Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Possessing the Repossessed

in the midst of despair,
I rip out my heart and
give it to the blue birds
upon which to feast
since they are living
in my back yard;
hummingbirds flew
around the house
a time or two
as they were instructed,
but soon, had to eat
to build up lost energy;
cardinals sang to other
cardinals as my thoughts
were hurled up and into
the sky by creditors as all
that I once owned, now
belongs to other souls.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Selling Off

colors fold into the
day like fruit into
bowls of yogurt,
never eaten as they

are appreciated and
staged for attention;
still on the palette
over time as artists
ponder the scenes
they want to paint,
with those
not on the list
being torn down
and resold to
at bargain
basement prices.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Taking Up The Cause

the killer awake at dawn and put his shooting
clothes on, NRA approved once fees received:
a breakfast of champions he had with a little
Irish Coffee too with powder sniffed up his nose;
after kissing his wife and family goodbye,
he drove to a prearranged site to have a
prearranged meeting with himself;
the killer was taken to the morgue
where his brain was removed and stored
and his wife was billed for services rendered;
twenty years hence, we recall not the event
as much as the memory of what went down,
as many others have taken up the cause.


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Death of Circumstance

a skylight of hope
 crashes to the ground 
alongside the 
funeral procession
as it marches 
to the grave,
to deposit the dead 
in deep holes
of affirmation;
the gathering crowd 
bears no resemblance 
to the dead, yet, 
they stand on corner
gawking like children
who saw 
more than they should;
with raised firearms, 
 scenarios are prepares
but no head 
for violence appears 
and a colorless 
day proceeds 
to the burial site.


Saturday, August 27, 2016


a wall of light
grayish blue color
appears in the sky
upon my awakening
as if I had no choice
in the selection today;
mind buoys sway
when thoughts surface
too quickly and no one
is around to capture
before disappearing;
rocker blockers live
within the abandoned
settlements of time's
linear movements as
nomads scavenge
for food left behind;
a wall of light is
diminished this day
but new ones are
provided as life
continues to be


Friday, August 26, 2016

Time Stems

time curls in different
directions as life bends
in the turbulence of its passing;
too far over or
too far under
it bends unnecessarily so...
sometimes, casting
doubts and spells few
can acknowledge; but as we
surround ourselves with
the incompetence of trying
to understand it all, we
become vulnerable to its
supposedly and 
inconsequential random 
omnipotent powers.


Thursday, August 25, 2016


the joy
within the joy
has become
less joyous
over time
as we
and lend
our feelings
to those
with whom
we have


Wednesday, August 24, 2016


life's side effects,
we terminate
that dance

through the night,
like bitches
on a leash,
their masters
did not have

such a
weak soul.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016


we stand at the opening
of a door and want in,
for some kind of attention
and recognition that
is always stuck,
it seems,
in the keyholes.


Monday, August 22, 2016

Bargains Made

our world
our bodies             for the good or bad
change                   but, they change regardless
                               and we
teasing                  accept those changes
with life                  by living
as we do
granting ourselves
when we have been


Sunday, August 21, 2016


hidden feelings
drip like honey
onto life's biscuits
and draw flies
before the first
bite taken, and
should serve as
a reminder not to
wait too long
when preparing
answers to those
complex questions.


Saturday, August 20, 2016


bricks in a fireplace
make me think of Poe
and all the screams
he created with
creative juxtaposition;
a master of
flawed reality,
he was,
leaving us
jumping to conclusions
as easily as
the deadliness of his
sadistic humor;
and, bound by
no creed of honor
from which we can speak,
too many lights
and shadows have been
created for us to return
to any semblance or
acceptance of normalcy.


Friday, August 19, 2016

Fall of Night

images of the death of Poseidon
permeate down through the
tar sands of the mind, hoping
to find solutions to the antiquated
thoughts and fixtures that hang
in suspended animation on the
ceramic tile ceiling of the mind's
rapidly deteriorating transit system;
fueled by necessity and creativity
and soaked in the rains of a better way,
winds of doubt and disbelief float
freely in the tangled words and
threads of an energetic moon light.


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Casting Nets

it is not time that has
forsaken me,
my own self...
it is not the control of
that I have felt,
my own limitations;
left to my own devices
have caste my
nets of blame
onto others
in the hopes of
using them to bait my
hooks of justification;
how criminal my
own fears seem to be
how pretty is
their indifference.


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Early Mornings Rise

light protrudes through the skylight like
some phallic symbol memory of the previous day
and... I am left wondering
sitting in my chair,
drinking my poorly made morning coffee,
why I even feel this way...
images of nonsense drift comically by
as I reach out to touch none of them in particular
hoping to refresh my memories a little,
sensing the delay might be from lack of sleep,
and... not enough properly made coffee,
now regretting the pods left at home;
filled with the tremors of a sleepless night
and bowels that hardly ever move in the light,
I am left speculating...
as to why not a more comfortable chair
was not found,
hoping to stimulate my performance
as it were of that
which could not be found
without proper mercy and forgiveness,
and all of that, which made me bitter
until so late in my days when
so little time is now afforded me.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Bidding Wars

the limits of life fall
to the ground sometime
after sunset when all the
parking lots are full of
owner's cars whose lives
revolve around being
paid to do one's bidding
as no bidding is allowed
in between the walls of
business, commerce and
various regulated banks.


