Tuesday, May 31, 2016


your rules
need not apply
to me or to
my kind,
as we are
above it all,
and clean of
all wrong doing,
as you have
so determined
years ago when
you needed
what we had
and there was
no one left
to ask if they
might like you.


Monday, May 30, 2016

False Gold

prospecting for feelings
believed once buried
in the rugged terrain
of the mind less traveled,
awakens the need for tools
not yet envisioned by
those doing the digging; yet,
mine away they do until
the rugged terrain has been
leveled like a lake whose
features resemble no pond
even seen sitting atop a
pedestal of false gold.


Sunday, May 29, 2016


give me a minute
of peace as I
attempt to collect
those thoughts you
extracted from me
years ago but no
longer need, and
I'll be going on my way,
until you believe you
once again need to
provide me with
worthless information.


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Found Out

a burst of 
sits with me
on the sill
interpreting my
morning thoughts
in such a way
no one recognizes
the sender and I
am left pursuing
that which is
never wanting it
to be found
in the first place.


Friday, May 27, 2016

Stolen Before

it was there
then not
but before disappearing
I grasped
at the air,
holding it briefly;
I imagined
in one
or both hands,
I cannot remember
yet it was real,
as real as,
you standing there
if I don't have it
in my
back pocket or
somewhere else
safe and sound.


Thursday, May 26, 2016


inside and alone
under of blanket of warmth
drink in hand
sitting and starring
into the darkness
illuminated within
without not so cold anymore
as it was once when
younger than old
and perception was
drifting like gusts of wind
through abandoned dreams
once held dear when
all was easy
and we were never
inside and alone
all the time.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Gifts Differing

gifts given haphazardly are the
ones most often procured by
those who have no need of
them in the first place but
desire them all the same as if
collecting trophies from the
corpses of all the forgotten.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Making Plans

it is such a nasty business but
oftentimes a necessary one, otherwise,
we remain under false interventions
allowing false feelings to intertwine
with the real ones that sometimes
may be released without consideration
and temporarily giving the impression
that Paul Revere has not yet ridden;
knowing, all too well that this ride
will sooner or later prevail and we
all fair warning years before when
too busy we were making plans
for the direction not yet journeyed.


Monday, May 23, 2016

Not Knowing

we know not what
we know not and
still we don't know
that we should know

so to be intellectual
is to be aware and
prepared should
the scenario arise
where we can use
whatever it was that
we did not know
we did not know.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Taking Turns

embrace the hate as it was

done by you before, and

of they you know how now...

your turn, so suck it up,

you must be as before, and

understand that no one wins

and no one loses as long as

hate lives, shared between

us all as it was long before.


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Torch Shine

through the glass we look
torches shine and reflect
what once was is now gone
and we investigate the scene
with vigor, I suppose, and
clues we find with confusion
in multiple places and
leaving little doubt that we
were once multiple players
once living inside...
we swear and avow revenge
for the bodies of the dead
and to their families we say,
their time was sacrificed, and
until justice is served
we serve no master
for we know
justice will never be
as it was before when
not there we were and
through no looking glass did
our torches ever shine.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Not Again

words spew out
fall and penetrate
return us to a time before,
but only to a better one
when we were where
we should have been 
and all else was
of no concern,
until the words
spewed out again
constructing walls
raising barriers
burning bridges,
and no better than
anyone else, we
became quicker,
leaving little doubt
we had finally arrived.


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Wanting More

time is time and passes quickly
yet time is all I have these days
as these days move from one to
another as if rather bored with it all,
as they were with all previous ones;
time lives inside a universe that
lives inside its own space and time
where all is relative to gravity...
if and when close enough...
but far away enough, never to see;
my time borders on insanity since
it leave me always wanting more.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Aging Out

around my head
like a necklace,
moves the event
circus of my life,
orbiting rings of
exposed memories
of desire, bitterness,
and loneliness
that used to lay in
depressive states
inside me until
life became less
critical after smoking
peace with dead old
mental adversaries.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016


raised up from sleep
each morning by cats,
my lifeless body is
encased in metaphors,
and joyless humor as
it lengthens out its
spinal differences,
preparing to dine on
coffee and cream and
perhaps wheat toast.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Faintly Remembered

attitude not age is the
problem with which
we oftentimes struggle
when it appears life
has moved beyond our
capabilities and rough
exteriors, even though,
we sometimes feel 
fires still burning inside
a consciousness that
does little more than
faintly remembers.


