Sunday, August 11, 2019


I sorry for not posting poems for a while.  Please let me explain.  Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer and have been enduring chemo treatments on a monthly sometimes bimonthly basis.  Needless to say, this constant barrage of inserting toxins into my body has left me with a low immunity system, constant fatigue, daily nausea, and on-going flu-like symptoms.

Ten years ago, I suffered a severe heart attack that should have killed me outright had it not been for my extremely healthy body that had created hundreds of tiny vessels that created my own internal bypass.  My Surgical Cardiologist wanted to perform a triple bypass because my LAD was 100% blocked and the two other major arteries on the left side of the heart were blocked 90%, but I located a Surgical Cardiologist who cleaned out my arteries and after 12 months and 3 heart surgeries, 5 stints had been inserted.

Six years ago, a Melanoma was cut off the bottom of my left foot.  Apparently, some of the chemo toxins that had been given to me (Cytoxin & Fludara) have a history of changing the body to make it susceptible to attract Melanoma.

Eighteen months ago, that Melanoma migrated to my groin in a very aggressive fashion and because of the extensiveness of the Melanoma and its location, surgical removal was not possible; therefore, my only other alternative was radiation along with immunotherapy; so, along with my monthly chemo infusions, I was now having monthly immuno infusions of Opdivo & Yervoy.

According to the research (largely conducted by MD Anderson in Texas), the best approach for someone in my condition was Opdivo along with intense Radiation.  And so, I went through 6 highly concentrated doses of Radiation lasting about 30-40 minutes each.

My Oncologist was fighting Lymphoma and Melanoma and decided (again according to the research) that I should be on immunotherapy which now consisted of 2 Imbruvica pills daily.  These pills cost somewhere between $12,000 to $15,000 monthly with my costs being $3,000 monthly; however, I was able to receive a grant that has been paying my out-of-pocket costs.

Lucky me...

Six months ago, I discovered a rather large lump in my neck and when it was surgically removed, pathology informed my surgeon who informed me that it was Melanoma, but DEAD Melanoma...  so, the Opdivo/Radiation worked exactly as it was intended to work.

All of this...   this entire cancer journey so far has left me extremely fatigued and slightly depressed which has caused me to stop posting poems...  especially since my stats indicated that not many people were reading my poems.

Ironically, I started this poetry blog because I wanted to post my poems and I did not care if they were read or not...  I guess I really did not believe this after all.

Anyway, I am going to start publishing new poems soon...   so stay tuned and tell a friend if you don't mind...

Thanks for your patience

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