Sunday, August 30, 2015

Scheduled Today

Corinthian porcelain tiles
in six inch squares lay
face up, head to toe and
left to right along the
rectangular floors on which
we walk with handbag totes
slung down from our

shoulders like European
Tourists on holiday...  and,
papers with coded remarked
instructions are held firmly
in our hands like priceless tickets
to a Dead concert without the pun,
retrieved by gay colored nurses
in off white and purple dresses,
who lead us to stand alone
recliners at the end of an
alcove where all new arrivals
were given rehearsed
trepidation and released on
the other side of the hall,
where all their lonesome fears
stood side-by-side and
alongside the  look-a-likes
of the notorious Mexican Cartel;
sitting down where others had sat
and regretting what others regretted,
thrust out vein-less arms across
which they were to cut, but,
decided to get an infusion instead,
serving only to make me later
than scheduled for my own.


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