Thursday, August 31, 2017

Growing Up

through the windows
of our mind,
thoughts flow in and
we are enlightened,
and from this knowledge
we build monuments
to those who stood in
our way as a reminder
of who we need to hate.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017


life is a battlefield
full of landmines,
if one knows where
to look and where
not to step and the
closest ones are the
most deadly ones.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017


from the heavens
we receive our
longing and from
death we receive
our disappointments.


Monday, August 28, 2017


hangs in the great hallway
of the mind,
waiting to be heard,
but all thoughts have
fled to other sides;

lives within the margins
on the pages of dreams
written down for
all to read if and
when they so desire;

season of mental pots of stew
as we remove our humility
from the stove and serve it
to our enemies in the
hopes that they will choke;

guards us when we sleep
in order for our dreams
    to emerge on the
    other side of the day
    leaving us vocal in death.


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Stepping Out

a harmony of sorts
greets us each day
when we step into
the sunlight, but
on those days where
no sun exists, we
must pretend as if
one does and step
out into it anyway.


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Grave Concern

dense fog covers the view
as far as the eyes can see,
with an early morning
temperature of sixty and
humidity pegged at one hundred,
drowns out the stillness of all,
yet, there is life flying and
running everywhere, as
they try to escape their
feelings of grave concern


Friday, August 25, 2017


the rectangular pools sits
in between the two houses
like an enlarged hyphen
as if one of these homes
was an after-thought;
and yet, one end is deeper
than the other as if
intended all along, leaving
the viewer to conjecture it is
the shallow end that points
to the head of the household
while the deeper end is
reserved only for those
brave souls who see no
depth of field at all once the
doors to their dwellings are
closed and they walk around
the rectangular pool to the
other side rather than through
its cool location as intended.

June 2017

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Summer Endurance

humidity along with sun
forces it way down
onto the day
that had begun
so damn pleasantly,
according to the same sun,
only a little while ago;
and those, who are
under umbrellas,
know no difference,
in what they believe
to be true
as to how it all started,
since for them,
under the sun,
in this location,
is going to be filled
with lots of humidity;
and, even if
they knew that before
arriving here,
they still
would have come
and endured
the high humidity
along with the sun.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017


from inside the house
and through the window
light appears
on the floor
beside the chair
in which he sits
and wonders if
today is the day
for which
he has been waiting
all these years
if it is
then she
the angel of death
will appear momentarily
and his life as he
had just remember it
will finally be over
all his critics
namely his family
will finally receive what
they had been waiting for
and justice
from their standpoint
will have
finally been served.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

From Home

eight trees from a distant past
in an arc have been planted and
eight years later have grown to
the height that was intended
with bursting boughs of white
magnolias all over are spread,
as was intended from the start,
but the circumstances of their
meaning have changed slightly
and no more are appreciated by
by those who they were given.


Monday, August 21, 2017

A Birthday Poem

Beyond the glimmer of life is
the friendship of love and the
sharing that is received as the
passing of years are celebrated
and pleasure is felt knowing
you are with the one with whom
you need to be and when all
is said and done, a birthday is
just another birthday until is
experienced this right way;
hearts, souls, and minds are
joined in such a way as to
form a protective barrier
around the life we live, seeing
life as it needs to be seen
on this special day... and
when, there are many, many
more as there should be, they
will always be next in line
to the day we shared today,
and the memories that this
day gave to all of us who are
now in your life forever.

12 May17

Sunday, August 20, 2017

More of the Same

the first three months of
every year are relatively
months of endless cold
or so it seems...  until,
the next two appear and
soon disappear, ushering in
months of relative warmth;
then, there is the transition
month of September followed
by three months of ever so
slow cooling warmth and
the we start all over again,
leaving our bodies tastelessly
composed in normalcy and
desiring nothing in return
but more of the same and
more of the same we get.


Saturday, August 19, 2017


I am now the age of the year I
first got married and seriously
wonder if there is any meaning
to that realization...   when I
see a magical balloon in the sky
and forget all about my wondering
as my mind wanders off into
another direction like a cat.


