer worry,
as that is simply
the way it should be,
but still live with shame
and the blame you
set forth upon me;

All my inabilities
harden all my outlooks,
on all horizons while
appreciating the beauty
with which I have been
entrusted and from which
I will surely die one day
and finally cease to be
all that I am or had become.


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