Monday, February 29, 2016

Voids of Beconing

hearts of stone crack
crookedly over time,
yielding no residues,
save the gravel streets
they become and
are as necessary to
one's growth as are
those caring hearts

that bleed with each
insight leaving voids
in the hall of knowledge
that will escape the
keen eyes of all our
future visitors...  still,
both are warranted
if we are to become that
which we need to be.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Fading Away

satin colors
browns and blacks
fold into each other
as if "feathered in"
with an artist's brush,
but still distinct
to tell the difference
and feel they are
not the same
if, and only if,
our touch
were that gentle;
satin colors
steal the eyes
and we smile
at its victory
knowing in time
all will become one
and the same and
all too boring.


Saturday, February 27, 2016


this night
in the hand of
its owners
like no other
we must continue
as we have done
so many times before
until the dawn
is first sighted
on the
or perish
as we have done
so many times before
when dawn
arrived late
and we
were assimilated.


Friday, February 26, 2016


sexy and beautiful
is the night that
passes more quickly
than the rest,
leaving us sleepy
and a little uneasy,
as now exposed
to those who would
have their way and
to whom we obey,
finding solace in the
notion that charity
no longer despairs
but cherishes the dead
as if they were family.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dark Shadows

reflective darkness bears
the names of the dead, who
walk these streets before dawn,
looking for casualties that
have remained silent of what
was heard earlier when asleep
and dreaming those thoughts
given to us by them who
stand in all our dark shadows.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016


the morning light refuses
to penetrate the darkness
this day as we are duty
bound to reflect upon this
omen as one of the natural
courses of action by the
hands of unnaturalness,
and we see like we always
have seen in these our
final stages of entropy.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Always Hosting

dark mornings create
the enlightenment we
all seem to want these days,
but few are willing to
purge themselves from
the light that holds them
out-of-sight and
out-of-reach of the soul
which belong to devils;
burnt into their minds at
the moment of conception,
reaffirmed at birth,
extracted at rebirth...
but not completely,
leaving an insatiable
desire to find the host.


Monday, February 22, 2016


could it be
I wonder
the snow
we see
on the ground
is not white
at all but
a different color
that appears white
so we can
finally see
the difference?


Sunday, February 21, 2016

Left Behind

there can be no doubts at all
that what we had,
that what we felt and
experienced is no longer
enough to provide us both
with what we need,
leaving us little choice
for one to remain  behind,
who, will not just face the music,
but, who will write the
lyrics for our divorce as well.


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Just Visiting

the room spins one way
my thoughts another,
my eyes are fixed
and hear nothing
but the sound of pumping
and the surging of blood
into empty cavities...
the constant dripping of nerves
bends the soul and the
courage once felt is
sucked away by
the constant spinning...
emotions separate
the reconnect with my
dormant feelings,
more exposed than before,
and it all seems
so foolish...
so silly...
to make any room at all
available to these visitors.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Seeking Solutions

moments of silence
fall short
of expectations,
lies told and heard,
rumors passed along,
feelings hurt
or set aside to slumber,
and within
all of this nonsense
comes the silence,
the dark empty room
of one's thoughts,
where meaning and logic
are burned away
like sawdust
blows off with the wind,
and we
desperately seek out
leaving us with only
despair or anguish,
and the solitude
of anger that
goes nowhere ends up
inside us to manifest.


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Telling Lies

we live in a balanced world
as best as we can sometimes,
leaving open the door of
controversy that seems to
always be present when one
refuses to listen to both
sides of the tale in order to
fully comprehend the story
being told by each side so
that harmony is maintained
and our order is restored.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Knowing It

for it to happen
and it...
never does,
we continue to wait
and wait
life, as we know it
has passed us by
and we
as we knew ourselves
know us not
is not the waiting
that we
thought it would be,
we still believe

will  happen


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

One Sided

we live in a world
of one truth
that truth
belongs to one
not to both

it matters not
the subject
the crime
the circumstance
as much as
whose opinion 
more pronounced.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Just Aspects

this or that
is what we mainly do
these days
and what with
all the technology
at our disposal,
but, we rely
on that knowledge
we always seem to miss,
and the rather important
aspects of life actually
that we always
taken for granted.