Friday, August 18, 2017

A Morning Death

still blows the wind,
calm waters breathe,
mended fences replace,
grilled steaks served
with zucchini and
Southern sauces;
coffee, tea, or whatever
you prefer is there
waiting for you,
and all you have to do
is sign on the line,
leaving all this behind
to someone else, who
will not be as kind as
you were before this
morning...  before
the wind blew calm.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Revisiting Youth

I am at a loss for words
either prose or poetry; the
reason for this disconnect
can be round in my
preoccupation for other
matters that do not concern
me at this time, but do
concern my spouse and
therein lies the source of
all my internal frustration;

a constant state of turmoil
is what marriage is for me,
as the two of us attempt to
as one since one attempts
more than the other; but,
this voluntarily changes
hands all of the time now;

two submissive types were
not meant to be together
since a need for dominance
must exist for the same but
entirely opposite reasons.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017


windows equally divided into twelfths
form the walls of my prison from which
there is no escape at least in this lifetime.
I suppose, whereas in the next one, there
will be no prison walls at all, only a
surreal form on non-existence that takes
us through the walls of doubt every day
and night or every night and day until
we dissolve into the mysteries of our
our existence as on our Creator knows.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017


life creeps upon you silently
like a cat after its wild prey,
sinister thoughts slide down
through the mind,
resting on the tongue
of an open mouth,
yawning out the night
preparing for the day where
light is bright and bold,
where fools don't live long,
and all the creatures
of the night have surrendered
their menacing words for
affirmations of love and
tentative acceptance.


Monday, August 14, 2017


to the manor born we are not
but live our lives anyway on
the street corners of the mind
and the alleys of conversations;
we are the children of the lessor
god whose narrative is not so
bold and must rely on handouts
since our parents were not
made of fool's gold or the like;
life for us is not as harsh as
it could be since we only exist
as a result of the guilt of the
wealthy who are never satisfied.


Sunday, August 13, 2017


time ages us all
some better than others,
youth mocks the old
with its crazy antics,
seniors laugh at youth
for their inexperience,
life blends us all
we live inside each other,
death is as welcome
as life when young,
but is seen in a 
light of desperation
when somewhat older.


Saturday, August 12, 2017

Thoughts of a Previous Day

where are we going
as a country,
as a people,
as a race of mixed people?

we have all we need and more
if we were to have a guardian...

life evolves once
it has been created and
given the ability to evolve...

science is never ignored, but,
it just does not explain everything...

there is an arrangement
that we all make with ourselves
so we can do what we want...

openness is a journey taken
by a few since most of us are
closed to mental expansions...

given the existence of life,
we are dead inside to change.


Friday, August 11, 2017


stakes in the air
hold up fences
that keep me in

and others out,
but which are in
need of repair
as the mind
decays with age
and no longer
has the ability to
levitate dreams.


Thursday, August 10, 2017


Monday morning blues
slow my breathing
as I turn this way or that
in my larger feather bed;
sleepless nights
humid conditions
and crying eyes with
no tears brings me home
each night by ten;
clouds in the sky and
clouds in the house
keep me satisfied.


Wednesday, August 9, 2017


my thoughts coincide
with yours and our
thoughts coincide
with others who have
similar persuasions,
but the vast majority
of thoughts see us
as rebels whose lives
are not worth living
and should not be
lived here, if it can
be stopped in time.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017


honor has no boundaries
sheds no tears and
talks to no one as it
identifies as its prisoners;
honor is glory and
glory is freedom and
freedom is what we all
who have no honor
always take for granted.


Monday, August 7, 2017


in from the west, the
clouds blow strong,
bringing us needed
rain and comfort;
saturated full,
our land is but the
rains persist as we
become fish in ponds
of grass and clay;
curtains blow in our
faces as the winds
pour thru windows,
spilling into our house,
disturbing the silence
and our right to a
little bit of privacy.


Sunday, August 6, 2017


off in the distance
but not too far,
bells toll the hour
but not the weather
and we are left to
our own devices
since here in the
valley it can all
change so quickly.


Saturday, August 5, 2017


worlds of thoughts
have no boarders
no limitations,
goes where it wants to
stopping when complete
or has disappeared
yet, it always returns
in some form
when it's requested.


Friday, August 4, 2017


crime and forgiveness
live in the same room,
sleep in the same bed,
dress in the same clothes,
but, we as citizens treat
them differently looking
past it all to see only that
which we want to see.


Thursday, August 3, 2017


blanket approvals go a
long way to getting things
done or assigning blame,
but that is the wicked
world in which we live
these days as the see-saw
of life balances no more.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Just Before

it is not surprising
nor is it foolish to
want to see where
one is going when
one's asleep and
entering a world of
dreams where life
changes and neither
good nor bad seem
to exist at all anymore.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017


the noise of the blades
revolving around in
their cage keeps me
cool but awake
long into the morning
when sleep finally
overcomes and delicious
dreams take me into a
world from which I may
never return again.
