Thursday, July 31, 2014

Make It So

it is never so strange
as where life takes us
at least
not as strange as we
make it out to be;
we know not
where we go or
how we got there
but upon our arrival,
we always know
that this is where we
were meant to be.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

She is the one who carried me around,
She is the one who face I first saw but don't recall,
She is the one who clothed and fed me,
She is the one who taught and trained me,
She is the one who wept for my sins,
She is the one who inspired my love of the arts of theater,
She is the one who extended me the knowledge of words and thoughts,
She is the one who cared about me after I left home,
She is the one who gave me lightness in the dark,
She is the one who helped me understand right from wrong,
She is the one who nurtured my pre-conceived ideas,
She is the one who always remembered my birthdays,
She is the one who was always happy when I came home,
She is the one who asked me to help her recovery after surgery,
She is the one who helped me honor and preserve my past,
She is the one who easily accepted my new partner,
She is the one who honors all her grandchildren equally,
She is the one who always remembers everything about everything,
She is the one who never lost her faith in me...
She is the one who is my mother.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I sit in the forest of doubt
fishing in a stream of hope,
wishing for a home of security
and a good fortune on which
to rely, but not all dreams
deliver what we want belongs
to another in another dream
leaving us awake to wonder.


Monday, July 28, 2014


hard to believe that we
do not understand
the difference between
success and happiness,
since most of us ignore
the fact that money is
associated with the former
and contentment is
associated with the latter;
and, very seldom do the two
ever meet in public together
as the dominate one must
leave the submissive one at
home for fear of being
exposed and embarrassed.


Sunday, July 27, 2014


after so many years,
I cannot recall
which poet said what,
even though my
marks indicated otherwise;
but, the gist of the poet
is to evoke emotions,
good or bad or indifferent,
whether or not the minds
of the readers remember,
and in so doing, it is
believed they have in
actuality accomplished
their intended goals.


Saturday, July 26, 2014


your beauty rests on the tip

of my imagination and if,
memories serve me not well,
how will I remember to remember
how much of an impact your
presence had on my life during
these last sixteen weeks together.


Friday, July 25, 2014

In Whose Hands?

if beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
hope must be in the eyes of the doubter,
and if,
this be true,
who decides our fate,
more importantly,
who decides how we get there,
what do we do with those
who get in our way?


Thursday, July 24, 2014


we believe in so many things
that we never seem to have the
discipline to set in motion any;
so, we hold ourselves in contempt
or blame others who may have
prevented us from our goals;
or, do we achieve minor successes
to keep the masses on our side
while bribing them with false
realities of supposed difficulties?
yes, we believe in many things
but this only serves to remind us
of the Pelican whose beak always
held more food than his belly can.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

the Gathering

we are gathered here
brothers and sisters,
to witness
a new beginning,
a joyous new time,
we can accept
for who they are,
and not,
for what they are not,
or what
we want them to be.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fill Ups

once a week, we clean our souls, hoping
that our shiny new exterior will be notice
by all who we pass by; but instead, we
fool ourselves on a regular basis as sitting
and listening is different from believing and
doing; and, it is this connection we have
missed as we try to be good followers and
do exactly what our parents taught us to do.


Monday, July 21, 2014


who has a better
understanding of
me, than me; but,
that is only true if
my understanding
of myself is not
limited by an
obvious clouding
of judgment
that others close
to me may or
may not have;
in either case,
I am not the
best at seeing
myself for who
I really am or
who I want
others to think
I am presently?


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Yesterday's Today

a dime bag sits with me on the
doorstep of memories like an old
friend visiting, but finds my impoverished
mind accepting the judgments of age
declining the ritualistic participation;
how disappointing we have become to
ourselves when we let the demons
of our present realities judge the
ghosts of our creative past.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Strange Encounters

are you the one who saves
me from myself or was it
she who just passed me by
and winked so obviously?
am I the who who you seek
in the hopes of shedding light
on your dark considerations, so
I can walk with you a block
or two in the right direction?


Friday, July 18, 2014


a misty tea sprays
into my face,
illuminating my
thoughts so that
you may see them
more clearly than
you have before;
but, in the process,
covers you with a
thin layer of
apprehension about
which you can
not yet speculate.


Thursday, July 17, 2014


depression centers itself
and localizes within me,
a bird of prey soars
down into me and I am
darkness becoming again;
twelve shades pass through me
on a journey somewhere else;
a vacant hole left behind so
confusion covers doubt
and it grows from within.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014


in another life, I
quite freely,
no trees or bushes,
plowed fields,
received blisters,
when life turns
my body
back into dust, I
will reach
into my soul,
retrieving forgiveness
and with regret
say, I'm sorry.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Out-growing Sex

within minutes, I am
between my desire
and discretion ,
wanting much more
than you can give,
but then...
who really can fulfill
the needs of another
in the moment of
humbly realize that
life is not a series
of orgasmic quests
but a journey of
capitulation and
reverence to and
for each other.


