Thursday, June 30, 2016


we all have them
along the way,
doubts that
and tease,
allowing us to
second guess
when we know
first choices
are the best.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016


half a century
have I been this way
and maybe half
of that will be
done again, despite
what's been told to me
as no fool I am
until it comes to
the gifts women offer,
then there is no
mercy nor forgiveness.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016


resemblances of better times
around in my mental attics,
left in dark corners to be found
only after relocation removes 
everything, and as we sift though 
our lives,  we hope could return 
while others sit drooling in a chair 
by the bed in which they are to die.

Monday, June 27, 2016

All Alone

all the rounded and pointed pieces of my life,

miraculously fit together like some puzzle

crafted by those who, without expertise,

were responsible for shaping my preconceived ideas

that have often taken me into situations and places

where I needed not to be, but cruised into anyway

in an effort to change mentalities that had become

pointless and futile, but which left lasting memories

and impressions, leaving me little choice...

oftentimes, to the detriment of myself and others

eventually leaving me alone with consequences.


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Do Us Part

it is predicable

if not a certainty

that we all die and

depending upon definitions

our deaths

may be real

or just

transitions of sorts

that remove us

from one place


dropping us off

at another; and,

with that

comes the unknown...

all our answers

and insights into a

new awareness.


Saturday, June 25, 2016


grass grows on graves
not flowers
we leave them
in pots,
on the porch
and replace them
every so often;
we know it means
nothing to them,
has meaning for us
as we are in
a peaceful state.


Friday, June 24, 2016

Before Now

we observe no luxuries
once our final breath of air
escapes our creatively

designed lungs, leaving us

powerless to damage

ourselves further by

living inside decay, where

hope is defined as giving
up on what we have done
here all those years before.


Thursday, June 23, 2016


boundaries do not
exist within the space
of time or within one's
time in space; yet,
we strongly encourage
these thoughts that take
us into a measurable
unknown as if finding
answers will ease the
burden of existence
so that purpose can be
fulfilled by one's death.


Wednesday, June 22, 2016


are no more important than
since, as primal animals
temporarily surviving the odds
of our own destruction;
we claim...
we speculate...
we ponder...
all of which are no more valuable
than the truth we hide from others,
hoping it will soon
become forgotten just as greed
has conquered survival.


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Our Struggle

in the valley of my thoughts,
I glide down through
the mist of memories
until the source of discovery
is located and I see...
without question,
what I should have seen
all those years before this moment,
realizing our silence is
no different than natures whose
struggle is actually non existent.


Monday, June 20, 2016


slightly forward you lean
so I can slide my hand
up and under
but in a way that cannot
be seen by anyone around
unless they were sharing
rumors of what we have
before in situations with
which we are presented;
and no one...
least of all in their right minds,
would ever deny that these
rumors might be true,
when they have been working
on their own to defend
and explain once they have
returned to their destinations.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


weeks of preparation lay at the feet
of the two people who are marrying,
as parents and friends sit in chairs
not as comfortable as living rooms
butt tolerable for the fabulous event;
tears of tenderness trickle down the
cheeks of all the admirers who wish
for the opportunity and the wealth,
but find themselves lacking both
as these festivities roll by flawlessly
and embarkation on some vacation
to some exotic but expensive place
is just a few minutes away and these
two joined souls begin a lifetime of
regretting that they have no regrets
and the rest of us return to that which
we left momentarily to wish well
these two people and their journey
and a life that we will never know
or experience except in Romance
Novels and when invited to events
like this because we are family.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Just Normal Again

a rain filled sky appears outside
my windows and above my head,
as I dwell on the loneliness I feel
for being alive again today as I
did yesterday and the day before
yesterday as best as I can remember;
but, it is no crime to feel this way
nor is it wrong to feel this way
I suppose as it happens to me all
the time of late, yet more recently
than ever before does it arrive in
me just as the morning begins
and not in my sleep as it used to,
entering my dreams and taking
me on journeys never before seen
or experienced and felt as if I had
been awake all the time and was
really enjoying the depression.

Friday, June 17, 2016


destinations arrive late in
the mind this morning as
decisions about decisions
already made resurface for
a second chance at being
received positively when
they are no better than
before and this second
leaves me wondering why
this was permitted by an
earlier form of imprinting
that allowed reconditioning.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Wind Bending

palm trees bend in the wind as
do the thoughts with which we
sometimes struggle in vain;
and if, we are lucky, we see the
other side more clearly than
before but not clearly enough
to take it is as a course of action,
for fear our wind bending talents
had been manipulated by events
that arrived to swiftly after the
death of all those false ones.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


love dwells on the inside of
our upper thighs when lucky,
but, slowly drifts to other lips
as time drifts up stream and
spawning no longer occurs;
still, we dream a little more
and hope a little more too
that it may return one day,
and maybe sooner than not,
but, return all the same as
we were clearly better off
then we suppose... or not,
remembering that if we were,
we would not be alone now;
and yet, we cannot help it
wondering all the same again,
and believing that if... good,
these feelings might return.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

