Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Freshly ­­­Started

we turn our attention to summer

leaving spring behind and forgetting

winter altogether as well we should;

life begins in warm weather as

cold is left for dead and dying souls

and we have been freshly started;

for a few months, we have the

advantage of both the day and

the night but soon over it will be;

then, fate our destiny rests for we

are the ones who have altered

time and space once again here.



morning is a figment of my imagination

or, at least that is what it seems to be,

since my thoughts have been stolen by

the very aspect of old age, leaving me

with a presumption of innocence from

not being able to protect them so well.


Cat’s Tail

a cat’s tail lays across the floor, its

head points in an opposite direction

and we have left to wonder why it

is the way it is and not some

other way since we arrived in

this new dimension, adjusting

when we can to these illusions

of life being another way from

what it is when we are asleep.


Only Moments

how many years have I wondered in and out

of someone mind just so I could hide from

my responsibilities and obligations, given to

me at the time of my death and only retrievable

the moment of my rebirth into your new world,

forever losing my individuality and all of that

which made me who I was to oppose you and

and your insatiable need to control my life.


forever and a

day passes us by hoping

for something newer.


begin with the end

in mind and your rewards shall

be ever after.



night clings to the darkness

darkness clings to the sight

of something new and bold

while preventing the innocence

of light from contradicting

night’s source, leaving the

blight to continue until a

new dawn is fully announced.



on the edge of controversy do

we live our lives in fulfillment,

seeing only that which we wish

to see, while ignoring all the rest

of what we do not understand

nor want to understand, since

awareness is the quickest way

to death and death is the only

means by which we can escape

the appreciation of fulfillment.



there is no cost with doing business

with the devil if one believes that one

or more of them do not exist in this

sector of the mind even though it is

debated on Sundays and afterwards

when eating potluck meals on the

grounds when the weather permits

and those who bring the food are

willing to provide it voluntarily.



in the heart of circumstance lies contradiction

and facts not in evidence are merely conjecture

that has outgrown its purpose in providing the

truth to those who do not want to hear it at all;

we are ruthless in our abandonment of the

ideals on which truth was built and displayed

for all to see and witness as it became the

cornerstone of violence and put an end to the

peaceful methodologies of debate and arguing.


controversy lies

deep in the heart of hateful

feelings and disgust.


ordinary is

all we ever asked to be

when not sleeping sound.



within the fold of the conscious lies

the unconscious territories of the mind

where limitations alter the scope of

reality and provide defenseless modes

of comparison to reconcile that which

is seen with that which is imagined

hoping that reality will fall somewhere

within the two parameters of awareness

and the limitation of virtual realities.



we extend the arm of help to

who wish it to be so, leaving

those who have no interest in

alliances to fend for themselves,

living or dying makes no never-

mind to us nor was it ever meant

to be anything more than an

olive branch of continuation

with blackberries of deception.


Finally Alone

on the surface of the carpet lies a

foreign face that stares at me constantly

with no other intentions in mind

other than to disrupt my peace-of-mind

each morning that I sit in this seat,

so, I must amuse myself with the

possibility that if I change my seat

that the foreign face with disappear

from view and I will be left with the

sensation of finally being alone.



darkness prevails no matter how early I awake,

it is always the same…  the morning light is

nowhere to be seen and one can only conclude

that it has been stolen by the darkness and

kept in a place of concealment until the time

of its awakening, has been determined and we

must sleep patiently for that time to arrive or

awaken early and not be in possession of clear

senses which is the black curse of the night.


All I Ask

a chair with a good back

a bed with a firm mattress

a house with a protective roof and walls

and enough money to live simply

is all i ask these days…

except for a pen and paper with which to write my thoughts;

and, of course, a mind from which these thoughts must develop,

but, do I want or need a companion?

Of this, I am uncertain,

and yet, one has been with me all my life

…so, what would i do without

and how would I manage?

but, this is how it’s been and this

Is how it must be…


Seeing is Believing

What do you see in the mornings when you arise my friend?

Is it that which you would like or tolerate once the makeup is removed?

Is it that which you would allow others to see?

How desperate are you to or perhaps a better question would be to awaken?

And, as your day arrives and passes what did you do?

What did you accomplish…  that might cause you to awaken tomorrow?

You live on borrowed time my friend and do not see it or if you did would admit it…

And yet, it is here with you every day,

Every day you awake and journey to the same mirror to acknowledge who you are.

As funny as it may seem to you…  but, when you see you believe.



how silly i am to wonder

as i do these mornings

when alone with my cats

i ponder the universe

and my place within it,

hoping to case purpose

and meaning to my existence

that, in my case, appears

to be a little misplaced;

still, we all have works to perform

people to meet and things

to accomplish resemble a

an answer to our pondering,

but still i wonder in a debating

playful way what it is precisely

for which i am here and available.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these lovely poems. They were so good to read on a beautiful Monday morning. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
    World of Animals