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Remembering Us

Down through the sky of our
emotional relationship, hearts
fall in synchronous order down
to the ground level of our
feelings then bounce along the
currents of our daily feelings,
never once abandoning their
free floating nature or interest;
yet, always remain steadfast,
somehow escaping the noise,
the abandonment of self,
favoring unseen desperation
but always returning
and always believing that these
hearts will return ever so
relentlessly every year, and
remind us ever so carefully of
the undying love we have for
each other on Valentine's Day.


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Our Best Interests

determined, as we are at times,
there are forces beyond our control
preventing us from accomplishing
that which would like to do
as well as that which we would need to do
and when that happens,
we immediately fear that
it is some unseen force that has not
our best interests in its heart.


Friday, February 12, 2016


endless, are the games we play
with ourselves and others,
hoping to position ourselves
in the best possible light, when
surrounded by the darkness;
worthless, are the rewards we reap
from all our configurations and
tedious adjustments, yet priceless
it is that we perceive them all;
mindless, are the thoughts we have
once we have sacrificed ourselves,
overcoming all challenges, and
receive death with some dignity.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Once Upon

on our side once
was the law,
and justice was
blind as a bat,
but, with her
sight restored,
she dispenses truth
without protection
give birth to
hate and violence.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Life Inside

times lives on the inside
of our thoughts
traveling with us everywhere
never returning to
that moment before when
they were nonexistent;
time squeezes in between
and the life beyond
betrays the present one
leaving so many
hunches and speculations
that always seem to rely on
one's forgotten past.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Word Fall

blankets of snow outside
blankets of wool inside
warm and comfortable
thoughts on paper flow
to what end is not imagined
still it happens just as
the falling snow is the
falling of all my words.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Just In Case

there is no purpose
of a purpose
that has no purpose
and yet

purposes like these
in the land of the free;
more important to
have no purpose
than to have one or,
so it seems,
when mitigating
circumstances prevail;

we all look
to see what falls out.


Sunday, February 7, 2016


its beauty lies in its appearance
not in its accumulation at least
for those of us who must travel;
but, it is adored by children of
all ages who see it as a blessing
of sorts that allows them to play;
still, its clean-up is a pain and
even more so when it melts, but,
it does appear to be arriving here
once or twice this year, whether
we like that fact or not it seems.


Saturday, February 6, 2016


there is no art associated
with being alone, as it is
just something that one does
because one has to do it,
and, after a while, it is just
as natural as being with
someone, especially if and
when that someone is
someone with whom you
do not really want to be.


Friday, February 5, 2016

Time Once Upon

time is not immediate
even though it flows
as if it is sometimes...
time in constant, consistent,
and reliably repeatable,
moving through space,
going nowhere in particular
but always moving forward
or so it seems to the rest of us,
at least, from time-to-time
it does, as we make time
to take time to ponder
the characteristics of time,
since it, for the most part,
has no personalities of
which anyone has,
over time spoken about.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Always Ticking About

there is an alarm in my mind
that always seems to awake me
just before my mechanical alarm
has been programmed to do
the night before and while I do
not understand why it is this way,
I do know that I could have still
been alive if I had not decided
to purchase that damn clock.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

So Far So Close

rub your closed eyes as if
you were rubbing that lamp
and stream away with me as
if we were some kind of feed
to those lands of the mind,
ever so far away, but
ever so close to find...  and,
let's spend a brief lifetime there
if we can, while sleeping and
discovering all the realities
of all those yesterdays that
we so carelessly lived because
we were to young and too
innocent to understand why.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Cold Spells

the coldness of winter is the
dead, freezing kind this year
as the skies twist and turn grey
and the ground hardens its grasp;
sounds of the winds blow
through and around it all,
chilling all prospects of life,
while some of us less fortunate
remain all to warm and free.


Monday, February 1, 2016

Sickness Heals

beyond the pain of sickness,
is the pain of life,
and beyond that
is the pain of birth
over which we
exercise no control until
our first breath, then,

death is our master,
allowing us to live
as long as he can or
until he needs us to return
home to his graces.