All Happy Now

morning space wasted
evening time as well,
journeys taken outside
return us quickly as
the day passes us by,
but not so slowly as it did
once upon a time, when
we wasted nothing and
was given all the time we needed
as we knew not really
what to do with all of it; but,
were greedily happy for all of it,
saving as much as we could
for another day, not
knowing that using it that
way was not possible...
still, we did not care...
at least, not as much as now,
when not much of it remains.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Dark Coffee

first to awake each morning before
the light of the new day arrives, a
ritual in my mind still exists and is
performed quite authentically as if
it were possessed by demons of the
dark coffee variety as we commence
together to prepare those first few
cups of the day that puts life into
its proper perspective for all of us;
and once the body of the host has
been entered and somewhat violated
by its awakening qualities, a new
perspective arrives as an unintended
consequence of drinking too much.

Sunday, June 12, 2016


tears of the night
drop into the morning
light not yet broken
silence no yet unveiled
but morning here
suspending sleep and
all that indulgences
me into it, is now
forgotten and wait
we do for the light
and the insight
bringing us freshly
unglued thoughts
by which to form
our morning word
waiting is desperate
corners to be seen
or noticed but wishing
to be spoken to.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Dark Darkness

behold... I see not into the light
but into the dark of the darkness,
wishing it were not so as I did;
fearing my peering will disturb
those that see me not, yet hoping
if they do, I can scurry like a rat
into the holes of dreams from
which I was brought out and
given the courage to do what I do
as long as I can until returned,
I am back into that dream and
the hole plugged as if it had
been sold to some new owners.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Known or Not

each day but
not at the same time,
I pray to
something or
I do not know,
in the hopes that
my prayers
will be answered
as if
we had been friends
all of my life;
and this is done,
they say,
because it needs
to be done
we believe in all
we do not know,
in the hopes that it
will be one day;
that leaves me
wanting more of
whatever it is that I
do not know about
simply because
we believe
it should be done
exactly this way.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

False Perception

love, I fear, is a false perception
of the love we are really supposed
to feel when we say we are in love;
yet, so many of us confuse that love
for a love that revolves around
sex or the love of self or the love
that resides in companionship which
is not the love of which poets write
nor is it the love that young lovers feel
after they spend all night in each others arms;
yet, that love manifests itself differently
as we age and it ages as the two do
do always coincide in their development,
so we are stuck with a false perception
of love that steers us into a grave
thinking we have been love all our lives.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Trauma Tiles

age bears no witness to youth
young owes nothing to age
we co-exist in mutually exclusive territories
when convenient and reluctantly
notice each other when not;
we sleep in separate corners of the room
in which we might be working
like ceiling tiles or bathroom tiles
waiting to be installed by experts,
knowing there are none on site;
we tolerate nothing outside of
insufferable intimidation, feeling
our way along the trauma tiles
without knowing how we feel
or why or if we even should, yet
here we are and we do feel, but hopefully
not for long and we can return
to our mutual discontent and our
exclusive thoughts that will never
be shared, at least, in our lifetimes.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Final Payment

you lash out
push away,
you claim to love,
 quietly hope
they will leave
on their own,
leaving you with
the life you
no one will
ever hate you
but, that is why
life is so


Monday, June 6, 2016

Lost Beauty

anger grows with age
manifesting itself in an
awareness of lost youth,
and for those who may
be around to experience
and taste this soured fruit,
a time of change looms
just over the rainbows
waiting for the rain.


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Done Deal

there are no borders for those
who think life is out-of-control
and pursuits of happiness are
a disguised mechanism that
wealthy uses to get things done,
and, as we fall in line and obey,
we also know that one day, our
world will no longer be the same
as it is today and that the masses
have the power over all of those
who have previously paid the bills.


Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Current One

in the bed you lie
past day light,
resting your mind for all
those nasty words
you will soon say,

because you no longer
have the need
to be nice to me;
and, for long periods
of time with each
other have lived,
waiting for the day
when the door will open
and a new one will
take you place,
and the madness will
start all over again,
which is why I've
been given a nice
discount on beds.


Friday, June 3, 2016

Under the Influence

we speak ill of everyone,
so why not of the dead,
who rest in metal coffins
in the ground, decaying
gradually over time, as
State laws now require;
and, we can comment
negatively on what they
have done as no longer
can they say those cruel
things that were always
on their minds and had
such a desperate need to
share with some of us,
when living under their
protection and controls.


Thursday, June 2, 2016


we are no more
creatures of habit
than we are
creatures of the wild,
building up routines
to hide our despair
that happiness is
more allusive that we
first found her to be
and now she has
taken everything.
moved out-of-town,
leaving no forwarding address,
or calling card, so,
we simply do what we
always have done.


Wednesday, June 1, 2016


we appear to be
what we are not,
hoping something
good will come
of it...   and,

when it does not,
we rationalize
the outcomes,
admitting their
premise must have
been flawed from
the very beginning.
