Sunday, December 31, 2023

Night Star Bright

floating through the universe they are
meandering between dark energy and
matter also dark illusiveness...
streaming orbs of light high in the sky
stand steady and silent guarding the
mysteries of the sky...   bound in an
orbit of gravity that keeps its balance,
different shapes and sizes they all be
from small to large, bending light
around their surfaces as if it is nothing
more than child's play...  rocks that
belonged to something larger millions
of years ago, now just seem to stare
aimlessly at each other wondering 
who will be the first to blink...
barren stars, reflecting light from our
distant past, letting us know how old
they really are...  and then there is one
that just seems to shine brighter than
all the others...  as if it is trying to 
snatch our attention away from all
the others...  an oddity of sorts but in
a spectacular way and when we do
notice our focus is diverted and we
are guided throughout the night by
its brightness and of its origin we
draw no conclusions other than 
other than deciding to make a wish.

December 24, 2023

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