pathways through which
I have become whole, mind...
leave me empty still,
with a need
to be needed and a
desire to remain
dangerous when pursuing
no one's married yet.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
she is deep within my
subconscious mind,
but she still affects
my point-of-view;
she is not my partner
but my advisory,
and we compete constantly for that
which we call
we were each other's dream
at least for a while,
but the fighting,
bickering, and
"put downs,"
took its toll and we
found ourselves
in limbo...
not wanting to continue;
my conscious is clear,
at least so it seems...
or for a while
as we pursue
what we want to do; but,
each day pushes
us farther and farther away,
and we both fear,
I speculate,
we will drift too far
and have no desire
to turn ourselves
or our
relationship around.
March 1999
Friday, March 29, 2013
each morning,
these words
flow out of me
as if I had been
thinking about
them for days;
when in reality,
they have been
inside me
all my life,
and they,
jut now chose
to surface
and be put
on this paper
of mine...
March 2003
Thursday, March 28, 2013
I want to believe
that we are here,
that I am here
for some purpose...
it seems very strange
jut to live for eighty years
and have everything
after that... nothing...
although, I guess
it is entirely possible.
March 1999
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
You see me
as you want
to see me
and I
see you as
I don't want
to know
as a result
of what
you see.
March 2003
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
will you take me
into the shadows
of you dark life;
will you board me
like a bus?
will your have as much
compassion for me
as you do the cats,
and will...
our lives be happy
together as long as
you have something
on the side?
March 1999
Monday, March 25, 2013
I see myself
in the crowd
and wonder why
I am there and
not at home
doing what I'm
to be doing.
March 2003
Sunday, March 24, 2013
years of sorrow
years of doubt
years of happiness
years of love
years of uncertainty
years of faith
years of sunrises and sunsets
years of knowledge spat out
like some bitter tasting drink,
forecloses on a life
disjointed and out-of-sync.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
wrinkled hands
match a
wrinkled brow
having seen
much too much,
and no longer
do these
wrinkled hands
wash as clean
as before...
lost integrity
and forgiveness
maybe but
still shake strong
when meeting new.
Friday, March 22, 2013
time takes no prisoners nor
does it stop for passengers,
as it relentlessly moves in
unanticipated directions,
leaving death in its wake as
progress rejuvenates the desire
that it eventually can be controlled.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Ravaged by sickness and disease
our bodies long for the Spring
and the warm and gentle growth
of inspiration that carries us
ever so easily into a frosty Fall.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
we form circles in our minds
when thoughts become confused
and we drift from one side to the
other like a boat without sails in a
bottomless lake of forgotten memories.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
time hides behind age
and age hides behind life
and life follows birth
and birth follows conception
and conception is a fantasy
that is brought about by hope
and hope is a gift that
was given out of grace and
grace is a by-product of faith
and faith is an illusion
that we hold onto when time
no longer stands beside us.
peer into my eyes
and see if you can see
what I have seen...
peer into my eyes
and witness the passage
of linear time that provides
non-linear memories...
peer into my eyes
and grasp the simplicity
of failure that fuels the
minds of casual deceit...
peer into my eyes
and be foretold of all the
doom and gloom that
was once our heritage...
peer into my eyes
and embrace the progress
that prevents advancement
and allows few to escape...
peer into my eyes
and capture the soul
of my universe which has
become so tiny that it now
sees no inner peace.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
They return with riches
far beyond what might
have been expected,
and as the stars
move along a westward course,
they move east and
when they finish for the night,
they thank no one...
but themselves, thinking all along
their accomplishments
resulted from their own toil.
September 1995
Saturday, March 16, 2013
we suspend our feelings
in lieu of the happiness that
comes with financial security. 15Mar13
back doors open frequently
when the hinges on the front ones
become to loose to repair. 15Mar13
Friday, March 15, 2013
go for a walk
with me,
beside the lake,
after dinner,
after dark,
like we used
to be, pretending
to be lovers
who just met.
September 1995
Thursday, March 14, 2013
You wonder
who I am
what I'm
going to do...
but, if those things
are of concern to you,
you must have
done something
to feel I might
think that way.
September 1995
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
She blames him for
everything that has
happened to her,
and when he resists
her comments, she says he has changed;
it is always
someone else,
never her,
and no one is ever sure
how long it will
last that way;
so, more and more
time is spent
away from home
and it seems a
pity to love like that.
September 1995
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
you attract men
of all ages
so when you say
your beauty
and your body
are nothing special,
I say to you,
"you're full of it."
September 1995
Monday, March 11, 2013
she was no more
mine than a strangers
which is how she wanted it,
not to belong to anyone
yet be taken care of,
and I knew after a
while that I did not
want something like that.
what am I
looking for
is the
that is
on my mind
of late,
there is a fear
of trying
and failing
and being
treated poorly
for what
I cannot do.
March 1999
Thursday, March 7, 2013
everything is ok and
I don't need to leave
but I worry that my
crying wolf will some
how get the best of me.
March 1999
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
there is a numbness
resting over me,
not exactly apathy but
not really motivated
to much of anything;
there is a marriage
in the balance
but very few feelings
left to save it...
a lifetime of the same,
repressions of feelings
like a time bomb inside,
a path of self-destruction
and my caretakers are
no more interested in me
than in the thousands
for which they care...
a resoluteness hangs
over me, a finality
from which I cannot
seem to break away.
March 1999
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Morning awoke in heat
and I sweated while shaving
but the hot coffee seemed
to equalize my body.