Sunday, May 15, 2016


a lust
a desire
a passion grows
inside deep
mind expanding
born with no
no limits
or given;
a mistress
in grasp
a soul of
too weak
to ask


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Forsaken Dreams

somewhere along the mirage of discovery,
a horizon line scores future sight, turning
upside down our need to be remembered,
forgetting others as well as we plunge into
darkness and the light we see

encircles us...

revives us...

inspires us...

to want more from our death than just
ceasing to exist in our current memories,
but be allowed to live in those of others
who have forsaken their dreams long ago.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Needed No More

moments of our passion
fallen through mental cracks
bounce back into view,
remembered and are
reflected upon, when time
curls up in the warmth
of our laps and gives us
pause to consider our
love has not diminished
nor has it changed
from what it was or
thought to be, but is
frequently expressed
frequently absorbed
into a knowing look;
the holding of hands
the silence of sounds
makes quiet our souls,
embracing and caring
as if when tomorrow gone
no more need be given.


Thursday, May 12, 2016


the softness felt when
sliding my hand along
the silky fur of its back,
allows reassurance
felt by both of us;
our comfort and warmth
provide that and more
and explains why we
are in the company
of each other at all.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Growth of Knowledge

my tree of knowledge falls
when no one is around,
and the sound that it makes
when hitting the ground
is lost forever...
as is the reason for the decay
causing its collapse...
the truth is not in the
decay or in the falling
but in the reason for its
growth in the first place.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Wise Man

it is said that
a fool sat atop
a hill that no person
or animal could climb
in the hopes that
true enlightenment
would be found...
and yet, he eventually
died of starvation
and was never
buried in ground.


Monday, May 9, 2016


a box of fools sits
on the front porch
just in front of my
newly painted door,
waiting to be found
and opened once 
again so that I might
experience all the
stupid that was 
afforded me so easily
during the careless
months of my youth.


Sunday, May 8, 2016


leaves of time 


in curved arks


closer and closer

to the ground

they become

with each



when I see

my life

falling too

in such a way,

I wonder

if it is not


that rules

and we

just seem

to follow


without any


or discovery

on our own,

save that which


quite clearly

how powerful

she really is.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Distant and Apart

upon my vision screen is seen
multitudes of bodies laying
this way and that, hoping I will
notice their charms and nude
predicaments, but if the truth
be known today, it would say
only this that they are too far
apart from me to really matter.


Friday, May 6, 2016

Becoming Whole Again

inside the fear of life we live like
some tadpole hoping to blossom
like the rose that sits in the middle
of our dining room table in case
we are blessed with company; but,
like the tadpole, we change and

transform ourselves into that which
we do not care for or understand,
even though it appears to be exactly
what we have always wanted and
so our fear arrives from that which
we have become...
but no less or no more...
we have grown into our fears and
no longer see them as fears but
as allies in our self-development
as long as we do not depend upon
them too heavily in the process.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Nature of Things

the heavens are filled with dark clouds
pushing all available light downward;
life below the clouds is ominous at best
as we go about our daily chores and prayers
wishing and hoping the darkness does
not penetrate us any farther, and that our
hearts and souls are left pure for the
journey that is yet to come, fearful that
it may not come due to these clouds
but who could predict the nature of things?


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Before Dawn

darkness is betrayed by the
constant arrival of light and
the fullness of life that seems to
be withering away each night;
still, restoration needs to be
as repaired damage delays
our inevitable flight from
fantasy that eludes more is on
the way like the eating
of a pie before it spoils; and,
our acceptance is what keeps
us eternally awakening, knowing
one day, dawn will not arise
and the hole in which we find
becomes our new home and
the home we once knew is
of no concern nor is the
attitudes we might have had.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016


my internal spirits have
betrayed me,
have witness more than
should have been seen,
and now,
resolution must follow
in their footsteps
and these new footprints
will do more
than should have been done,
when permitted;
shallow and hollow as they
were and intended
vaguely to be... but, in so
doing have unleashed
the one who's spirit
has no name.

Monday, May 2, 2016


two distant light
peer out at me,
eyes of the night,
my every move
as if
I were some sort
of ripper
from London
seeking sea passage
on some ship
to whatever land
in an effort
to be free.


Sunday, May 1, 2016


a hint of madness intercedes
and I desire to take a life,
my own I fear, even though
I am much content with it;
still, there is no reason
short of mental decay or
some kind of illusion deep
inside me to feel this way
so often in each of my
recent days that I wonder
if not possessed I am.