Monday, August 15, 2016

Fruits of the Vine

we hid our mental fortunes
in the decadent climate of
the sixties, risking it all
only costing our future lives,
and, little did we know that
one day we would know
what we wanted was fine...
so misguided and stupid
we were that it gave birth
to a generation of classic
souls whose only desire in
life is to drink wine and
accept the status quo when
they can remember it.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Jupiter's Death

in the valley of misconduct
we board our private jets and
sail away to our private resorts,
located on our private islands,
situated in private areas of the seas,
so that others can be restricted,
but, when we die... we are all
lead to believe we go similarly.


Saturday, August 13, 2016

New Age Old

stone lays the foundation
of the fireplace,
rustic and quaint and
too old for modern tastes
as we have confined ourselves
to the new and brash,
unknowingly realizing
our own years will fall away
into the background or
into the boot of a Porsche
as our generation
drives off into the death
of its own event horizon.


Friday, August 12, 2016

The Color of Thought

hallucinations held captive in
lesser minds, live longer than
most who boast of deliverance,
rather than salvation, paying
tributes in ways we do not
understand or comprehend
when sitting in pews on Sundays;
still, we pray to the one and only
who is crafty as a box and we
sanction surrogates to keep
our lives from ruin, ironing out
the flaws that seem to always
get trapped in life's fabrics.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Delivering Dawn

fuzziness clouds judgement
reason on holiday
futile feeling lock our clarity
loneliness lives alone in
the hearts of the forsaken,
waiting to be buried
side-by-side their lost dreams,
and all we seem to care
about is whose turn it is to
take out the frigging garbage.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Lustful Living

shades of indifference
are pulled down
tight and secure,
we see nothing
know nothing, but
want everything
in a vain attempt
to be happy,
not understanding
that from
within it comes,
this happiness...

and is not a present
or a possession
but a state-of-mind
that can exist
and does exist
in all of us
and our environment
all the time; yet,
we foolishly seek
its counterpart,
hoping for some
kind of instant karma
that leaves us
rather empty instead.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016


currents of time
journey past us
like wind blowing
at the seashore,
as if on some
special mission
too important to
share with us
mere mortals
until it is time
for the truth to
be known and
that there is
nothing we can
do to stop it.


Monday, August 8, 2016


there is a rumor
going around
that life is not life
but just the
passing of time
in a strange land
in order that we
might have the right
memories when it
becomes our
time to die.


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Night's Middle

in the middle of these nights

when sleep evades my soul,

I sit at this machine and write

my heart out as if I were a fool

to be doing so at this hour, but

I do pursue this venture on

these nights as if possessed

by some passing fancy that

is my my purpose to record

these insane alliances of ideas

on this white paper that scorches

the light into my eyes in such

a way that closing them tight

still prevents sleep from

seeking me out like lovers

who fail to connect at bars.


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Fast Waters

through the fast waters
of life, we have sailed
the good life and then some,
I would have to say, but
on no shore did we land
did we remain to long
for fear of being entrenched
in its politics, and onward
we sailed on rough and
calm seas alike and all
the waters look alike
over time even those
the fish and catch was
never the same and never
sold at market for the same price;
still, we knew the day would
arrive, like the arrival of
the moon and stars,
blocking out our sun
on final time.


Friday, August 5, 2016


tormented souls
we all are,
us thieves, who
steal the thoughts
of others too
shallow to
record them themselves,
so, we are,
in a way,
duty bound,
to write and record
their futile attempts
at thoughts and words,
vaguely describing
their whereabouts
on those day
on which
the most importance
lies deep within
their minds,
but which refuses
to appear or
even reappear
if thought before
for fear of
being ridiculed.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

It Once Burned Bright

within the hollows of the night
illuminated sight restored
sharp eyes do I now have
to perceive the threat
consuming me with doubts...
so many restless doubts
that curb my appetite
for this life that burns so
brightly inside me...
or, at least once did,
and wondering why
it disappeared seems
ah... so pointless to finding
the proper way of
securing its restoration.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

This Night

this night like
so many nights before it
go sleepless,
victims all of steroids
given to prevent
that which is possible
due to chemo
but then...
there are meds as well
for this prevention,
still, this
double dipping dose
seems to be
the best overall
to cure what burns
inside me.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Inside Burning Outwardly

so many words are caught and trapped
inside the motivational bowels of my thoughts
and with each mental cramp, I fear another
one has been released upon which I must
respond or be forever doomed to receive no more;
and if, there were to be the case, have no idea
about what I would ever do these days of mine
that are sometimes spent away from words
and thoughts and feelings that ring so true
inside lofty sentiments that bear no name
or no resemblance to their authors, but which
flow like honey due down the thighs of time
in which I have cast myself these last few years.


Monday, August 1, 2016

Spirits Return Resources

the spirit of the mother and two
of the father but not as bright,
seek to bestow their secrets out
upon those who, like so many others,
who have come before them,
wish to know it all, but do not accept
the paid that must be paid for the
enlightened simulation of it all;
and all the freedoms foregone,
burnt at the feet of the false prophets
from whom prophetic words were
spoken or sung in Sunday rituals
inside stone monuments of doubt;
still, it was what we cast down
upon the earth to grow and when
it harvested not, we sought out
other mercies but none arrived
upon now our blessed mother.
