Thursday, April 30, 2015

Fetish Found

our first game is over
we pass each other
to change side;
a loud whack is heard
as my paddle hits your ass
and you look at me with
eyes of arousal;
after each game
we pass
and with each pass
another whack
another whack;
but, this time
there is a wet spot
clearly visible
without hesitation, I
bend you over the table...
while my left hand 
holds you down,
my right hand spanks;
lowered pant reveal
a longing
and a need
so easily fulfilled
as punishment of a 
sexual nature
allows you to release
all desires...
again and again and again.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015


in a posture of defiance,
you spread your legs wide;
your mound is clearly visible
and easily accessible for
the object of your delights;
but first,
violent whacks
on the butt
must ensue to
get the juices flowing...


Tuesday, April 28, 2015


in my fantasies
you are bent over
my desires and
spanked for not
obeying and...
as you well know,
tears are released
from the pain
and as they roll
down your thighs,
your orgasm(s)
are very near.


Monday, April 27, 2015


everywhere I look is
gray air of a non
transparent nature,
allowing me to see
only a few feet out
from any of my
carefully chosen
locations, giving me
a black perspective,
and I hope that it
will soon clear so I
can be more liberal
with my view today.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Conquering Condoms


an umbrella-like sky
     slips down to the 
          ground like the old
               fashion nanny about
                    which we read
                         as a child; but,
                              humble as it may be,
                                   it is menacing
                                        and foreboding
                                             as it darkens 
                                        all around us;
                                   clear cut paths have
                              vanished along with
                          the glee goggles
                     that kept us safe
                in the cocoon-like
          dark black environment;
gone are the safety protocols,
gone are the weekends on the lamb,
gone are the dancing girls,
gone are the dinners downtown;
          we have enlisted our souls
                    to survive all odds but
                              not our minds...   and the
                                        torment heightens anxiety
                                                  as we reach for the little
                                                            blue pill that will end it all.


Saturday, April 25, 2015


overrated independence
follows us around like a
blue tick hound as we decide
which freedom we will
exercise today, showing off
how easily we adore our
independence and
valuing what it means
to be decision free
and without the burden
of freedom of choice.


Friday, April 24, 2015


How would we defend ourselves
if they wanted to march against
our thoughts and our beliefs and
then challenge of ways of life as
we have done so often to them?

How indeed?

But, we pose not the question
since the answer would surprise
and we seem to love living in
our little valleys of ignorance.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Truth & Beauty

hidden behind alter egos,
is the soul of our thoughts,
carefully crafted to
filter out what we don't want
to believe or become;
we stand on unsupported principles
since all the others are wrong
because we are with degree
and so many others are not;
we are constantly rejuvenated
by the singularity of our beliefs
and the notion that nobody
really knows the whole truth;
we are unwavering in our
educational stupidities as we fail
to see knowledge as more than
just wearing our regalia;
we are bound by circumstance,
looking only for the effects
believing that the cause of wisdom
is understanding truth & beauty.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015


we are the known
and the unknowable;
the hunter
and the hunted;
the end of the beginning
and the beginning of the end;

we are not what we appear to be
and yet we are exactly that;
we split differences,
sneak up on arguments,
give more than we should
and take all that we can;
we are not unique
but distortions of it,
mutations of engineering
and genes spliced raw
like vegetables from the garden;
we are indescribably delicious
in many ways but sad
and pathetic in many others,
and the head on our shoulders
cannot really be inserted
anywhere else no matter
how hard we want it to be.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015


if you have a heartbeat
you have thoughts and
an opinion, and those
who naturally say it is
wrong or take themselves
way too seriously,
believing life is creation
over evolution, when
obviously it is both,
are stuck in the thoughts
of another as this is how
it has always been from
the very beginning...
knowledge has never
been excluded and never
seen as intertwined as
it has always been...
still, it has always been
up to us to make that
non-fatalistic connection.


Monday, April 20, 2015


a light malevolent breeze
washes over me whenever
I awake before the sun
and the creature becomes
the created when the
mental fragments lie and
distort the truth leaving
it more fragile than it
already apparently is;
but, the created creature
is you and I in drag and
all those who try to "be"
before they 'become,"
mock those who seriously
have something to say,
but...  freeze in the breeze at
the dawn of most new days.


Sunday, April 19, 2015


journey into time and space
with me and become
re-absorbed into the
fabric of space and into
the dominion of singularity;
a point of harmony
and equal distance
upon which
everything you know
and want to know
has been based, including
that which to forget;
travel with me through the
infinite weekends of space-time,
or that which we call
our universal dimension,
discovering other dimensions
of uncertainty and doubt
that accelerate thoughts
to the end-of-time and beyond
expanding with the harmonics
of its edges, from which
there can be no returning
to that which is no longer there
as it becomes newly found
leaving all else behind...


Saturday, April 18, 2015


in the year(s) of our beginning
we were one and the same,
taking no more than was needed for survival;
but, gradually we evolved and
began to consume more and more
and in our greed and self-envy,
we destroyed our hope and salvation,
becoming worthless predators
no longer a species worth saving.


Friday, April 17, 2015


even though we must dwell in
separate chambers of the mind,
we are still strangers of the heart,
never agreeing to meet to discuss
any differences between us; but,
before, we were together somewhat
in our difference but time turned
in a different direction in the blink
of an eye and granite counter tops
of contempt sealed us forever
inside the dominion of each other.