Monday, July 14, 2014

Criminal Intent of Wisdom

in the beginning
as the story goes,
we became who we
were supposed to be
but gradually
a mutated species
developed and we
were consumed
forth and left
no traces...
no residues...
of the before time;
today, we are a
species that
destroys itself and
all around as
progress removes
individual liberties
and income
disparities insure
our mutual destruction,
and one day there
will be nothing left
for them to take.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Not Alone

in the basements of our imaginations,
some of us dream visions of brotherhood,
while others dream visions of wealth,
and others visions of control,
others visions of fame,
as we dwell inside these youthful fantasies;

later in our minds,
we venture into a world of selfish creatures,
all of whom seem to have a secret journey
or path on which they are embarking,
treating our presence as annoying and with
sufficient indifference that we help them along;
visions of gratitude filter our fantasies as
we witness (for the first time) the millions
of illusions lying dead at our feet as we
tread lightly on top of them...  abruptly
realizing the soft, sweet sound in our ears,
is our morning alarm...   and, as we sit there
stretching, we cannot help but wonder
who was actually with us before.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

No Equality Here

how do we decide
who's to live
who's to die
in our affluent world,
not caring
about the rest,
as we inflict
economic wounds
on competitors?
how shallow is our
living grave
that we must
denounce those who
are different
while grazing on the
grasses of their lands,
like we are all
Native Americans?
how impotent is our
actions when we
must hide behind
the protection of
other words that
were never created
for this intent?


Friday, July 11, 2014


they crawl towards me
every sixteen weeks
with explanations and
excuses as to why they

need a higher grade,
and my answer is always
the same, "you should
have come to me sooner;"
and, I wonder how these
soon to be graduates are
going to fare in the world
of business when they
cannot discipline themselves
to want to learn and I
am sure that each generation
experiences the same...
when new replaces old,
always seeming less ready,
less prepared (than we were)
to handle the "real" world;
yet, they always manage to
make it through careers,
reaching points at the end
when they too begin to
reflect on their successor's
ability to replace them.


Thursday, July 10, 2014


the lines of truth are blurred
when it comes to academics
and athletics and while there
is not discrimination inside
my reflections, I speculate
we use ability to generate our
revenue and plead ignorance
to the lack of knowledge being
ejected from their mouths like
a referee overlooking the
antics of a has-been coach.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Family & Friends

the worst kind of friends
to have are relatives and
the closer they are, the
worse they seem to be
when delivering promises;
the worst kind of family
to have are those who
claim to be your friends.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014


if you want the law
to apply equally, then
you must be rich or poor;
if you want life to be fair,
then you must be willing
to lose it all or give away
what you don't need anyway;
if you want to defeat cunning,
then you must be ruthless
and never look back
on your own wake; if you
want to be as you were once,
then against progress you are.


Monday, July 7, 2014

Just Games

are you supposed to believe as I do
or am I as you?
a question for the elders
if they were not all deceased;
who lives or dies
fights or prays
is left up to another who
has a higher pay grade than I;
but, we all know that we
are all pawns of another
and the chess game
we all have learned to play
has become 3 dimensional.


Sunday, July 6, 2014


there is a pill that relaxes us
and one that peps us up;
there is a pill to help one sleep
and one for waking up;
there is a pill for forgetfulness
and one for remembering
even when not desired;
there is a pill for erections
and one for softening too;
there is a pill for teeth and hair,
nails and weight and even one
to help you like your neighbors;
there is a pill for youth and age
and to help you dress faster;
in fact, we live on pills and
drugs unlike our global friends,
but it is us who has higher standards
of living and of education and we
owe it all to progress, using the
money made from pills too
easily share our knowledge.


Saturday, July 5, 2014


we live in a world of
tweets and tangles,
never learning to think
or question what is...
but expect a plate of food
to be on the table
when the day is done,
knowing that the
night belongs for fun.


Friday, July 4, 2014

No One

to what ends do you
make this request?
your purpose friend?
and, what about all your
foolish, preconceived ideas,
what shall I do with them
if this request is granted?
and, what of all the others
who also make these requests,
or, shall I dare say,
"the final plea,"
what happens to them,
to all their hopes and dreams?
who is the best, or
even the best of the best
would sound more eloquent
would you not say, my dear?
but alas, it is I not you my Lady
who much decide
and send all the other beggars on their way;
and to this end, I know my job well,
and it is to this end that...
I pick none of you,
no Sir, not one...


Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Simulation

because you put in the effort,
more effort that before actually,
you perceive that more credit is due
even though your performance,
my friend, warrants it not; and,
you want me to believe that
because you waited until the end of it all,
reaching that point where it is inevitably too late,
that you should somehow be pulled
out of the proverbial fire of performance...
because you tried really hard?
Lads, this is not your father's world
any longer...  do you understand that?
or as they say
"bottom line drives the engines of commerce;"
not everyone wins
and not everyone gets what they want,
no matter how hard they try.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I reign the kingdom
in my head quite nicely
thank you very much;
but, it is your who needs
some lessons on the
subjugation of your
thoughts and what you
should actually say when;
however, it is temporarily
beyond the scope of
my authority to will you
out of my mind...
completely...  so I will
continue to entertain
your amusements
until they more or less
become ever so boring.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Proper Use

hearts should only belong
to those who know how to
use them properly or at
least be allowed to be kept
in a closet until it is
determined that the user
has met all the predetermined
qualities for said use; however,
this should not preclude
someone's use of their heart
in determining a budding
romance is now premature.
