Thursday, March 31, 2016

Contoured Conveyance

We give each other the appearance
of happiness,
but, what we feel inside is not
happiness at all;
we cling to the outer rim of thoughts
when desperate,
While acting ourselves when life seems
to go our way,
and we see no discrepancies at all in
that process,
no matter how futile and ridiculous
it appears to others,
as we see nothing but ourselves in
our mental way,
and perceive that not to be an obstacle
at all anymore.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016


In the middle of it all,

we lay down like sheep,

waiting for the end of it all

that never seems to arrive

as we had hoped for, so,

we expect neighbors

and their neighbors to

help us even more since

we have counted so much

on our lack of faith again.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Our veins burn with subtle
irritation as the poison
passes through them and
into our bodies to find the
source and eliminate its growth
but all too often it eliminates
that which is good and true
and we pay the price and
become inundated with the
holy rice of illness as if we
were bride and groom and
this had become our vows
and our final marriage as we
join that which always was.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Just Rewards

Amongst us lives the good and in between 

those spaces are the hollow lies of truth,

and all around the two of them is the evil

that so easily submits us into perpetration

and we so easily follow as if dogs on leashes

hoping to be rewarded for our journey and

at our journey's end, but we are instead

caged in the minds of all others who, like us,

did his biding and were rewarded with life.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Falling Into Us

Filled with grey and
streaks of white, it
appears to hover all
around us instead of
floating as one might
have assumed it would;
still, we cannot plan
to consume any of it,
until is leaves our space
and until we know it
to be as true as rain
that seems to follow
us this day since light,
knowing not its purpose
nor its conclusion, we
lift our eyes upwards
watching it fall ever so
lightly right into us.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Evil Unites Us

Across the river Styx
we came in boats
made of the memories of doubts
and with us brought
the hope of desolation
that it might be resolved
by he who
made the river flow strong
that we would strengthen
our resolve and
encourage life to return
to those from whom
it was taken so early on;
but, our passage is corrupted
by rising tides and currents
and our fragile boats
dissolve into time and space
and we sift through the
atmosphere like spirits
who bodies died again
in the river of end times.

Friday, March 25, 2016

This is How

On the wall
photos framed
of the past
that we
for some reason
want to keep
as if they were
all good,
and the ones
were bad were
because they
were not encased
in frames;
and yet, they
live inside us
rotting away at
our souls,
forsaken all,
forever, but
not so easily as
that since they
are us too
and that way
will be always.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


it is customary
to give thanks
to those
and for those
who might have
taken part
in our recovery;
but, what if,
who were there,
had done
and had been
the reason
for the recovery
in the first place,
there is no

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Our Beast

This beast we call life betrays
and delays all that is holy in
our thoughts and deeds, and
we ride it carelessly whenever
we can hoping the more it is
touched the better are our
chances for us to tame it and
conquer our life within, but
there is nothing without the
beast that is worth living.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Touch me again where you
are not supposed to touch,
and let me feel the passion
that erupts and runs through
me like electrical current
runs through the house that
hides what we do inside.

Monday, March 21, 2016


Outside is all the noise
with which we must deal
on a regular basis; but,
inside in a feeling of
surrounding grace and
the love that can only
be given to those who
have no love to give
in return as that love
has been consumed by
the outside noise and
replaced by emptiness.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


It was just a feeling
a desire gone cold,
but a reoccurring one at that
and one that
could not be told to
not even to myself,
and I wondered how I would
cope with all the doubt
and uncertainty
and need to explore;
still, no one could be found
or wanted to be found
or perhaps too picky
I was but needed to be
or so I thought a dozen times
or more in the middle of
another sleepless night,
as it raged and rumbled
inside like some
caged beast
that needed something
it did not know itself.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Last Truth

Up and down the halls they run
and from room-to-room
in an effortless quest to find
that which they do not see
but perhaps smell or maybe
it is they they sense something
is somewhere to be found,
neither they,
these thoughts of mine,
nor I know for sure...
all we know is that we must run
back and forth and up and down
and in so doing,
it will be revealed,
but it seems to be that all we
are doing is making ourselves
more tired than when we began
and there is nothing to be found
not today or any day or at any
time during our lifetime, and
no fear is this of mine but
the truth being told at last.