Thursday, April 16, 2015


we are not the same
you and I,
we are different,
different as night and day,
black and white,,
male and female,
and we will be this way
you and I,
shy think any
when I die,
you die as well
and your terror over me
will end...
the victory
will be mine.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Following Instincts

we hide behind spiritual banners
not realizing they are just as
transparent as the actions we perform
that have nothing to do with beliefs;
mutually exclusive,

some might argue who are witnesses
to these "so called believers;" but,
what has that got to do with anything
when it is our life and ours only
that we control and should control
to follow our instincts, just as
they control their lives in order
that they might follow their instincts.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015


words bellow
out of my head's
faster than
out of my thoughts
as emotions
through my body
like bolts of
as indignation
wrong and evil doings
years ago
as if...
just woken up from
a deep sleep, I am,
and these
happen to be
my first memories.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Not Just Greys

shades of turmoil
and misunderstandings
roll down the stained
glass windows
of my mind like tears
for a child's funeral
whose life was cut
short by violence
and hatred caused by
inherited and righteous
just like mine...   and,
once these tears
start to flow, they
are bound by promise
not to stop until
resolutions are achieved.


Sunday, April 12, 2015

What About Women?

how handy is a handyman
if they were in a convenient
spot and what about all the
women who perform that
disappearance as well?
when do we ever see the
sign of "fast working men"
as we drive back and forth
or around the orange cones
and no signs at all about
either fast of slow women
who work there as well...
there is an inequality here,
within all our clans and
domiciles, preventing these
people from being heard
and yet we all want to stand
around and look as they
pass by in poetic verses.


Saturday, April 11, 2015


boats are loaded into a
sea of sky daily and those
of us who dream or
have delusions of dreaming, 
row these boats of joy 
through clouds and blue air
like ancient mariners
without deck hands to 
raise the sails; and, in 
their merriment, they defy
the rules of regular illusions,
not expecting to be seen by
those who renew subscriptions
or rental agreements for all 
the space that's being used.


Friday, April 10, 2015

Non Feral

lap dogs
and licking
have been
by lap cats
and purring,
the desire
is not daily
there is no
just action
to find
a location
the legs
or in the

no hesitation
standing up


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Temporary Blindness

there are no images
of the night,
in this darkness,
as in no stars;
no falling comets,
and no moon
can be seen,
so, we must feel
our way around
without out
guiding light dog.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Just Do It

ants unconditionally walk
behind their leader
mesmerized and focused
on the task ahead like
many of us do when
paid to work our
frustrations out
and like this mindless,
little, worker ants
perform over and over
without question,
believing that all our needs
will eventually be met.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Steroid Sleeplessness

short, fantasy-like stories have been passing
through my subconsciousness every quarter
hour like a stalker who cannot decide on prey;
eyes are not hurting or bloodshot or heavy or glazed over
like one who has not slept for days while hunger
has disappeared too quickly making no sense at all
as just the opposite it should be and on that
which we all know is not healthy and then it appears,
circus ponds forming at the edge of mental nothingness,
an existential view digressing into sitting on the
bench with Sartre and being transformed into
a meaningless Kafka like mutant fate; and yet, 
all these satirical themes hang from mental ceilings
as if providing decorative narratives for Senior Proms
in a Middle Eastern land where none of the rituals,
it would appear, were ever practiced once even;
divorced indifference practices Washington's Minuet
in powdered wigs and three cornered hats while
speculation perceives more documents signed;
stories of adults being adults in adulterous ways
manifest openly in my shallow mind this day
like a coincidence readies itself to be repeated
and presentation skills are practiced unwillingly;
racks of lamb hang in coveted galley galleries
waiting to be carved and served to frustrated
angry listeners who have yet to hear the completed
version of our their newly released thoughts;
bodily function difficulties are the last members
of the parade but the first to greet the morning
once their words have been written and all the
flavored coffee drowned like in the Boston Harbor;
but still, there was no sleep this night like before
when indulging too much on chemo and steroids.


Monday, April 6, 2015

Life Saver

ever so slowly,
one bead of liquid
at a time,
down the hollow tube
of Peruvian Plastic,
through the needle
and into my vein,
on the back of 
my hand,
taped down
to keep it in place,
as the toxins
slowly streams
into the blood stream
saving my


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Over Our Heads

 skies darken with
approaching rain,
and we are left in
clouds of humidity
waiting for the deluge
that never comes,
no matter
how many times
fears and tears
streak across our
countenances like
dust bowls in the mid west
during the peak of summer;
skies yield out good fortune
and steal away promises,
but they never betray the
mother that feeds them.


Saturday, April 4, 2015


before me
you stand
with a silk
in the light,
with your
by your side
your feet
slightly parted,
from the water
on your breasts
as erect
and your
suggests a
formal declaration
of anticipation.


Friday, April 3, 2015


 down the hallway
in the house
of my previous life
I walk,
with hesitation that,
which was not done
as it should have been;
and from,
this learning observation,
an awareness grows,
for the first time
myself, as I
was when I was before...
before the memory
of the hallway
in the house
of a previous life
was ever created.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Of Sorts

how much of me
is in you,
I wonder...
how much was I
able to
influence you,
I wonder...

my muses are seen
ever so easily,
but, you are
faint and distorted,
and could
easily disappear

I were to blow
on you;
there is always
a last time
that points
in the direction
in which
we say goodbye,
this too
I wonder...


Wednesday, April 1, 2015


a coolness penetrates the
virgin morning as if her
nightly tease was not enough
to hold back and we are
plunged head first into a new day,
filled with choices and diversions,
holding us down and back
and controlled once again,
until the night frees us from
our misguided ritualistic sins.
