Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Sunset Fantasy

out from one room and into another
he walks with stealthy determination,
clad only in a bathrobe, his heart beats
wildly standing in the doorway; his
victim stands at the window gazing
out at the setting sun from his tenth
floor window...  without expecting
any company he is calm and sedate,
he shivers feeling the chill in the air
and the man standing in the doorway
has dropped his robe and moved in
behind him...  front meets back...
their bodies forge into one and he
feels hardness behind him as he lays
back his head, kissing the stranger
who had been expected...  his legs
widen their stance, allowing the
large organ in between his legs...
he reaches down and feels its head
rubbing around the liquid that had
leaked out...  two arms reach around
his waist, one to his belly and one 
to his chest, pinching his nipples as
the other one slides down his hairless
belly in search of his own engorged
manhood that is waiting patiently to
be stroked and massaged...  their
bodies gently sway from one side to
the other side, pushing forward then
pushing back in search of the rhythm
they both desire...  taking one last look
out the window at the sun as it just
about descends out of sight, he pushes
the other man back, bends over and
pulls his cheeks apart...  without any
hesitation, the stranger enters the
slippery opening and moves back
and forth until each are satisfied.

November 28, 2023

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