Friday, March 18, 2016


I think of you often
my lover of whom
I will never meet
and never share
any of my life that

I feel this night or
any other night, as
my fantasies are all
just fantasies and
there is no one with
whom I have touched
or will have been
touched by... and, I
know this to be the
way it will be for me
the rest of my days
and the rest of my
evening and the
rest of my thoughts
will always try to
convince me, I
suppose differently
as it gives me
purpose and a soft
reason to keep on
trying when I
know all is lost.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Within the boundaries of self control
taught at a ever so early age,
we laughingly forsake our teachings
as losing one's control of self
is a pleasure beyond compare,
save that of being with another person,
whether male or female,
as it makes little difference to what
is experienced and shared,
even though others say otherwise,
we that practice know differently,
and we are the ones who are
putting our feelings on the line to
share those bodies of intimacies.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


We more often than not visit
the shores of our imagination
even when the tide is in as it
has become a place of mutual
salvation and recovery for all
that we have accomplished
during those times when our
dreams were not in control
and we had to act out as a
result of our own impulses
of desires that we had so
long tried to control on our
own without the need for a
sanctuary in which to hide.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


My sun shines just as brightly
during the winter months as
it does during the summer ones
but for some reason I feel more
warmed during the months
that are cold rather than warm,
and I fear my body betrays my
sensibilities these days because
it clearly should be the other
way around since we are living
in a year long desert climate.

Monday, March 14, 2016


We follow no other footsteps
into our future, passing over
one obstacle after the other
and once we get to where we
perceive we want to be, a
look back reveals all the steps
that we took in the wrong
direction but that were still
necessary in order to bring
us to where we are today.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Our attention turns the
pages of the news
and the sponsors pay
handsomely for us
to be as we are,
persuaded, or so
they must believe;
evaluate, we do those
words and all their
implications and
just like our predecessors,
and those before them,
we smile casually,
drink our coffees,
eat our toast and eggs,
and proceed just as all
our attention indicates.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

So Easily

Upon the ground
leaves fall willingly
or so it seems,
and we rake up
piles of them
each year, hoping
our fall task is done,
yet, those dead ideas
were the hopes
of all those who
came before
and did as we did
and nothing more,
and still,
the leaves fell
and were raked
as they were
and should not
have been done as
easily as it was.

Friday, March 11, 2016


The early morning hides a

darkness inside my head,

reaching for clarity

each day and finding little;

in and out and back again

like the ocean tide

against the Eastern shore

my thoughts are,

little by little

encroaching inland

if and when

they might be allowed;

the days pass by

mostly unnoticed

sometimes heard but

not response is found

or even recorded

other than the beating

of a heart that

should not be so strong

and a will that

should not be so long

and a mind that

was damaged long ago.


Thursday, March 10, 2016


Inside the vast majority of silence
lies the minority of speaking out
the injustice the world must endures
we sleep secure in that knowledge
holding each other whole harmless
in the agreements of our peers and
those who would be our leaders
and those who should be our saints
but more human than anticipated
were they when it came time to
let it all be forgotten once again.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Two Cents

victims morn the tragedy
the world continues
we lie and cheat and steal
making nothing right
but the process continues
we continue
we strive unknowingly
for goodness
yet the evil continues
along with the day
and we see it
for all it is worth
and would rather return
a pop bottle for two cents.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Our world delivers
our small children
to be slaughtered
at the hands of adults
once disciplined
and taught and standing by,
we do as we always
have done here,
preach our gospels
spread our prayers
around this wasteland,
our home
away from home,
hoping for discovery
and recovery of
all our sins and
nothing ever changes
not even the
sin of goodness
can be forgiven here.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Life Tree

my crime was
no crime at all
it was accomplished
by your thoughts
and not just
my hands,
as you would
want them
to believe,
and so,
I take my own,
you will take
yours and
the knowledge
of our
actions will die
at the foot
to this
Life Tree.


Sunday, March 6, 2016


life works
if and
it is
like pizza
only a
of toppings
along with
and sauce
it is
to digest
next day.


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Time Lines

drawn in the sand of time

is not the usual straight line

over which I have crossed

many times, but a curved one

indicating that life on the

other side is not all that

different than what we

all thought it might be.


Friday, March 4, 2016

Twisted Twice

free advice flows like
tap water in a coffee
shoppe where flavors
drip and drop into the
nearest Expresso cup like
ripe raisins from a vine,
twisted twice as much
as necessary to extract
the best flavors possible
but never with what is said.


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Classical Spirits

reflections in the glass
of yesterday allows me to
see quite clearly the sins
of those who now lay dead
at the feet of my thoughts
that crumbled down around me
because nothing can ever
replace hope in the mind
of those who search for
knowledge and find themselves
in a book of classical spirits.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Last Straw

a blanket of grace covers
my bed of distrust in
which I lay myself down,
and as my fears abate
something from within
releases me...   and, a new
freedom washes over the
entire history of my thoughts
as a forgetfulness dries
all eyes of doubt, warming
my last breath of life.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Reluctant Dawn

a dark blue translucent dawn has
become the curtain for the day
and we must await its dawning;
if it were to be sooner than later,
many would be grateful,
but, many would not, I fear;
dawn dickers around too much
with its receding shadows,
even though it will soon have none,
except those created by the sun,
whose path is steady and consistent.
