Wednesday, May 22, 2024

St. Augustine, Florida Series - 2024

sounds from the waves wash 
over the sand, finding their way
up to my location - closer to the 
dunes than to the ocean I sit,
under a Coolibar umbrella not
too easy to carry a quarter mile;
wide tire trucks rumble by me
as if oblivious to my needs...
sunshine bears down on me like
helicopter parents while the
garment I wear reflect the heat;
a slight breeze blows cool
water in large quantities consumed
old people play the tourist game
a younger crowd surfs the waves,
children play in the sand while
their guardians read romance novels;
isolate from life's reality we are,
momentarily blinded by the source,
from here to eternity, water seen
same as the blue sky above,
heat...  more heat...
scurries around like lost lizards - 
fades into overcast as our chatter
leans back in our hearts - breathing
deeply, morning has come and gone,
no better off for its presence, we are.

May 18, 2024

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